i have never cared for Miley. she's kind of Annoying,
lol that is fucking Funny!
Don't particularly care for her, but I'm perverted enough to keep checking the thread hoping to see some skin from Hannah Montana. Now that her t'ween-star days are over, she'll get a little more mileage out of the "ooh, look, Hannah Montana acting like a slut" shock factor, but she'll never sustain her career in the way that Britney has been able to. Britney does have a modicum of talent, even if mostly only for self-promotion. Miley doesn't have enough talent to succeed on her own merits, and if she pushes the "innocent celeb turned bad" thing much farther, she'll wind up cast out of polite society. So, I say, strip on down Hannah!!! Let us enjoy it while it lasts!