Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Are you sure it isn't just lurkingdirk doing some bizarre and insane courting ritual trying to impress you while he lurks? Maybe he had some marshmallows around, got hungry for some smores, and went overboard.
Seriously though, I hope this is the last of it.
Actually, could have been both Dirk and VV acting in tandom since I've been ignoring them lately.
So how about some nighttime shenanigans under the covers NOW? :shy:
Not if you were the last male on earth. I'd fuck Anders before I fucked you.
Disgruntled banned FreeOnes member?
Hmmm...or a disgruntled ex employee. Willem always hated me hitting his head with my empty water bottle...
Omg where do you live?!
Netherlands. Specifically, in a city that was built after they pumped all the water out to create extra land (think we're 4 meter under sea level?). While the center has "problems" with moroccon and turkish youth who have nothing better to do (or so the anti-immigration crowd says...) our area of the city is pretty quiet. Unless you know someone in the area, there really isn't reason to visit. We don't have kids on scooters zooming around at all hours, hell, you don't see anyone on the street after 9pm most nights. It's just odd.
france. next question, please.
You're delusional. I'd never live in France. The French live there.