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Most say it's the guns. I say, it's today's society

That's a good point. There's been mass and wanton murder throughout human history and that is the heart of the problem. But these instances where a gunman goes into a school, theatre etc. and randomly kills people for no rhyme or reason is something we haven't seen until recently. Guns aren't the issue. This guy could've easily waited until school let out and plowed his car into 20 kids as they lined up for their school buses. It's not the method but the madness.

Excellent point!

Do we need more Government laws? Do we blame McDonald's because you spilled your coffee? Let's make sodas smaller so we don't get fat. Let's take responsibility for our own actions and help make sure others take responsibility for their own. Objects and or ideas don't cause our problems. We as Americans cause them. It belittles the country and our entire human race to suggest that we can't out think a gun or a cheeseburger.
It's the guns. It's the soul.

Bob Greene's story highlights something bad. But it doesn't outline something unique. In the history of mankind, we have done terrible things repeatedly. And while we call the actions of kids monstrous, but Vlad, and Genghis Khan, and people throughout history have been known for their barbarism. And we are no different.
When we talk about "Life," is it just a heartbeat? Or is it the quality of lives WE live, and the lives we allow OTHERS to live?

Our problem is Rush Limbaugh. And people who think it's "free" to be loose with their words. The reason people are loose with their guns, is because they are loose with their words first. Almost always. We think that verbal abuse doesn't rank with physical abuse, and physical abuse doesn't rank with killing people. But MY town, MY city, MY country, MY house, MY way, My religion easily becomes that.
I grew up in the streets Bob Greene's story was written about. I understand the violence and cruelty. It is not soulless. It isn't a disregard for life, but an understanding that someone else's life is no more valuable than your own, and the things they say, and the things they do, can easily attack me, as it does someone else.

Two days after the election. A close friend and I were speaking. She mentioned how much she hated "that guy (Barack Obama)." "Someone should take him out. We should secede and bar our doors and shoot anyone who comes through! I scared and he doesn't give a damn about me. He just doesn't care." she said.
Where did this come from? This is where the "soul" of our nation is. Saying anything in the name of "freedom." Absolving ourselves of responsibility of speech (or anything else). Justifying and blaming. Never ourselves, always someone else. Mitt Romney wrote a book called "No Apology." As if an apology for anything was bad. It is defusing if it's wrong, and gutless if YOU'RE wrong. But that refusal to back down, to find a solution to justify and blame someone else. Getting back to Obama. We all know what happened to the economy in 2008. Where were the people saying that someone should "take Bush out?" What exactly has Obama done to deserve this kind of hatred? Stabilize the economy? Hatred? Get some companies working? Hatred? Express his opinion about gay marriage? Hatred? Exactly what?

Words are used to raise our emotions. Barbaric societies have done it for centuries. So why do we think that Rush on the radio is different? If parents feel that their kids are irresponsible and misbehaving, they take away their privileges, but if adults are irresponsible with their words, do we take away their guns?
Guns are a problem. They are too easy. People think of them as the great "leveler." They are. They allow weak people to be strong. It allows irresponsible people to be deadly.
The NRA had a bumper sticker saying: Take my guns . . . from my cold, dead, hands." And that is exactly what the shooter in Connecticut did. Pried the guns from the cold, dead hands of his mother. If the NRA can't put forth a credible, responsible, logical and coherent plan for controlling guns in America. If THEY don't take the lead on registering and tracking and limiting weapons, they should ALL be taken away, until someone does.

If Rush can't put forth any credible, responsible, logical and coherent plans for lowering the debt, building the nation, supporting the infrastructure and keeping us moving forward, he should shut up and get out of the way. Every single one of us needs to blame ourselves. Every single one of us needs to take some responsibility. It is not the soul of the nation, but the soul of the people who make up this nation.
We can't blame 13, 14, and 15 year olds if we can't blame ourselves first.

I've written on here about some of the abuse girls take and about how loose people are to call someone an "asshold," or "dickweed," or "shithead."
All of that is funny between friends, but if someone gets upset because they AREN'T your friend, or because they took it the wrong way, THEY aren't to blame. You owe them an apology because it came out of YOUR mouth. They can be overly sensitive - maybe that's true, but YOU are wrong. And once we understand these kind of things. . . . we will regain our soul. And become responsible for our guns.
I've read it, re-read it, listened to it several times, and it's NOT the guns. It's today's society that is fucked up!

Let me give you the actual facts that were responsible for the Bob Greene column and the monologue. I just want to close the loop on this so that you're able to put the monologue that we replayed in context. Three teenagers, 15, 16, 18 years old, walked into a house, neighborhood house, in Chicago. They tried to get in, an eight-year-old boy at home. He's by himself. He lets them in eventually 'cause he knows them, and he trusts them. And the upshot of the story is that these three, the 15, 16, and 18-year-old kids stabbed him, hacked him, butchered him, tied him up, mutilated him, and he died a slow death by bleeding to death, and they did it just for the fun of it, was the story. They did it just because they could, just for the fun of it. And that is what led to Bob Greene writing his piece about the absence, the loss of the soul and the monologue by me that ensued.

His column was "Soulless Killer Will be Death of All of Us," and what was noteworthy about it was that Bob Greene at the time was a noted liberal, was a noted leftist, and the killings -- the young people, I mean, single-digit-age people killing each in Chicago -- so rattled him and so unnerved him that he started digging deeper than just, "We gotta get rid of guns." He couldn't believe it, and he didn't understand why it was happening.

The national soul -- the dying, national soul. May I ask you to think about something here for a second? Does science talk about the concept of the soul? Does science try to prove the existence of the soul? Does science even concern itself with the soul? What is the soul? I mean, dictionary definition of the soul is that which animates us, that have seen us our animating qualities.

But the soul is what we are. The soul is our consciousness. The soul is our being. The soul is what makes us unique from one another. 'Cause biologically we're all the same. But it's the soul. And science doesn't deal with the soul. What does? Where do you go in our society to learn about the soul, the origination of the soul, the depth of the soul, the future of the soul? Where do you go? Religion.

Not any particular religion, but religion is where the soul is discussed.

Well, we can't talk about religion in America today. In New York City and around the country we are trying to teach kids to get along with one another. We're doing it by giving them condoms. We're doing it by teaching them about tolerance for alternative lifestyles, but there's this thing out there called the Ten Commandments. We can't teach that, but there's no better lesson for all of humanity as to how to get along with each other.

But you can't teach the Ten Commandments because that stems from somebody's religion. Why do kids take guns into schools? Because they have no respect for the sanctity of life. I've told you that time and time again. You can't have a million-and-a-half abortions every year in this country for all the years that we've had, folks, without life itself being cheapened.

We can't start killing and calling it "death with dignity," we can't start killing and calling it "right to die" -- we can't let guys like Jack Kevorkian run around and assist people in dying, which is really killing them -- and not cheapen life at the same time. Life is the most precious thing there is on this planet. Human life. The most precious. Everything else is academic without it. We can't create it from scratch.

We will never be able to recapture a lost life.

Never, ever. It is our most precious, most sacred thing. And we are cheapening it, according to the convenience of those who live. We take kids to school, and they have guns and knives in their pockets. What do we do? We put metal detectors up in the schools, and if the ACLU doesn't come along and say, "You can't do that! That violates the Fourth Amendment search and seizure clause," then they get into school with guns.

And, as we pointed out the other day, they show up with play guns, water guns; start shooting people. People with real guns turn around and shoot 'em back. What do we do? We get the toy gun off the market! We don't go after the people who are shooting real guns. We have people who think we should go after the real gun. The gun doesn't shoot itself.

RUSH: That was part one. And again, this is from December 17th of 1992 on my television show, and it's bouncing off teenage killings -- single-digit-age killings -- in Chicago and a column written by Bob Greene, "Soulless Killer Will be Death of All of Us." My memory was an eight-year-old who killed a five-year-old. It was in a neighborhood. It wasn't even at school. It was in a home or something, and at the time it just blew everybody away.

How in the world...? Even back then, it was not even a question of the gun. What people were shocked at was, "How does an eight-year-old even gin up that kind of emotion?" It has to be because he sees it somewhere. If you're eight years old, you have to see it, you have to witness it, and you have to think that it's harmless. And if you watch television and dead people don't really die... I mean, you saw that guy get shot up on TV.

Then the next week he's on a different show, so he didn't really die. If you're an eight-year-old, might think you don't even really die? But even if you do, no big deal. You see it happening in the neighborhood all the time. If life isn't taught to be revered for what it is -- the most unique and precious thing there is on the planet -- then everything else will become meaningless at some point. Here's the remaining two minutes...

In my mind, ladies and gentlemen, all of this is totally understandable, this lack of respect for life, especially in kids and teenagers. Look at the movies they watch. I remember when I was a kid, my parents were all concerned about Beatle music. I grew up in the sixties, and the in the mid-sixties, Beatle music, "I Want to Hold Your Hand," "I Saw Her Standing There."

All of that stuff was deemed revolutionary and bad, but look at the lyrics. They were harmless. They were love songs. It was the hair and the appearance that my parents were afraid of. But you look at what's out there today. Look at 2 Live Crew's Me So Horny. You know what that's about? It's about the destruction of the female vagina by a bunch of men having a good time.

Can't ban that! Nope. That's freedom of speech. That's art.

We then have all kinds of songs by rappers like Ice-T's called Cop Killer. Can't interrupt that. That's called freedom of expression and art as well. We've got all these hacker and slasher movies. We have people getting slashed to death, hacked to death, shot to death. Killers get killed 25 and 30 times over like in the Friday the 13th movies, and they always come back to life. Life has become cheap in our society. It's become a commodity that we can broker for our own convenience.

This should not be any surprise.

I am happy, I am proud that I have been on the cutting edge, the leading edge of this, and I am glad and happy as I can be that Bob Greene, a nationally syndicated columnist, has dared bring up the concept of the soul in all of this. Because science can try to explain behavior all they want. Science can try to explain psychological temptation, this and that. It's the soul. It is respect for the essence of humanity and life. And when that is not respected and when you can't teach that, what we have in our society is no wonder.

I hope you'll think about it.

The 2nd Amendment is just that. An Amendment. Not the Constitution. Amend it. Out.
Funny is funny. But funny isn't necessarily smart. A fart is funny. A fart is not intellect.
Political correctness is not a law, a doctrine or a necessity, but inability to understand when something is fine, or politically incorrect IS an indicator of a person who is incapable of being socially coherent. Or responsible.
It is not a question of Freedom of Speech, but Responsibility of Speech. Creating that document that guarantees our Freedom of Speech, of Religion, of Thought, does not automatically endow us with responsibility. For that, we actually have to work. People who can't defend their Rights responsibility always whine down to declaring it their "Right." There ARE no responsible arguments for calling someone an asshole.

Don't you think it would be easier to deny a radio show to mentally unstable, irresponsible people than punishing everyone who IS stable and responsible? I know people will say I'm trying to deny Rush Limbaugh his Freedom of Speech, but WRONG. I'm not. I will buy him a soapbox to stand on in the middle of a cornfield in Southern Indiana. He can speak all he wants. Freely. I will get him a bottle of water so he won't be parched. BUT, he won't have a radio show.
Why does it matter? Because enabling liars, demagogues, and drug addicts convinces more liars, demagogues and drug addicts that they have equal rights to speak, shoot, radicalize, without consequences. If Rush were shot, who would be the next to jump into the breach? Sean? Ann? Mitch?

1) Rush Limbaugh :facepalm:
2) 1992 ! 20 fucking years ago !
3) He speaks about fucking religion ! Religion caused more death thoughout History than everything else. Why did 9/11 happen ? Religion. Why did the Shoah happened ? Religion. I could go on and on...
4) He speaks about "sanctity of life", saying that because of abortion, right to die, etc... We have lost the sanctity of life and it is why kids are turning to murderers. France is way more advanced about abortions rights, right to die, etc. than the US. And still we have much less crimes (our homicide rate /capita is 3x lower than the US). But we have very strict laws about guns and (all kinds of weapons).

Make laws that would ensure only honest rsponsible and psychologicaly stable citizens can buy gun legally and killings such as Aurora or Newton won't happend 'cause the kind of guys who do that are not the kind of guy who have access to illegal guns, they don't knbow a guy who know a guy who can provide them illegal guns.
Ban automatic guns and a shooter will have to aim a specific target instead of shooting randomly 20 shots/sec. This way, he woul kill much less people before they han ran away to a safe location.
Harley -
Maybe Sam is the father of Son of Sam. Maybe he's the one Son of Sam was talking about.

Wrong. Biologically, we are all different. It's a little something called DNA, it's passed on through our genes, and many things play a factor in what makes us each different, including genetic mutations that can be caused by a number of things such as smoking and drinking while pregnant, hereditary diseases, and of course each genetic molecule from each parent combined to make one individual, unique human being.

Biologically, we are not the same. The only way in which we are the same is the fact that our bodies function on the same organs and muscles, we all need oxygen, we all have hands and feet, legs, arms, faces, toes, fingers, butts, nipples, and hair. Unless of course we shave off our hair or lose an arm or a leg, or lose a body part or bodily function due to cancer.

If we were all the same, we would all get sick at exactly the same times, we would have the same type of cancer, we would have the same diseases, we would all have the same skin, eye, and hair colors, we would all be the same height, we would all enjoy the same hobbies, we would all desire and achieve the same job, we would all sob hysterically over the same exact sappy movies, we would all listen to the same music, we would all have the same fears and no fear would be looked at as unhealthy since we would all be the same. We are not the same.

It's biology. It's genetics. It's science. Go back to school and sit through some lectures until it seeps into your brain and you learn the shit before you go off spewing ridiculous nonsense that can not be proven and is completely illogical.

PS. I completely stopped reading the article after I read that line, because that line alone renders the entire article void of any rational thought or true value.
What's the cause for a lot of society's problem? (in the US especially, here in the West). It's guns. Sort the gun problem and incidents in society wont be as high ranked in the gun incidents as they are just now. It's both that's the problem. And since society is what it is guns need to be regulated in a far far better way than they are just now. Otherwise this crap is just going to continue to happen and it might get worse each time.
The guns have changed. According to the Second Amendment, we have the right to bear arms.

So we should all have the right to bear arms that existed at the time of the Second Amendment.

I strongly urge everyone to bear any musket they want. And as many muskets as they want.

And if they want to, I also urge them to bare their arms. To show how manly they are. Even the girls.

Damn I didn't want to do it. Here to talk about porn.

Guns have been a part of american society since it's founding. These mass shootings are a fairly recent occurrence.

So what changed?
We can blame guns (and there is some justification for that). And we can blame society. But what part of society.
People have argued for years (at least since the 1950s about the loosening of morality in our society, and they've tied it to a loosening of Freedom of Speech (i.e. pornography). But porn and violence don't inure us to either sex or violence. It gives us a better understanding in some ways simply because we learn more.
However, violent movies and video games, just like bang-bang games with cowboys, Indians and cops and robbers, don't bridge our gap of understanding between reality and fiction. Some people can become confused, but most don't. A major problem is the rise of talk-news, and talk-radio.
Why? Because they represent themselves as "news" but they don't have the responsibility to tell the truth, or correct something false, if they know it's false. They blur the line between opinion and fact. They blur the line between their own opinion and the "factual" opinion someone they interview.
Why am I bringing this up and pointing this out?
Because created hatred in a film, is known to be a story. There is a "bad" guy and a "good" guy. Sometimes, we switch the roles or blur the lines to question our own morality and what would we do. But when we represent "reality" and "truth," and purposely blur the lines of opinion and fact, we confuse those who are younger, less sophisticated, more susceptible. Am I wrong? Hitler didn't think so. THIS, is the manipulation of the minds. Let's look past Newtown and go to Tuscon, AZ. Gabby Giffords was shot, along with a number of other people including an 8 year old girl. That was someone who thought anyone who was "liberal," was evil. And needed to be "fixed."
I know the gang violence in Chicago works the same way. A gang surrounds an 8 yr old or 10 yr old kid. They tell him what is good, what is bad, who his enemies are, who he should hate, who are his "crew," who is his "family," who's "got your back." It's exactly the same. Exactly. When he is sent out to shoot, or beat, or prove himself, he does it.
This is the mentality of suicide bombers, armies of children, and America's Talk-News. Is it the same? Yep.

Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion, or Right to Bear Arms isn't the problem. The problem is people who don't have the time or guts to stand up to people who abuse those Freedoms. I've always been an outsider. I can tell someone the truth, but because I am not them, I can't tell them it's wrong. The power and impact are from the people with an interest. Conservatives have to rein in Conservative Talk show hosts. Black leaders have to rein in violence in black urban neighborhoods, Latino people have to stand up to Mexican gangs. But if no one else stands up, than we can't rail about how our "rights" are being taken away. They were already taken away, by people who abused those Rights. When a plane is hijacked, we ALL have to go through searches. If we hunt down terrorists, we all slowly regain our Freedom. Maybe we can't hunt someone down, but we can all speak out.
When Rush called Sandra Fluke a "whore," and a "prostitute." How many "conservatives" stood up to denounce him? How many threatened to stop listening if he didn't apologize, or confront this issue. This is not impinging on his "Freedom of Speech." This is bullshit. He can voice his opinion when he's sitting on the toilet taking a dump. Not on public radio. I see no difference between his saying this, and everyone standing by, and someone shooting a child, and everyone standing by.
If we can't be responsible for our actions and the actions of those around us, ALL of our Freedoms should be taken away. We don't deserve them.

Wrong. It's in these nut jobs own deranged brains that prompts them to commit such brutal crimes. Otherwise, everyone of the millions of people who play violence oriented video games and watch films revolving around robberies, murders, rapes, and torture would also be psycho killing machines.

Why do people need to find something or someone else to blame for shit like this? Stop playing the blame game. It's moronic, quite frankly.
Briana -
You should send your essay. It certainly has more value than most things on here. I wish I had something to say . . . .

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/briana-lee said:
Briana Lee[/URL][/B], post: 7218507, member: 586426"]I typed out a whole essay response to this but realised none of it makes any difference anyway. People will always believe what they want to believe whatever anyone says....
It IS a epidemic of madness. We forget that a guy came into a mall in Oregon only three days before, opened fire in a food court, killed two people and then shot himself.
I've just been reading about how epidemics start, pick up steam and increase in intensity. It is very similar to how serial killers increase their kill ratios. But THEY are tracked and stopped, These people can't be.
But each one of the situations found a firing of over 20 rounds within several minutes. A good bowman could fire off twenty arrows within the same time, but they actually have to be trained and have to practice.
A good knife fighter can do the same but not in the same time period.

THAT is a problem with guns. A shooter can't kill himself so easily without a gun, and being beaten to death with chairs and fists by an angry mob, isn't as cool as dying by gunshot wound. Ban guns and let them figure it out. Restrict and control guns the same way we restrict and control C4 or Semtex. I don't care if someone wants to bring 20 bear traps into a mall.

Wrong again.

- In the 1980s, a man who was fired from his job killed 7 of his co-workers.

- In 2003, a guy set fire to a subway train which led to the fire spreading, killing 198 people and injuring 143 people.

- In 1996, 18 people were killed in a murderous/suicidal attack in a school.

- In 1974, 25 were killed in a hostage situation of 115 people in a school.

- In 1964, a man killed 8 students and 2 teachers in an elementary school.

- In 1966, a man killed 13 people, an unborn child, and wounded 32 others in Texas. He also murdered his wife and mother before the shooting.

- In 1980, a prison riot resulted in the death of 33 inmates and 200 injured inmates.

- In 1986, a man massacred 30 people and injured 15 people in a restaurant (some of the murders were before the restaurant, but the same day).

- In 1996, a man went on a shooting spree and killed 35 people, injured 21 people.

- In 1954 and 1957, two separate killing sprees, a total of 57 people were killed by one man and injured 30.

- In 1927, a man went on a killing rampage for no apparent reason, killing 8 people and injuring 3, then committing suicide.

- In 1913, a man shot 20 people and villagers then killed him.

- In 1952, a man killed 9 people on a killing spree. Before that spree, he was previously occupied as a police officer, who was known for being assigned to investigate his own murders.

- In 1987, an angry man killed 20 people, beat his wife, and injured 12 others. He commit suicide by hanging himself.

- In 1956, a Filipino man killed 16 people on a spree where he entered 4 different houses, killing all of the inhabitants.

There are many, many more cases of mass murders. I do agree with you that they are pure madness, but I can not agree that mass murders have only taken place recently.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Damn I didn't want to do it. Here to talk about porn.

Guns have been a part of american society since it's founding. These mass shootings are a fairly recent occurrence.

So what changed?

I think we tend to look at columbine as the start of the mass shootings, but infact, there's been a lot of recorded incidents since 1949 in the states alone. Of course we didn't hear about these tragedies as intimately as we do about the shootings today because there was 1 big element missing between 1949 and 1980. TVs weren't all that common in households so it was up to the newspapers to report. You weren't going to get news about some random shooting in Maryland nationwide.

In the 90s, about ever household has a TV. There are TVs in bars, schools, and a lot of work places. About half of America has internet.

Now in the 21st century not only are we incredibly plugged in to media, but the current economy and the health care system has set us up for people to break. People who NEED mental help can't get it because it costs too much, and when people are desperate (losing their house, jobs, family, ect) they're going to snap.


Closed Account
... That said, I do believe that our current society (American society that is) is a primary contributor to the problem. Look at the TV shows, the movies, the video games....they universally glorify the use of violence, particularly gun and/or weapon violence. Check out this trailer for Grand Theft Auto 5:

This is the kind of shit your 10-year-old kid is continually playing on his PS3 with your blessing. Then, you become outraged and feign shock when something like Sandy Hook happens??!! You shake your head and ask "How could someone do something like that?". What a travesty. It's called "classical conditioning" folks and the manifestation of this current culture of violence has been as deliberate and effective on our society as the ringing of the bell was on Pavlov's Dog. Look in the mirror, America. What you see is what you get.

"Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane"
- Jim Morrison from The End

Bollocks. When I was a kid growing up in the eighties all these computer games weren't common. As kids we played soldier in the woods, completely dressed in battle outfit and with plastic realistic looking guns. We fought all kind of battle scenes as knights, cops and bad guys, cowboys and indians, pirates, space troopers, soldiers, fighter pilots and whatever you wanted to play or could imagine as a kid. What do you mean "computer games"? What do you mean "current culture of violence"? We did just the same with our imagination. Computer games are just another tool. Mankind has always been a culture of violence: we don't need a reason.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
The guns have changed. According to the Second Amendment, we have the right to bear arms.

So we should all have the right to bear arms that existed at the time of the Second Amendment.

I strongly urge everyone to bear any musket they want. And as many muskets as they want.

And if they want to, I also urge them to bare their arms. To show how manly they are. Even the girls.

You are wrong. The Second Amendment was put into the Constitution so we would be able to defend against a tyrannical government....which I believe we are headed to, if not already there. When the Amendment was written, the private citizen usually had better firearms then the soldier, which carried shitty weapons borrowed from the French. The Amendment was meant to put us on equal ground with our oppressors. Basically, any law they have passed were not meant to make society safe, but to disarm a lawful society. Technically, we should be allowed to own MUCH better then we currently are permitted.

And I called no one an asshole, explain your earlier post, quoting "fixed". Not your belief of the Second Amendment...your other comments. I'm guessing I should be insulted.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Bollocks. When I was a kid growing up in the eighties all these computer games weren't common. As kids we played soldier in the woods, completely dressed in battle outfit and with plastic realistic looking guns. We fought all kind of battle scenes as knights, cops and bad guys, cowboys and indians, pirates, space troopers, soldiers, fighter pilots and whatever you wanted to play or could imagine as a kid. What do you mean "computer games"? What do you mean "current culture of violence"? We did just the same with our imagination. Computer games are just another tool. Mankind has always been a culture of violence: we don't need a reason.

Double bollocks back to you, amigo. :1orglaugh

Yeah well we did the same thing when I was growing up in the 60s. The difference is the graphic and prolific manifestation of the carnage as opposed to the "da-da-da....hey man, I got you" pretend shit we all did playing army in the woods. No blood or brains splattered all over and there most certainly was not the overwhelming abundance of it being made constantly available in all the infinite variety of media that is now continuously in the faces of all of us that glorify gratuitous violence. Marketing studies prove this type of constant exposure to a theme or idea works....why do you think Budweiser, McDonald's or Coca-Cola advertises as much as they do? It works, that's why.

Oh...to clarify, by "current" culture of violence, I refer to the our culture as it exists right here and right now. By "computer games", I refer to the endless list of things that are reasonable facsimiles of the Grand Theft Auto 5 example I used in my previous post.

I agree that we are by nature a violent species but a dog can by its very nature be a vicious and violent animal as well. However, it you beat it with a tire iron every day you're going to make absolutely certain that it is. All too frequently we turn out a dog that's been beat too much.


Was King of the Board for a Day
I've gotten some pretty ugly and very mean-spirited messages in my inbox within the last few days in here. I've been called every name in the book and then some. But, I hope some in here will watch this video I am presenting and maybe some of you will come to realize what the real issues in today's society are.


Do you have any insight into why you've gotten those messages, or are you really confused as to why?

I watched the video that you posted (and so conveniently from FOX) and it's bullshit, just like everything else you post. You're telling me that the reason this happened rests solely with today's society, but he nor you give any inclinations as to what is wrong or why, just that this generation is incredibly faulted. I was waiting for him to spew the same rhetoric that you've been doing for the past few days, that all this is a result of abortions and how it makes us forget about the sanctity of life. He didn't end up doing it, so I don't know why if a survivor doesn't feel that the fact that somebody can choose to not have a baby, you feel the need to proclaim that it's part of a liberal agenda to destroy moral values and denounce the right to choose as being equatable to murders like the shooting that just happened. I bet you didn't even watch the damn video at all, just saw that it happened to be on FOX's site and had to do with the shooting and figured "Hey, this will reinforce my mindless blather." The brother was as vague as you are when it comes to saying what's wrong with us and what needs to be fixed, but at least he didn't use this opportunity to further his own views like you so plainly have, and probably have enjoyed. You really are a piece of mindless shit, posting links and videos in the hope that it will either reinforce your skewed, flawed points of view or as a way to draw others into believing what you believe.
the real issues in today's society are.
Society is the problem ? OK, so let's change society. But since you're vprt of society, you must change as well.
And, changing society will take time and in the meantime, we can't just stay and watch crazy guys shooting kids, something has to be done to prevent that, some laws have to be passed. Then, when society will be changed, we would cancel these laws 'cause they would just be useless since society will be changed.

Anyway, wether it is or not society, something has to be done to stop that, NOW !


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I've gotten some pretty ugly and very mean-spirited messages in my inbox within the last few days in here. I've been called every name in the book and then some. But, I hope some in here will watch this video I am presenting and maybe some of you will come to realize what the real issues in today's society are.


You troll a porn forum. You're deliberately provocative and then play the victim. You're divorced. You have an obvious obsession with homosexuality. You're greatest pride seems to be a collection of guns and a motorcycle. What's wrong with society are assholes like you that think they know what's best for everyone else when they don't even have their own shit together.
...People have argued for years (at least since the 1950s about the loosening of morality in our society...

I'm quoting one person here as my point of reference, but this is really a general comment.

Every generation in every society criticizes/laments/bemoans a perceived corruption of traditions and a slackening of morals over their lifetime, and it's especially common after a tragedy. Mike Huckabee is the current poster child for this phenomenon; a bona fide Doomsday Prophet, he would have said the same crap if it had been a natural disaster instead of a sociopath with a gun.

But the feeling that civilization and culture are decaying is a fairly normal reaction to an act of senseless violence and murder like what just happened at Sandy Hook. It's been this way since the beginning of recorded history, and is in no way unique to the debate over gun legislation in the U.S.
I've never been the biggest GTA fan but that looked really good. If they have ironed out the shooting and cover mechanics and implemented a decent checkpoint system, I will certainly be on board.