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Most say it's the guns. I say, it's today's society


Staff member
But there some subjects for which I think we're not as fucked up as the US are. For example we never tried to impeach our president because he cheated his wife. Our former president Mitterrand (1981-1994) cheated his wife, he even had a daughter with his mistress. Nobody's shock, nobody would try to impeach him for that.

No, we are absolutely fucked. Especially with people voted for that socialist son of a bitch of Hollande. Not only unemployment, criminality, poverty, deindustrialization, but also loss of identity and the number of people converted to Islam/radical Islam are rising. To top this, we are becoming a hated country because of our president and the scum electorate he represents. 14 years of Mitterand have given shit but with Hollande the flabby testicle, it is way way worse. But don't worry for the next local and european elections, we will give the socialists led by Harlem Desir and the greenies, a backlash like they have never been given one, we will make them bite the dust violentely.
He loves socialists and the left wing in general, he has no sense of realism nor any sense of justice. The socialist leaders who are in France were mainly elected thanks to the ghetto trash crowd and the unwilling to work people. 51% of dirtbags voted for them.

Robespierre -- speaking about leftish French politicians -- at least understood that a republic required virtuous citizens to function. As it is now politicians [note the plural, and see below] just pander to the masses instead of providing leadership.

I could write a major thesis about all this stuff; but it's late and I am tired. Let me just say that more I see of this part of the world, the more convinced I become of the necessity of the personal and subjective exercise of power. You cannot hold an objective system responsible for anything, all meaningful responsibility must ultimately rest in a person.
It is culture/society. Period.

Now airheads want to ban "bump stocks" when in the thousands of gun-used murders this year in America probably one percent used said stocks.

Congratulations on not being even in the right hemisphere when it comes to the real issues plaguing this nation.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Bump stocks should have been declared illegal when they were invented, same with trigger cranks.
Bump stocks should have been declared illegal when they were invented, same with trigger cranks.

They should have never been banned. There are 8k gun-related murders this year alone and I would wager 1 percent (or less) actually had bump stock involved. The LV shooting is the flavor of the week for the gun grabbers and reactionaries.

Will E Worm

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

So-called security will become tyranny.



They should have never been banned. There are 8k gun-related murders this year alone and I would wager 1 percent (or less) actually had bump stock involved. The LV shooting is the flavor of the week for the gun grabbers and reactionaries.

Philosophically I agree with you and have made the same kinds of points on many occasions. It also occurs to me (in support of you) that someone as seemingly diabolical as Paddock (I use the term seriously and literally) was going to get full-auto one way or another.

But meet me halfway here. Words mean things, laws mean things and the Constitution means things. Bump stocks, trigger cranks and suppressors (since they're in the news) are in no way covered by the 2nd Amendment. I've spent my entire life believing that the guns they are attached to are. But the devices themselves are not. Laws mean things. If these devices are not available, my Rights have not been infringed.

And btw, that "Hearing Protection" act they were trying to pass....suuuuch horseshit. This is lame even by NRA standards. There is such an overwhelming array of hearing protection, right down to foam plugs for a quarter, which work fine with everything I've shot. Seriously, Wayne LaPierre is as nutz, nutz, nutz as Dear Leader is and needs to be run into forced retirement before he shoots up a concert. :facepalm:

Between getting that off my chest...and the bowl I smoked doing it... I feel much bettah.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
They should have never been banned. There are 8k gun-related murders this year alone and I would wager 1 percent (or less) actually had bump stock involved. The LV shooting is the flavor of the week for the gun grabbers and reactionaries.

Machine guns have been banned since the 1930's, these devices turn semi-autos into fully automatic machine guns, nothing "gun grabby" or "reactionary" about that.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Machine guns have been banned since the 1930's, these devices turn semi-autos into fully automatic machine guns, nothing "gun grabby" or "reactionary" about that.

Not banned, highly regulated. The "Federal Firearms Act of 1934", is what put full auto into the very strict ownership category. The Assault Weapons Ban of 1986, restricted sales of full auto manufactured AFTER that year. Even after the assault weapons ban sunset, the full auto portion remained in effect.

The attachments we put on firearms are in no way part of the firearm, so as much as I hate to say it, the regulation, or restriction of them is not infringing on the 2nd Amendment, but suppressors fall under the FFA of '34, so they have also been available under strict regulation for years, although most people are clueless and do not understand that they don't make the gun sound like they do in the movies. a .45 ACP, might be reduced to about the decibel level of a .32 auto. there is no little laser sound....pew, pew, DOES NOT EXIST.

But mother fuck, I want one....or two.


although most people are clueless and do not understand that they don't make the gun sound like they do in the movies. a .45 ACP, might be reduced to about the decibel level of a .32 auto. there is no little laser sound....pew, pew, DOES NOT EXIST.

One time my brother and I were having an alcohol induced discussion about guns and suppressors and he wanted to know how big a silencer needed to be to work on a .50 cal machine gun (M2). :eek: I told him to start with four 55gallon barrels, welded end to end, with God knows how much baffling built inside it at the cost of thousands (and thousands) of dollars. And you'd still wind up with something that can be heard a half a mile away. Or further. In other words, my brother tended to believe the movies.

If suppressors were made commonly available, among all the other problems this would cause, the poaching problem would go from whatever it is now to full-blown crisis. Something that even gun nuts need to consider.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
One time my brother and I were having an alcohol induced discussion about guns and suppressors and he wanted to know how big a silencer needed to be to work on a .50 cal machine gun (M2). :eek: I told him to start with four 55gallon barrels, welded end to end, with God knows how much baffling built inside it at the cost of thousands (and thousands) of dollars. And you'd still wind up with something that can be heard a half a mile away. Or further. In other words, my brother tended to believe the movies.

If suppressors were made commonly available, among all the other problems this would cause, the poaching problem would go from whatever it is now to full-blown crisis. Something that even gun nuts need to consider.

Actually, I've seen pictures of a suppressed Barrett. It was about the size of a Leona bologna. I have mixed feelings about their restriction, but I really do want a couple, and I would hope the price drops if they become available. Most people have no idea what a good one costs.
Machine guns have been banned since the 1930's, these devices turn semi-autos into fully automatic machine guns, nothing "gun grabby" or "reactionary" about that.

90 percent of the talking heads on CNN and Fox yesterday hadn't even heard of them before this week.

This is going to be "feel good" legislation, and nothing else.

I don't honestly care if they ban them - I've no desire to get my hands on one and it would make little difference to me. And TBH, I could probably do more damage WITHOUT one of those gimmicky, tacky looking things attached to a Bushmaster if I bought one some day down the road.
90 percent of the talking heads on CNN and Fox yesterday hadn't even heard of them before this week.

This is going to be "feel good" legislation, and nothing else.

I don't honestly care if they ban them - I've no desire to get my hands on one and it would make little difference to me. And TBH, I could probably do more damage WITHOUT one of those gimmicky, tacky looking things attached to a Bushmaster if I bought one some day down the road.

That. It's a piece of plastic. Anyone could jury-rig or 3D print one. You could bump fire a semi-auto rifle with a rubber band or just holding it loosely. Anyone who knows what they are doing would've killed as many or more without a bump fire stock.

But yeah, ban it. SOMETHING has to be done.
Washington, DC – A church was shot up by a lunatic. The US government never lets a tragedy or crisis pass without attempting to find a new way to restrict the American people. So, we can expect a renewed push for gun control. There is a lot of propaganda about gun control. So much so that the truth has been lost.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) would have you believe that guns stop murders. The gun control lobby would have you believe that gun control reduces murders. They are both wrong. Gun bans have always had the same effect once implemented: none. They do not create a (sustained) period of increased murders, nor do they reduce the rate of homicides. The gun control crowd is currently stomping their feet and screaming “No, it reduces violence! I’ve seen the statistics.” What you probably saw were studies that point to reduced instances of “gun murders,” not murder. The pro-gun crowd is screaming that gun bans cause crime. At least this is grounded in reality. Typically, there is a spike in murders immediately after a ban, but it is short lived.

Gun control is designed to stop people from killing each other, at least that’s what we are always told. Let’s take a look at the data:

United Kingdom
: The UK enacted its handgun ban in 1996. From 1990 until the ban was enacted, the homicide rate fluctuated between 10.9 and 13 homicides per million. After the ban was enacted, homicides trended up until they reached a peak of 18.0 in 2003. Since 2003, which incidentally was about the time the British government flooded the country with 20,000 more cops, the homicide rate has fallen to 11.1 in 2010. In other words, the 15-year experiment in a handgun ban has achieved absolutely nothing.

Ireland: Ireland banned firearms in 1972. Ireland’s homicide rate was fairly static going all the way back to 1945. In that period, it fluctuated between 0.1 and 0.6 per 100,000 people. Immediately after the ban, the murder rate shot up to 1.6 per 100,000 people in 1975. It then dropped back down to 0.4. It has trended up, reaching 1.4 in 2007.

Australia: Australia enacted its gun ban in 1996. Murders have basically run flat, seeing only a small spike after the ban and then returning almost immediately to preban numbers. It is currently trending down, but is within the fluctuations exhibited in other nations.

Plain and simple. Gun control has no significant impact on murder rates. Removing firearms does not typically create massive lawlessness. It is a moot point. These figures aren’t a secret. Why would the governments of these nations want a disarmed populace? For the answer, it is best to look at a nation that has had long-time gun bans that is currently relaxing their laws. Russia recently relaxed its firearms laws. For the first time in recent memory, a Russian citizen can carry a firearm. The prohibited items speak volumes about what a government’s motive behind disarming the population is. Russia has allowed “smoothbore long barrelled guns, pistols, revolvers, and other firearms, as well as Tasers, and devices equipped with teargas.” That’s almost everything, what is still banned? Rifles. So the Russian government has made it clear that the real objective is to remove rifles from civilian hands. The reasoning is pretty clear: you need rifles to overthrow a government.

The Real Reason Gun Control Will Never Work:

Poverty has a greater correlation to violent crime than access to firearms. Education and poverty are directly linked. In short, we don’t have a gun problem in the United States, we have a cultural problem.Home Depot. Most people in the gun control lobby know nothing about firearms or their construction. Everything you need to manufacture firearms is available at Home Depot. The materials needed to manufacture a 12 gauge shotgun cost about $20. If someone wanted to build a fully automatic Mac-10 style submachine gun, it would probably cost about $60. Every electrician, plumber, and handyman in the country has the materials necessary to manufacture firearms in their shop. The items are completely unregulated. They aren’t like the chemicals necessary to manufacture methamphetamines. How is the battle against that black market working out?

We have a society that panders to the basest desires and instincts. One of those is violence. We live in a society where women are given dirty looks for breastfeeding in a restaurant, while over their heads on the wall-mounted television plays a movie that graphically depicts someone being tortured to death. We are desensitized to violence, and we have a generation of people that do not have the coping skills necessary to deal with reality.

Firearms are the Pandora’s Box of the United States. The box is open, it can’t be closed through legislation. If you want to change society, you have to actually change the whole of society. You can’t blame an inanimate object that’s availability has absolutely no correlation to murder and expect to end violence



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
If you think anyone seriously blames the gun, you're dumber than you seem. Restricting people's access to guns is the point, one with which I don't necessarily agree, like most issues, conservatards have to distort the actual position of their enemies to justify their own positions, which are often lies to begin with.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It is this simpke:

It is absolutely fine for a person to own a pistol, a revolver, a shotgun or a rifle.

That person has to be:

- at least 18
- have no criminal past
- be mentally and psychologically stable
- not be on a terrorist watchlist, on a dangerous level

If you want to own weapons that are designed for military use, or begin to "upgrade" your formerly legal weapons, you lose the right to own and have any guns.

Anything else is making things dangerous, not safer.
If you think anyone seriously blames the gun, you're dumber than you seem. Restricting people's access to guns is the point, one with which I don't necessarily agree, like most issues, conservatards have to distort the actual position of their enemies to justify their own positions, which are often lies to begin with.

LMAO, as if liberals aren't the kings of that shit. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", and all that...:rolleyes:

It is this simpke:

It is absolutely fine for a person to own a pistol, a revolver, a shotgun or a rifle.

That person has to be:

- at least 18
- have no criminal past
- be mentally and psychologically stable
- not be on a terrorist watchlist, on a dangerous level

If you want to own weapons that are designed for military use, or begin to "upgrade" your formerly legal weapons, you lose the right to own and have any guns.

Anything else is making things dangerous, not safer.

Mind your own fucked up country.