Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i think the site might be malfunctioning (maybe bracing for impact from all the Nikki Nova fans ready to correct the horrible wrong done to her by not being in her rightful place, namely number 1). i tried again, since you can vote multiple times, and got the same thing. i then tried to vote for someone different (Sunny Leone) to see if that was the problem and got the same thing. hopefully itll start working again soon so we can get Nikki where she belongs
Thanks for the 411 as well as the confirmation. I tried everything I knew...different browsers....clearing the cache....trying to vote for others....and NOTHING worked. Always a blank page & the vote totals stayed the same. Soooooo, after about 30-45 minutes....and it getting later & LATER...I called it futile...figuring it was either I was doing something wrong, there was a glitch on my end.....or as appears to be the case....there was a glitch on "their" end. So, thanks for confirming that the glitch "appears" to be on their end & my unasked question about voting multiple times (which I thought you could do).

Anyway, I'm not leaving town until mid-afternoon, so I'll try again before I leave. And, knowing how much of a fan base Nikki has, and how much free time I "tend" to have these days.....I wouldn't at all be "surprised" to see Nikki shooting to the top of that list in the VERY near future! ;)

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Just to let everyone know...whatever the glitch was....they FINALLY got it corrected!

Sooooo, you can now go to the following link to cast your votes for Nikki & as jitna early & vote OFTEN!!!!!!!

Now I am leaving on my trip in a few hours....let's see how many votes I can cast in that time! Ha ha ha! She's up to 733 already! Can anyone say 1000? Ha ha ha! Thank God they only send a Tweet with the first is soooooooo fucking on right now!!!! Ha ha ha! Definitely over 1000 before I leave!!!!:). Let's work as a team guys!!!! She's 35 and CLIMBING!!!! SHIT, you can only vote 5 times per person per 30 minutes!:(. So the most I can add a day is 240!!!! So, like I said.....TEAMWORK!!!!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Just to let everyone know...whatever the glitch was....they FINALLY got it corrected!

Sooooo, you can now go to the following link to cast your votes for Nikki & as jitna early & vote OFTEN!!!!!!!

Now I am leaving on my trip in a few hours....let's see how many votes I can cast in that time! Ha ha ha! She's up to 733 already! Can anyone say 1000? Ha ha ha! Thank God they only send a Tweet with the first is soooooooo fucking on right now!!!! Ha ha ha! Definitely over 1000 before I leave!!!!:). Let's work as a team guys!!!! She's 35 and CLIMBING!!!! SHIT, you can only vote 5 times per person per 30 minutes!:(. So the most I can add a day is 240!!!! So, like I said.....TEAMWORK!!!!

shes at 32 now

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

shes at 32 now
That is correct sir!!! I misread it....I guess you can vote 4 times in 30 minutes. Though this half hour it left me vote 8 times!?!? :dunno: Anyway, we'll get her to the top on the recent voting list anyway!!! Some of the all-time vote counts blunt...."suspect" & well....just plain fucked up! Ha ha ha! Especially given the vote limit per 30 minutes and all!

Regardless.....we KNOW who is REALLY #1.....and that's what REALLY matters anyway!

With that, I bid everyone adieu as I have some things to get together so I can leave on my trip within the hour. Nikki....take care & have a wonderful week. Guys, you take care of yourselves and Nikki while I'm away & you guys have a wonderful week as well!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well it would appear that I have maxed out for today! Just learned that there is a max of 50 votes per day per person also! I'm at 50 for the day already! Dang! Now if we can get 4-5 others to max out today also....we'll have Nikki at 1000 votes!!! She is currently in 28th place with 792 votes & CLIMBING!!!!

Now, my "pit stop" is over....sooooo, good bye until Thursday!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well it would appear that I have maxed out for today! Just learned that there is a max of 50 votes per day per person also! I'm at 50 for the day already! Dang! Now if we can get 4-5 others to max out today also....we'll have Nikki at 1000 votes!!! She is currently in 28th place with 792 votes & CLIMBING!!!!

Now, my "pit stop" is over....sooooo, good bye until Thursday!

50 votes today? and i thought i did well with 4.

(Miss Vanilla DeVille was added recently. I was vote number 4)
Last edited:

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

50 votes today? and i thought i did well with 4.

(Miss Vanilla DeVille was added recently. I was vote number 4)
During some down time....heart's a racing....from New Orleans....A BRIEF cameo from my iPhone. Yep, I REALLY did vote 50 times today....and only for Nikki. Per the "rules" it said that you can vote 4 times per model per 30 minutes & only 50 times per model per 24 hour period. So, you could vote for any and/or every model 50 times a day. BUT, since Nikki was the only reason I voted in the first place, I voted for her the max of 50 today! HOWEVER, the system allowed me to vote on average 12 times per 30 minutes for some reason before it cut me off. THUS, I was basically able to cast 50 votes in around 2 1/2 hours!!!!! Currently Nikki is still in 28th place with 792 votes! Come on for Nikki early & often!!!! Ha ha ha!

Really feeling run down now....think I'm going to take a nap then head back out! Kinda calm and cool out, that's a good thing anyway....considering the day was HOT & STICKY! Ha ha ha!

Big love to you Nikki!!!!!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Live (at 4:45 AM) from the Business Center of Harrah's Hotel in Hot and STICKY New Orleans, I managed to get Nikki up to 828 votes....BUT, she is still in 27th.

A hint/secret to voting. When you vote....following each vote....quickly click on the back button on your browser & than click the "vote" link again. That way you can quickly vote again....and it doesn't stick you with the "4 votes every 30 minutes" restriction. The key is to follow these steps in a quick manner and continue until it "cuts you off". It WILL still restrict you to 50 votes per 24 hour period (per model & per person/Twitter account)....BUT, you will be able to get the votes in ALOT faster!

Guys, not that I have to tell most of you this......Keep showing Nikki the love & vote early and vote OFTEN!!! Ha ha ha! If I could pop in every 30 minutes to vote while I was busy getting ready to go out of town until I got to the 50 vote limit......given the "voting hint" that I provided....It shouldn't be hard for most of us to get 50 votes in a day....even if you have to spread it out more than I did. Even though I am on a "semi-vacation" I'm popping into the Business Center or getting on my iPhone today to make sure I cast another 50 votes for the ever LOVELY Nikki Nova!!!

I say a REASONABLE goal today should be getting Nikki to 1000 votes.....and given that she's ALREADY at 828 (thanks to me using my mom's Twitter account this morning....YES, my 74 year old mother had me create one for her.....BUT, she RARELY ever uses it....ha ha ha!) votes.....and we can count on me for 50-100 votes today....that should be VERY doable!!!!

UPDATE....I just got her up to 839 votes AND 26th place!!!!! Keep up the good work guys!!!!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

^^^Forgot to add.....given all that Nikki does and has done for us.....I don't believe it is asking too much of us to give a little back....even if it is "only" taking a little bit of time out of our days to cast a "mere" 50 votes for her! I mean....come on guys, she DESERVES that and soooooooo much more! I'm sure everyone would agrees with me!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Voted!! and now 25th and 850!
Great job as always who???!!!:)

Just voted some more. She's up to 861 votes now:)....BUT, she dipped back down to 26th place:(?

The 1000 vote plateau today for the ever LOVELY Nikki Nova.....come on guys I know we can do it!!!! I probably have about 60-75 more votes that I can cast.....sooooo, if the rest of you can pull off like 79-80 between you.....we'll pull it off!!!

On an unrelated note......heat, humidity, and heart trouble.......not exactly a pleasant combination! Ha ha ha! I HATED heat and humidity (even Pennsylvania was that way in the summer) before......BUT now......YEAH!!!!! It is supposed to cool off "slightly"....BUT, that isn't until something like Friday! UGHHHHH!!!!! Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

^^^^UPDATE: Just voted 11 more times.....872 votes now:)!!! AND 23rd Place!!!!!:)

Keep it up guys! I know you all LOVE Nikki too....let's keep showing her just how much!!!

Now, I believe I am going to get a shower and have breakfast. BUT, I am going to keep voting as much as I can throughout the day and I call on y'all to do the same!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Not to be Mr. Picky McBuzzkill III, but isn't all this multiple voting ... ya know, cheating?

I don't think it is. The site tells you to vote for whomever you want and as many times as you want, up to their daily limit. We are operating well within their rules.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Not to be Mr. Picky McBuzzkill III, but isn't all this multiple voting ... ya know, cheating?
ACTUALLY, no it isn't. It does allow you to vote up to 50 times per day per individual model. Now, I did find that the system allows you to get around the stupid 4 votes per 30 minutes....BUT, it does cut you off when you reach 50 in a day anyway. Also, the reason for the vote limit, as the site states, is to prevent "auto voting" (by bots) and not because of any concerns about "stuffing" the "ballot box"! Ok "stuffing" jokes please.....I believe that is Miss Hybrid's exclusive area! Ha ha ha!

Sooooooo, long story's not actually cheating as no more than the alloted votes are actually being cast. Now if we were creating new Twitter accounts so we could keep voting and voting.....then YEAH! Ha ha ha! But, we are keeping with the spirit of the rules as stated. Now, if you saw the all-time vote counts for some of the ones at the top......OVER 100,000 votes......CHEATING!?!?!? Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well....I got Nikki up to 879 votes and 23rd place before I maxed my mom's Twitter out too. Sooooo, I have to wait until later this afternoon before I can cast my 50 votes using my Twitter too! 1000 votes here we come!!!!