Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
As far as the "newbie" asking me if I have anything new coming out, as you all already know I try to keep everything exclusive to my website now and yes new stuff is on there every other day. I choose to focus on my website and my writing and art directing as the writing and art directing are the next stage of my life. Can't be "Nikki Nova" forever but that being said I have learned a lot by being Nikki Nova for so long. One thing that I have learned is that almost all of the shoots I do for others end up all over the net competing with my own site. Not worth it. I never really wanted to do "B" movies. I did a few early on and discovered that I didn't really care for it too much. They're pretty stupid and the pay isn't worth the rediculousness. I agreed to do the Busty Cops first few movies because one of my old friends was co-producing it and I did it because SHE wanted me too pure and simple. She left that production partnership and I haven't done one since and don't plan to. My focus is on other things pure and simple. Being as thought this question was asked by a "newbie" with one of the same fake names the person harassing me and giving me death threats on twitter has and one of our moderators "supadupafly" had to edit it and "clean up the last part" I am curious as to what he had to clean up and golly gee I wonder if it's the same person. I mean hmmm. Yeah let me ponder that perplexing one for a bit.
Nikki Nova
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As far as the "newbie" asking me if I have anything new coming out, as you all already know I try to keep everything exclusive to my website now and yes new stuff is on there every other day. I choose to focus on my website and my writing and art directing as the writing and art directing are the next stage of my life. Can't be "Nikki Nova" forever but that being said I have learned a lot by being Nikki Nova for so long. One thing that I have learned is that almost all of the shoots I do for others end up all over the net competing with my own site. Not worth it. I never really wanted to do "B" movies. I did a few early on and discovered that I didn't really care for it too much. They're pretty stupid and the pay isn't worth the rediculousness. I agreed to do the Busty Cops first few movies because one of my old friends was co-producing it and I did it because SHE wanted me too pure and simple. She left that production partnership and I haven't done one since and don't plan to. My focus is on other things pure and simple. Being as thought this question was asked by a "newbie" with one of the same fake names the person harassing me and giving me death threats on twitter has and one of our moderators "supadupafly" had to edit it and "clean up the last part" I am curious as to what he had to clean up and golly gee I wonder if it's the same person. I mean hmmm. Yeah let me ponder that perplexing one for a bit.
Nikki Nova
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