Just out of curiosity. Let's asume it's indeed a false flag op. Why would a government create an enormous and very complex false flag op (lots of people need to be kept quiet for the rest of their lives, creating fake documents, destroying proof, manipulating and controlling media, etc) while it would be so much easier to manipulate someone to do the real thing? The effect would be the same and it's sooooo much more controllable. Why are conspiracies always these incredible complex systems that leak like a sieve?
I'll try my best to answer that as best I can.
But 1st if anybody hasn't taken the time to look past what the mainstream media (which is all owned by the same handfull of people) is putting out and actually took the time to really look into the history of False Flags going back many many years then they really shouldn't even comment.
If they haven't took the time to look into the JFK assasanation, 9/11, Boston, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Paris, Brussels, Orlando, ect ect ect and simply take what mainstream media tells them as the Gospel then they deserve to be tricked and manipulated.
The answer is they do both. A false flag is where people do die like 9/11 and a Hoax is where nobody dies.
The problem with false flags is that the families of the actual victims don't go away. They want answers. It's not easy to silence or control family members who lost a wife, husband or child.
It's easy to manipulate a person to kill another for example the RFK assasanation. Sirhan Sirhan claims he has no recolection of what happened and I believe him. The CIA knows how to do this. You break a person down in every way then you mold them into what you want. Like what Ramsey did to Theon in GOT.
It's actually what they are doing to all of us with these events. 9/11 for example. Freak us out, scare the crap out of us, piss us off, traumatize us.....then give us the solution. In that case it was non stop war against Arab and African countries and theyre still not finished.
Hoaxes are easier. Nobody dies therefore no greiving families to deal with.
It is fact that everyday there are active drills which simulate the real thing. Shootings, accidents, plane crashes ect.
It is fact that there are companies like Crisis Cast and others who specialize in putting these drills together, right down to the actors and fake blood.
So it can be done, it is done all the time.
If you notice all these attacks since 9/11 follow the same basic format.
An event happens and almost immediately the entire media knows all the facts. The perpatrator(s) and his entire background, the motive, the amount of victims and many times the victims names.
In the case of 9/11 we knew before the buildings even went down that it was Osama in a cave and 19 arabs with box cutters who managed to divert the most heavily guarded airspace in the world.....and with nice close up face shots of all of them for our veiwing pleasure.
Understand the media works hand in hand with the Government and the CIA. They are the same thing. It's nothing more than a propaganda machine designed to control outr thoughts and emotions. If we actually had real journalists in an unbiased , uncompromised media they would be asking the same questions I am. The world would be a very different place.
Next comes the witnesses and family members immediately. Even though there may be dozens or hundreds the media focuses on just a few.
They almost always describe what must have been a horrifying, seriously traumatizing ordeal very calmly and emotionless even smiling at times.
This is not how people act after witnessing carnage or losing a child unless they are complete sociopaths.
The Agenda usually starts coming out at this point. In the case of Sandy Hook and Orlando victims families and witnesses immediately start talking about gun control very specifically.
That defies reality. Getting traumatizing news like the death of your child and before it even has time to sink in your on CNN talking about passing gun laws. No way.
Then the politicians jump on board and start pushing the agenda. Followed by that same handfull of family members doing the talk show circuit talking about gun control and smiling and laughing. This is not reality. It's a fake 2 dimensional world.
In almost every hoax you have witnesses and family members who turn out to be actors on some level.
Dozens of things that don't add up.
No blood (In orlando if 103 people got shot with an AR 15 at close range that whole parking lot would have been covered in blood. Every witness would be covered, saturated in it.).
No bodies. Hardly ever see and actual dead body.
Lost records and lost police radio communication.
The k-iller(s) get killed.
Evidence destroyed very quickly.
Media allowed full access to a crime scene.
So how do they pull it off?
Money. The worlds oldest motivator besides pussy.
And fear.
1st everybody involved must sign lifetime confidentialy agreements.
They are probably pretty harsh too. Imprisonment and you must pay back all the money you made.
Sandy hook for example. The town and the police got millions in government money.
That's money for everybody all around. Even if you have a conscious and want to come out with the truth not only are you going to ruin your life and your family and childrens lives but a lot of others too.
Then there are the federal payoffs to the victims families, in the 6-7 figure range.
And the charity donations. The victims families almost always have personal donation pages and they get a lot.
Sandy Hook is over 100 million in donations so far.
That's alot of money.
So if given the choice of losing millions and going to jail or living like a king the rest of your life I think it's obvious what most people will choose.
Why does the GOV do it? To traumatize us and promote a certain agenda.
We can't live a tranquil life in peace and serenity anymore because of this stuff. Everything changed on Sept. 11th 2001.
They did it, it worked, they accomplished their goal and they did it again and again and they will keep doing it until we all start using our brains for critical thinking instead of zombi-ing out in a cell phone or wondering what the kardashians girls are gonna say next.
Find one thing that doesn't make sense and you will probably find many more.
Example in Orlando just one thing of many are these actors who supposedly got shot with a high powered rifle at close range and just had major trauma surgery.
You be a mess. You whole body would be purple. You'd be semi conscious for days. You'd be bleeding. You would be immoble.
You would be in intensive care for days or weeks.
Not on the Tell-Lie-Vision smiling and moving around within hours. Not face to face with Anderson Cooper telling your story. Not doing the talk show circuit.
I found this after I just wrote all that.
I think a lot of people have a problem facing this.
If you don't believe it you don't believe it.
But I think many know inside what all this is but they just can't face up to it.
Like a parent who won't accept that theie little angel is not a junkie or a drunk.
It's easier on the soul to just look the other way a pretend everything is just peachy.