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Most say it's the guns. I say, it's today's society

:clap: So you finally reverted all the way back to the same ol' fucking troll you have always been, eh? How long did that resolution last....about 2 weeks? Knew it all along....it was just a matter of time before you simply resorted to name-calling. Why don't you put me on ignore, Sam? Please.

No, it's called defending myself and my posts. You're the one who has always trolled me, my threads and my posts. Why? I'll tell you why... because you can't stand someone having a different view from yours.

You and I are so polar opposite. You get all bent out of shape when I post abortion (the KILLING) of unborn children. Yet you run around acting all morally superior with your anti-death penalty mantra. You show so much sympathy for cold blooded killers sitting on death row, yet you see absolutely nothing wrong with the killing of innocent babies.

I suppose if the shooter - Adam Lanza had lived, you would be fighting feverishly for his life, so that he doesn't end up on Death Row.

Fuck you, you piece of shit!


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
No, it's called defending myself and my posts. You're the one who has always trolled me, my threads and my posts. Why? I'll tell you why... because you can't stand someone having a different view from yours.

You and I are so polar opposite. You get all bent out of shape when I post abortion (the KILLING) of unborn children. Yet you run around acting all morally superior with your anti-death penalty mantra. You show so much sympathy for cold blooded killers sitting on death row, yet you see absolutely nothing wrong with the killing of innocent babies.

I suppose if the shooter - Adam Lanza had lived, you would be fighting feverishly for his life, so that he doesn't end up on Death Row.

Fuck you, you piece of shit!

Hope it makes you feel better to pound your keyboard like that, Sam. Unfortunately, your assertion is incorrect. I have no problem with any of your opinions. You've got every right to make them known here. That's what a forum is for. What I (and many others, evidently) object to is the repetitive nature and sheer volume of your posts. It's a commonly frowned-upon tactic called flooding (you can even be banned for it on forums that are more controlled by their administrators than this one is). The reason others find it objectionable should be obvious, even to you.

You are correct when you say that you and I are polar opposites. We pretty much disagree on just about every issue. I could also say that same thing about a lot of other members here and somehow I manage to maintain friendly relations with most of them. It's a shame that either you don't understand or just don't care that basically everybody worth naming on this board can't stand you. My guess is it's the latter.
I think its funny how you guys think somethings gonna change, lol the NRA has more power then Nobama in this subject, guns or laws aint gonna change cause if they did he would be assanated in days. Hes a puss who fears the conservative party, hell he could even look at Romney at the debates let alone speak anything truthfull.
I suppose if the shooter - Adam Lanza had lived, you would be fighting feverishly for his life, so that he doesn't end up on Death Row.
So do I. Death is to soft for this kind of assholes, I deserve a life-sentence, without parole.
A life in prison, beated and raped ('cause that what happend to those who have harmed kids, they are who get the most beating) from other prisoners, without any hope of ever being freed, this is the kind of sentence he deserves.


Was King of the Board for a Day
I think its funny how you guys think somethings gonna change, lol the NRA has more power then Nobama in this subject, guns or laws aint gonna change cause if they did he would be assanated in days. Hes a puss who fears the conservative party, hell he could even look at Romney at the debates let alone speak anything truthfull.

I'd suggest learning how to put a coherent thought together before you decide to type something out. The only problem is, I'm willing to bet that typing that load of gibberish was the best you were able to do.
There are over 270 million guns in the USA owned by its citizens. Since 2002, less than 0.5% of all 270 million guns of any type in this country were used in homicides. Yeah, guns are the problem. Keep listening to the media as well. You'll be just as educated as them.
And instead of blaming guns, how about blaming our extremely expensive health care in this country? How are most mentally unstable people able to afford the proper treatment these days? Obviously very few, if any. Because let's face it, if you are mentally ill, there are few chances of those people landing a well-paying job with good health care benefits. INSURANCE runs this country in some circumstances.
it's today's society

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
I am in my 50s, not married, so your analogy sinks in the water. Try again.

Yeah good comeback there.....

It's a good thing I get email notifications on the threads I subscribe to......cause it means I saw what you wrote originally. Good job you changed it cause you know you would have been ripped apart for saying it, even though it was clearly a load of BS.


And, actually, you may not have voted for him but it is your president as well...

They know where the border is if they hate him so much.....

How is this a political attack on you...I'm not even clear if your pro or anti gun. I simply used an example of how people don't like to be judged by who they are or what they believe....you just don't get what I'm saying, and that's fine. Fact is, there is not one single reason you can give me, that justifies ANY action to be taken against guns, or ammunition for any reason. If they enforced, and tightened up the laws they have first, and it all failed miserably, maybe we could try some new things, but the cost of freedom has always been expensive, and as terrible as it sounds, because it is, it's always paid for with human life. No, I didn't vote for him, I consider him and his administration a serious threat to the Constitution. I'm 47, I've been around the block once or twice, and I haven't missed a vote, OF ANY KIND, since I was 18. I vote, so I have a right to bitch. I write letters, I sign petitions. I care deeply about this country, and what it stands for. If this knucklehead wants to save human life so bad, he should bring our troops home, and worry about the boarder agents he's gotten killed

As far as comparing me to Sam...that isn't an insult...there are FAR more people here that I would rather not be compared to. I disagree with much of what he believes in, but at least he has the balls to say it like it is. Off topic, if my wife were raped and got pregnant, I most certainly wouldn't stop her from getting an abortion, nor would any politician. And the guy that raped her wouldn't be shot either. He would end up handcuffed to the wash basin in my basement, and his teeth would be pulled with Vise grips...and when he passed out, I would throw cold water on him, revive him, and start again. Then, when I was done.......I would get fucking evil.

Hold on, at no point did I say that this was a political attack on me. Do you actually read what I type?
I think its funny how you guys think somethings gonna change, lol the NRA has more power then Nobama in this subject, guns or laws aint gonna change cause if they did he would be assanated in days. Hes a puss who fears the conservative party, hell he could even look at Romney at the debates let alone speak anything truthfull.

Wow, this is beyond gibberish. There isn't a single coherent thought present, and the entire mishmash of words is a deflection away from issues.
There are over 270 million guns in the USA owned by its citizens. Since 2002, less than 0.5% of all 270 million guns of any type in this country were used in homicides. Yeah, guns are the problem. Keep listening to the media as well. You'll be just as educated as them.

This is a clear non sequitur. You skipped over the part where your evidence actually supports your conclusion, which it clearly does not.

Less than .5% of 270 million guns used in homicides? I have no idea whether this is accurate, but let's just assume it is.

One half of one percent of 270 million guns is 1,350,000. So how much less than this .5% were actually used in homicides? Let's say it's 1 million guns, or .037%. Assuming 1 homicide per incident, isn't that 1 million people killed?

So your argument is that one million people killed is acceptable because one half of one percent of 270 million seems like a small number until you actually do the math?

Do you even think about what these numbers mean, or do you just get excited when the number of deaths seems small relative to bigger numbers?
And instead of blaming guns, how about blaming our extremely expensive health care in this country? How are most mentally unstable people able to afford the proper treatment these days? Obviously very few, if any. Because let's face it, if you are mentally ill, there are few chances of those people landing a well-paying job with good health care benefits. INSURANCE runs this country in some circumstances.

Yes, by all means. Let's talk about something other than the issue. In fact, why not talk about several other things? It will save us from having to debate issues using, you know, actual thoughts.
This is a clear non sequitur. You skipped over the part where your evidence actually supports your conclusion, which it clearly does not.

Less than .5% of 270 million guns used in homicides? I have no idea whether this is accurate, but let's just assume it is.

One half of one percent of 270 million guns is 1,350,000. So how much less than this .5% were actually used in homicides? Let's say it's 1 million guns, or .037%. Assuming 1 homicide per incident, isn't that 1 million people killed?

So your argument is that one million people killed is acceptable because one half of one percent of 270 million seems like a small number until you actually do the math?

Do you even think about what these numbers mean, or do you just get excited when the number of deaths seems small relative to bigger numbers?

All 3 government related websites gives that same number. I'm not sure exactly how much less than 0.5% it is as they are not that specific.
Fuck you, you piece of shit!

Ladies & Gentlemen,

We have them on the run. The gun nuts have given up all hope of making reasonable assertions and are now clinging to name-calling, vitriol and dodging of issues because they realize they can't justify their paranoid fantasies as genuine opinion. They believe in a right to bear arms the way a 3 yr old believes in Santa Claus: they accept what others have told them and can't even begin to consider the possibility that the people they listen to on this issue are lying to them, that the evidence for what they've been told to believe just doesn't make sense.

You expect this sort of thing from a 3 yr old who trusts their parents about such an innocuous thing as believing in Santa Claus.

It's rather sad when it's grown people who haven't matured rationally beyond the age of 3 and the opinion they're accepting without question is that certain other people's lives matter less than their own.

It's terrifying when you consider that these people have guns.
Argument? Who was I trying to argue with. This is a fucking free pornography forum. No need to argue, I try to get along with everyone.
Argument? Who was I trying to argue with. This is a fucking free pornography forum. No need to argue, I try to get along with everyone.

An argument isn't the same thing thing as arguing. You stated a position (or "made an argument") in a thread devoted to discussing a certain issue, and as evidence of your position ("support" for your argument), you invoked a statistic. I think that statistic - if true - lends no support whatsoever to your argument.

So I ask you again: if it's true that one million people die from gun violence, you're still comfortable concluding that the ready availability of guns isn't a problem?
You are correct about guns being too readily available on the shelves. It is incredibly easy to obtain a gun and a concealed carrying permit. What do you have to do to acquire both? Pass a simple background check and sign a few papers. Boom, you have the right to both. That's not good enough. And what does the government going to do about it? Lower magazine capacity? Haha, that's funny. It takes one bullet to kill one person.

Outlaw guns to the law abiding citizens and it will be a fucking play land for the bad guys.
Outlaw guns to the law abiding citizens and it will be a fucking play land for the bad guys.
But fewer bad guys will have guns 'cause since they would be illegal, they would become much more difficulto to get and much more expensive.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
How's this for an idea? Frankly, I don't know why anyone would feel the need to own an assault weapon in the first place. However, even if the NRA were to win out on that, this police chief in Baltimore has a really good idea as far as I am concerned:

Baltimore Police Chief Wants to Ban High-Capacity Firepower

Dec. 20, 2012

High-capacity magazines are the deadliest of gun cartridges. They come in cases of 30, 40, 60 and even 120 rounds.

These magazines are maximum, economy-sized firepower packed into a steel cartridge. When strapped into a pistol or semi-automatic rifle, a shooter can fire non-stop until the magazine is empty. By then, the damage can be devastating.

That is why the Baltimore County Police Chief Jim Johnson wants to outlaw all but the smallest of these magazines. Johnson wants to limit them to a capacity of 10 rounds.

The fewer the bullets, the more often the shooter has to stop firing, eject the empty cartridge and load another one.

A lot can happen in the window of time it takes to reload, Johnson said.

"Folks that are being attacked have time to react, to close that distance in," he said. "I think any football player in America would like to have four-and-a-half seconds to get to the quarterback without any of the offensive players."

An expert shooter like a police officer can switch magazines in less than two seconds. But for a nervous, scared adolescent, it would take much longer, Johnson said, which can be crucial.

During the Tucson, Ariz., attack on Rep. Gabby Giffords, gunman Jared Loughner was wrestled down when he stopped shooting to reload his 9-millimeter pistol.

During the Aurora, Colo., movie theater shooting spree last July, police say James Holmes' assault came to an end when his semi-automatic rifle jammed.

"As we've seen in America today, there have been several attacks where that reload is vital," Johnson said. "Tragically, in the shooting of a congresswoman, the reload was instrumental.

"We've also seen this in Baltimore County, in a school shooting that we had, where the reload became very instrumental in allowing the teacher to actually tackle a student that was trying to reload a double-barreled shotgun," he said.

Last week at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., police believe Adam Lanza was armed with high-capacity magazines. He fired at least 30 times before having to stop to reload.

Johnson said there is no reason that the general public should have access to high-capacity magazines.

"I have to advise you that even for law enforcement, 100-round magazines, 50-round magazines, have no place for law enforcement," Johnson said. "Certainly, we believe that limiting a magazine to 10 rounds, what was in place from '94 to 2004, is wise and certainly could save lives in America."

Link is here:
