
Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

As far as the "newbie" asking me if I have anything new coming out, as you all already know I try to keep everything exclusive to my website now and yes new stuff is on there every other day. I choose to focus on my website and my writing and art directing as the writing and art directing are the next stage of my life. Can't be "Nikki Nova" forever but that being said I have learned a lot by being Nikki Nova for so long. One thing that I have learned is that almost all of the shoots I do for others end up all over the net competing with my own site. Not worth it. I never really wanted to do "B" movies. I did a few early on and discovered that I didn't really care for it too much. They're pretty stupid and the pay isn't worth the rediculousness. I agreed to do the Busty Cops first few movies because one of my old friends was co-producing it and I did it because SHE wanted me too pure and simple. She left that production partnership and I haven't done one since and don't plan to. My focus is on other things pure and simple. Being as thought this question was asked by a "newbie" with one of the same fake names the person harassing me and giving me death threats on twitter has and one of our moderators "supadupafly" had to edit it and "clean up the last part" I am curious as to what he had to clean up and golly gee I wonder if it's the same person. I mean hmmm. Yeah let me ponder that perplexing one for a bit.
Nikki Nova
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

oh my God! Bourbon tasted good to you as 4 years old???!!! Clearly you're from another planet. hahaha
Nikki Nova
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Not exactly. I joined a friend of my dad's out in the yard where he was drinking bourbon with beer chasers. My dad had to go in the house, and I started matching shot for shot without the chasers.

I don't remember much of anything from that day. Hahaha!


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I actually had to stop and think about this one for a minute. Hmm the 4th what I wondered? I then realized the date is the fourth and I felt kinda silly for not getting that one right away. haha.
And also with you good man.
Nikki Nova
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MayTheFourthBeWithYou, Nikki!


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok on that note I have a couple of pieces for the magazines with a deadline of tomorrow so I must get to writing and I can't even get to that until I finish the several appointments that I have today. I hope that you are all having an amazing day and Big Kisses to you (well most of you). Oh and plz excuse all of my typos. We all know I type faster than lightning and am the typo queen so I usually run back through and make corrections but today....haven't got the time. Big Love xoxoxoxox
Nikki Nova
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Wow. What a REMARKABLE co-incidence. As SOON as I pointed out the similarities of name and time frame of the fake ID's being created on twitter with death threats coming at me from the 4 ...or is it 5 different ID's all CLEARLY the same soon as I mentioned that on my thread they were all shut down. Isn't that also just oh so big of a co-incidence? I mean if they were in fact 4 or 5 different users why would they all just shut "happen" to shut their pages down at the same time?
Whoever this... "Joe Doe" really need to get a life. If you put even a FRACTION of the time you spend harassing and threatening me and other women into yourself, you would probably be a happier person in a better place in life. It is really a shame that even after so long you have nothing better to do with your time then this. Actually I guess I should say that it's a shame you haven't grown and matured enough as a person to yet realize that you are mostly hurting yourself with your behavior. If you are so intent on seeing me dead as you have expressed numerous times on twitter recently even calling yourself a "cuntkiller" and telling me to kill myself and to die already and of course there's the ever lovely comments on each page calling me a fucking cunt whore skank ugly fat old etc and so on then just do it already. I dare you to try ANYTHING to harm me. Every single thing you have done has been documented with not only the FBI agent that I talk to regularly but also by my attorney, law enforcment within my own family and if ANYTHING EVER happens to me your ass will be behind bars for the rest of your life. That I can assure you! Everything is documented. You can create and delete things on the net all you want but there are still screen grabs of what was there and ways of tracing things back to the source. At this point you'd probably better hope and PRAY that nothing happens to me because you're going to be the number one suspect no matter what.
End of discussion
Nikki Nova

As far as the "newbie" asking me if I have anything new coming out, as you all already know I try to keep everything exclusive to my website now and yes new stuff is on there every other day. I choose to focus on my website and my writing and art directing as the writing and art directing are the next stage of my life. Can't be "Nikki Nova" forever but that being said I have learned a lot by being Nikki Nova for so long. One thing that I have learned is that almost all of the shoots I do for others end up all over the net competing with my own site. Not worth it. I never really wanted to do "B" movies. I did a few early on and discovered that I didn't really care for it too much. They're pretty stupid and the pay isn't worth the rediculousness. I agreed to do the Busty Cops first few movies because one of my old friends was co-producing it and I did it because SHE wanted me too pure and simple. She left that production partnership and I haven't done one since and don't plan to. My focus is on other things pure and simple. Being as thought this question was asked by a "newbie" with one of the same fake names the person harassing me and giving me death threats on twitter has and one of our moderators "supadupafly" had to edit it and "clean up the last part" I am curious as to what he had to clean up and golly gee I wonder if it's the same person. I mean hmmm. Yeah let me ponder that perplexing one for a bit.
Nikki Nova
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AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Being as thought this question was asked by a "newbie" with one of the same fake names the person harassing me and giving me death threats on twitter has and one of our moderators "supadupafly" had to edit it and "clean up the last part" I am curious as to what he had to clean up and golly gee I wonder if it's the same person. I mean hmmm. Yeah let me ponder that perplexing one for a bit.

:ban::ban::ban: For life.

Or give me his IP address. I'll take it from there ....:D:D:D


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok on that note I have a couple of pieces for the magazines with a deadline of tomorrow so I must get to writing and I can't even get to that until I finish the several appointments that I have today. I hope that you are all having an amazing day and Big Kisses to you (well most of you). Oh and plz excuse all of my typos. We all know I type faster than lightning and am the typo queen so I usually run back through and make corrections but today....haven't got the time. Big Love xoxoxoxox
Nikki Nova
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Nikki, youre beautiful and we love you and thats all that matters. now get that stuff done and know youll have it all done well before the deadline comes


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Don't worry guys... I am watching over this thread and if there's people getting outta the way...

I keep the ban hammer handy ;)

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Awww. Thank you Jon. I agree with Vern though. PLEASE take care of yourself. I would be lost without my friend Jon. :(
Nikki Nova
As would I without my dear friend Nikki :( You bring out the best in me & you complete me....& I don't say that lightly! Just for you, I shall endeavor to follow your, Vern, Larss,'s advice!

Hey I know that restaurant!! hahaha
back at ya Jon
Small world! Ha ha ha!

Finally, in response to some recent posts, I'm sure everyone in here is sane enough to realize that doing "anything" to "him" is soooooo not worth it! However, should anything happen to Nikki, AND this is not a question and answer session....sooooo, please DON'T, Jon is going on a "road trip" to do a little "Doe" hunting & he definitely KNOWS where he is going! So, it would be WISE for "someone" to take that into consideration! And, I am fairly sure I won't be the only one!

Now, as a tribute to Casey Kasem......I'm sending out a few "long distance dedications"!

From Jon, and Nikki's many fans to the ever SPECIAL Nikki Nova:

Yes, it might be "kinda" cheesy, and yes it is from the 70's and all.....but can anyone think of a better song that conveys how we genuinely feel about Nikki! Spot on if you ask me!

Now from Jon and Nikki's MANY fans to "Joe Doe" A "Request" (To Do Society A FAVOR):

Given "Joe Doe's" penchant for the "macabre," I thing this one is self explanatory! By the way "hot-shots" (drugs term for all of you "squares" out there...ha ha ha!) are some pretty good shit dude! You've just got to try one! Trust me! You'll thank me later! Or "something" like that! One's all it takes dude!
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

^^^Forgot to add.....Just be thankful that I didn't go with Air Supply or something "dreadful" like that! Ha ha ha!

Oh yeah, and "Joe Doe," don't forget to ask your friendly neighborhood "dealer" for a "hot-shot" (REALLY good shit dude!)! You'll thank me later! Well, I'm sure someone will anyway! Ha ha ha! And don't forget to tell them that Jon sent you!


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Finally, in response to some recent posts, I'm sure everyone in here is sane enough to realize that doing "anything" to "him" is soooooo not worth it! However, should anything happen to Nikki, AND this is not a question and answer session....sooooo, please DON'T, Jon is going on a "road trip" to do a little "Doe" hunting & he definitely KNOWS where he is going! So, it would be WISE for "someone" to take that into consideration! And, I am fairly sure I won't be the only one!

I would advise going MOB handed. :hatsoff:

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Feliz Cinco de Mayo Nikki!!!


And now for the floor show!

Freddy Fender

Last But Not Least.....What would Cinco de Mayo be without A Mariachi Band

And no.....the selection was not a "coincidence" either!!! If you know a little Spanish'll get this joke! Ha ha ha!

Buenas noches y sueños dulces Nikki!!!
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

yesterday was star wars day, today is Cinco de Mayo, what's tomorrow?
Since Larss already went with Friday.....I guess I'll go with:

1. The name of an old late-nite show starring the late Tom Snyder that aired weeknights (except Fridays I believe) on NBC!


2. Seis de Mayo....AKA The 6th of May!

Busy day for me, sooooo, have a good one guys!

ps. Yesterday was "Star Wars Day"? :dunno:
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