I'm saying his stand up technique sucks, and saying it doesn't shows you obviously know nothing of the mechanics of fightnig. I don't doubt you know more about MMA than I do, from the spectator's standpoint. That's not the point here. I kickboxed for 4 years before I had to give it up because of health problems. Years longer than a lot of these guys before they have their first fight. I know what shitty technique looks like. The fact is, most of the fighters in the UFC have sloppy stand up. Even Chuck Liddell is sloppy with the way he holds his hands. However, he has a granite chin, and cinder blocks for hands, so that more than evens it out for him. This is why, when someone who actually has clean stand up, like Anderson Sylva comes along, he makes such short work of other fighters. Other good, clean stand up fighters that come to mind at the moment are Forrest Griffen, and Stefen Bonnar. Watch them, and see how they keep their hands high, are always up on their toes, and are circling their opponents, and working angles rather than moving straight forward and back. That's clean stand up, and good technical fighting.
And that's quite simple.