Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

wait wait wait guys. You DO know that there is already a chain of restaurantrs out west called the Pink Taco right? I remember going to the one in Vegas like 12 years ago and the one in AZ recently but the new one in LA is under fire right now in a big way!
Here's why. What do you guys think of this? Just curious. I mean I think it's fucked up to paint an animal pink and parade him around like a jackass (pun intended) but at the same time most of the people screaming in outrage are still eating chicken and beef tacos etc and so on. It seems a tad hypocritical. I'm a vegitarian and yes I think it's fucked up but if you're going to boycott a restaurant that serves meat JUST because they painted a donkey and NOT because they serve slaughtered animals in the first place then it seems ...hmmm..ass backwards?

Nikki Nova
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I had no idea, but "Nikki's Pink Taco" is where the real money could be at. Provided you sign on of course. And jitna and I could sell those "I'm with who???" shirts there too.

But you are right about the hypocritical nature of the boycott. They don't seem to mind the use of meat in making the tacos though.

So are they mad because the donkey was dyed pink, or because the donkey had to stand outside in 90 degree heat. It sounds like they may have just found out what "pink taco" means and was looking for a reason to boycott. :dunno:

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

wait wait wait guys. You DO know that there is already a chain of restaurantrs out west called the Pink Taco right? I remember going to the one in Vegas like 12 years ago and the one in AZ recently but the new one in LA is under fire right now in a big way!
Here's why. What do you guys think of this? Just curious. I mean I think it's fucked up to paint an animal pink and parade him around like a jackass (pun intended) but at the same time most of the people screaming in outrage are still eating chicken and beef tacos etc and so on. It seems a tad hypocritical. I'm a vegitarian and yes I think it's fucked up but if you're going to boycott a restaurant that serves meat JUST because they painted a donkey and NOT because they serve slaughtered animals in the first place then it seems ...hmmm..ass backwards?

Nikki Nova
First part first, actually I thought I remembered there was already a chain called "The Pink Taco," but since I wasn't on my computer at the time & I was admittedly too lazy to Google, I went with "Nikki's Pink Taco" figuring that name wasn't already taken! Ha ha ha!

Second part second. It seems VERY hypocritical to me....yet so VERY typical. People who are willing to take a stand so long as they don't have to give up something in the process. Here, they are concerned about an animal being painted pink and forced to stand out in 90 degree heat, yet not about the systematic slaughter of animals? Why? Because they aren't willing to give up meat. I can't speak for the donkey & I don't know about you, BUT, I sure as Hell would rather be painted pink and forced to stand in 90 degree heat than I would to be (inhumanely) slaughtered and eaten!

Even before my heart attack, being that I tend to be a sensitive and caring person, eating meat nagged me when I thought about the animal that was slaughtered to provide that food for me.....which I didn't, and nobody really, need in the first place. Being an information junkie, I know a little bit about what animals are subjected to in the whole "processing" process. Cattle usually get a spike gun to the head. Chicken and turkeys get their heads chopped off (while they are alive), just to name a few. I REALLY detest hypocrites & I ALWAYS felt like a MAJOR hypocrite when I ate any type of meat. I always pictured a poor little chicken walking around one minute not bothering a soul & the next minute.....CHOP!!! Sadly, it took a heart attack to actually cause me to be truer to myself than I had been in the past.

Most people are totally they had an excuse. I on the other hand never really had one since I was a kid. So, the fact that it could bother me (when I thought about it), and yet I would continue eating.....made me VERY hypocritical too! Still nags me too when I think about it.

Ultimately, it takes a far bigger person to take a stand and to do what's right than it does to simply follow the herd! Sadly, too many people are simply followers!

Sooooooo, yeah, VERY hypocritical IMHO!

For the record, I grew up in the country......and, YES, I was that guy who actually swerved to avoid hitting animals when I was driving (I wouldn't wreck to avoid it, but if I could do safely, I would)! Not that this should be too surprising, there were plenty of dudes that I knew who actually were dicks and would go out of their way to hit something that darted out on the road (small animals of course.....NOT deer....that would mess their car/truck up!)! Even before my course work, I instinctively realized that that type of behavior spoke volumes about their true character!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

So are they mad because the donkey was dyed pink, or because the donkey had to stand outside in 90 degree heat. It sounds like they may have just found out what "pink taco" means and was looking for a reason to boycott. :dunno:
Actually, from what I have seen, most "animal rights" groups HATE coloring animals other colors. So, I'm sure it was dying the donkey pink that "upset" them first & the heat was extra fodder for their "anger". The name of the business, and it's slang meaning I am sure had no bearing on matters whatsoever. However, as I already stated, shouldn't the 1st tenet of animal rights be.....the right for the animal to live? Like I said, then "they" wouldn't be able to eat that fried chicken or hamburger! Most HATE taking a stand if that means that they have to sacrifice something!

So yeah.....HYPOCRITICAL (which, for the record, you also agreed)!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Actually, from what I have seen, most "animal rights" groups HATE coloring animals other colors. So, I'm sure it was dying the donkey pink that "upset" them first & the heat was extra fodder for their "anger". The name of the business, and it's slang meaning I am sure had no bearing on matters whatsoever. However, as I already stated, shouldn't the 1st tenet of animal rights be.....the right for the animal to live? Like I said, then "they" wouldn't be able to eat that fried chicken or hamburger! Most HATE taking a stand if that means that they have to sacrifice something!

So yeah.....HYPOCRITICAL (which, for the record, you also agreed)!

i would think the first tenet should be that the animal not be treated inhumanely

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i would think the first tenet should be that the animal not be treated inhumanely
Upon reflection.....I have to agree with you there! Treating them humanely to begin with would have to logically come first....even before the whole slaughtering them issue (which would come in 2nd? Though, it is an extension of the whole humane issue as a whole).

Now Ladies and Gentlemen......Mr. Conway Twitty
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Upon reflection.....I have to agree with you there! Treating them humanely to begin with would have to logically come first....even before the whole slaughtering them issue (which would come in 2nd?).

Now Ladies and Gentlemen......Mr. Conway Twitty

death is probably second. cant think of anything that should come before it. but even people who have no problem eating meat should want the animals to not be treated poorly and with as little pain as possible

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

death is probably second. cant think of anything that should come before it. but even people who have no problem eating meat should want the animals to not be treated poorly and with as little pain as possible
I totally agree with you. It shouldn't come as any surprise that people who take pleasure in treating animals poorly, and in extreme cases even torture them.....almost always move on to bigger things....namely humans. Check out the histories of virtually every serial killer....they almost all have backgrounds heavily laden with animal cruelty, usually at an early age.

I'm just one who puts all life on the same plane and believe killing is killing (regardless of the purpose behind it). No, this isn't an invitation to take the discussion to a debate on abortion....soooooo, guys, please don't go there (this is sooooo not the forum for that type of debate)! For the record though, I fully support abortion rights and the right for a woman to choose!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

speaking of pink tacos...


Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

speaking of pink tacos...

As appealing as that looks......I have to go/stick with Nikki's! Ha ha ha!

Now, regarding the looks like the Arizona location closed & I'm not sure that the original, at the Hard Rock in Vegas, is even part of the chain anymore. Per the official site for the "chain," there is only one location open, and that is at Century City Mall in LA. But, the Hard Rock location (the original, like I said) is still open....sooooo, one can only assume that it was sold, but retained the rights to the name? So, it appears that it is now a "chain" of one (with other openings "projected").
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Apart from Mexican, is Chinese, Indian, Thai and Asian style food popular in the States? either at restaurants or takeaway/takeout?

Asian style food is pretty popular down here in OZ, with Chinese the most popular l would guess.

l'm just a wee bit curious :)

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Apart from Mexican, is Chinese, Indian, Thai and Asian style food popular in the States? either at restaurants or takeaway/takeout?

Asian style food is pretty popular down here in OZ, with Chinese the most popular l would guess.

l'm just a wee bit curious :)
As "ethnic" foods go, I would say all are popular in the States to varying degrees. The larger the urban area, the more choices you will encounter. A major urban setting such as New York City (especially) or Los Angeles will obviously have virtually everything under the sun.

I would have to say that, BY FAR, the most popular types of "ethnic" food Stateside are Mexican, Italian, and Chinese (not necessarily in that order....but, I'd say they are close in popularity) based upon the number of restaurants anyway. Chinese is quite popular, though it is almost always an Americanized & FAR LESS healthy version (higher in sodium & fat) than traditional Chinese cuisine. It seems everywhere you turn, there is a Chinese take away or buffet! Many of the traditional "sit down" Chinese restaurants have gone "buffet" style now. (Cough it any wonder why my fellow Americans seem to be getting FATTER & FATTER? Ha ha ha!) Heck, even in the VERY RURAL county in which I grew up, there is now even a Chinese take away! Ha ha ha! When I was growing up, the most ethnic you would find was a pizzeria! Ha ha ha!

Hope that sheds a bit of light on the subject for you mate.

By the way, I'm actually only a hair away from falling below 200 pounds again for the 1st time in a little while! I believe I shall shed a tear or two when I look down at my scale and see the 1st digit is a 1! (which should happen within the week!). Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Since it is the day of The Kentucky Derby, and we've been discussing animals & animal cruelty.....I throw this question out there. What is everyone's thoughts on horse racing from a humane treatment of animals/horses stand point?

Personally, I'm not that big into horse racing....I'll watch the Derby....I mean it's only like 2 minutes....and I'll watch the other 2 big races if there is a horse in contention to win the recently elusive triple crown.....BUT, from an animal treatment standpoint....I guess one could say that I'm not exactly a "fan" of horse racing.

Just curious how everyone else feels on the subject.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

They're all very popular here and although jbs said especially New York..I disagree. They are very popular everywhere. It's just that you have more of them in big cities for the simple reason that you have more people in concentration in big cities and that goes for all big cities. I've lived in several and spent time in most. The bottom line Dazza is that Americans love to eat food....period. hahaha. You have such a variety of people here that of course there's so many different kinds of food. Variety is a wonderful thing.
Nikki Nova
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Apart from Mexican, is Chinese, Indian, Thai and Asian style food popular in the States? either at restaurants or takeaway/takeout?

Asian style food is pretty popular down here in OZ, with Chinese the most popular l would guess.

l'm just a wee bit curious :)


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend...
What are your plans?
Nikki Nova
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Two lovely nights with M'Lady, a relaxed no-work at all Saturday, some fine wine, some good eats and curling up in the Reading Chair to devour a novel (appropriately 'The Ginger Man' by JR Donlevy). :D
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey!...thanks everyone for the input on the different kinds of foods that are available in the states. It sounds very much like down here in OZ with all sorts of different styles and tastes to be eaten, which is good and allows us all to try something different and enjoy other countries cuisine.

l'm a bit like you jbs....l only watch the occasional horse race and don't get overly excited in the racing side of it at all...but there's plenty of folks who love horse racing.

Whats happening for me this weekend......Sat spent working a bit on the usual farm chores..and Sunday visiting my Mum as it's Mothers day down here:)

Wishing Nikki and you all a super weekend

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Just to clarify my statement about "especially New York..." regarding ethnic food...what I meant was that MAJOR cities...New York being the most major the U.S. has to offer...basically have EVERY type of ethnic food restaurant imaginable....where most cities would have some kind of voids. Then again, I admittedly do not seek out every type of ethnic food....sooooo, I don't REALLY know. Ha ha ha!

But, as Nikki said, as if the fact that we have such a problem with obesity in the States hasn't given us away....Americans just LOVE food....and mainly the UNHEALTHY variety!

Speaking of variety....Nikki is correct there also. This country really is a huge melting pot & that leads to a lot of variety! And as she said, that is a wonderful thing. Now if only more of our fellow Americans saw things that way! That is a conversation for another time and place. Ha ha ha!

Finally, I have no huge plans for the weekend. Early this week, I have something....but, given the occasional "weirdo," I'm going to keep that information publicly "classified"! No sense in advertising! Ha ha ha! Anyway, I'm getting prepared for my plans for the beginning of the week!
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