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Michelle Obama

Also another thing he is a MUSLIM! The Terrorist's who want American people dead, they aren't catholic, jewish or buddhists, they are MUSLIMS!!! I also heard that Obama dosen't salute our flag. Now that is a president i want, one that won't show his respect to our flag that represents freedom. Please people do America a favor and don't vote for Barrack Osama, whoops i mean Obama.

Oh goodie, yet another stepford wife of the 'smear Obama' campaign chimes in.

It appears you'd rather believe what you "hear" (things are so much easier that way, aren't they?). But just in case you'd be interested in actually learning something:


[size=-2]PS to bombardier: here's a good example of exactly the kind of consumer I was talking about on page one.[/size]
It's his Christian connection that gives me a lot of tzuris; Wright is a foaming at the mouth anti-White Black racist; Barak is his boy for many a year.
Not now, of course. Time to run for Prez...
I also have a Christian name, and I am not a Christian. So much for astute deduction.
At least dislike for true reasons, there is always enough bad stuff to dislike someone for...
You're going too far in labeling Reverend Wright an "anti-White Black racist"...Do you have any proof other than the "Goddamn America" soundbyte which is on permaloop on Fox News? The type of Christianity which Rev Wright preaches probably should be called Black Rage, if we wanted to come up with a somewhat fair yet controversial label. If you bothered to assess why "ghettoes" "barrios" and "suburbs" still exist in America, perhaps you could understand why the rage exists? The "system" which America operates under is slanted toward wealthy whites and against everyone else. Why are inner city schools the worst in the nation? Perhaps it has something to do with lack of tax revenue for funding purposes. Why do African-american perps face a significant greater likelyhood of bring convicted of a crime in a court and receiving a harsher sentence than a white perp who commits the same crime?

America has many grand, systemic problems to solve...and is in need of "change."
Please people do America a favor and don't vote for Barrack Osama, whoops i mean Obama.

Yeah he is look at his name, Barrack Obama. That isn't the name of a jew or christian is it? Didn't think so, it is a Muslim name.
Friend, and I use that term loosely...the next time you order a Big Mac, get it without Stupid Sauce...
You just stated that the polling data cannot be taken as accurate.

Let's assume that the polls are accurate...
1) How do you think that the election analysts will be able to accurately calculate the degree to which race played a role?

That conclusion cannot be based simply on the fact that a person has lost to another or based on the size of the margin (as was previously claimed).

2) Does the fact that Richardson lost to Obama mean that people were racist against Hispanics? Why not?

3) Does the fact that Obama beat Hillary mean that people were sexist?
Why not?

Hillary Clinton (who has devoted a large part of her life to the African American community) was painted as a racist during the campaign. Why was that? People want to claim that Hillary Clinton and others are automatically racist, I just don't buy it.

Lets start with I think you are totally diregarding race as a major factor in the election.If you beleive race has not and does not play a role in such things then we just see things very differently.And I am not just talking about extremists but the country overall,racism to some degree lives within most of us,the country(we) still have long way to go before that is no longer the case IMO.Now lets talk about the other things you mention that occured in the dem primarys.Richardson just did not catch on as the other dems Biden,Edwards etc. did not.And lets remember democratic primarys and voters are a very different group then general election voters.Most people in this country claim to be independants not affiliated with eithier party and are in general not nearly as progressive/liberal as the people who come out for dem primarys.
On the Clintons and the charges that they were injecting race into the campaign by Obama and his supporters with things like seizing on what Ferraro said as being racist we actually agree.I thought that was very calculated by the Obama side and were basically unfounded unfair charges.But thats what politics is you use whatever helps you to win.Its not about how you play the game but who wins and if your Obama (who BTW was not my choice for nominee at all,supported Edwards then Hillary) since you know your race is going to be something that hurts your chances in some ways it is understandable to try to turn that around and use it to your advantage where you think you can.And let me just say that the major reason I wanted someone else besides Obama was the very things I am talking about here ,that white america may very well reject him merely because of his race and I want a democrate to win.This is suppose to be a year the dems should win the white house easily and the fact that the polls are so close is disturbing and IMO is mainly based on white fears of a black president.
Back to Hillary ,yes I think there was an extreme amount of sexism involved against her.I saw it everywhere,Obama campaign engaged in some of it but not nearly as much as the media and just people in general did.There was a ton of it here that came from the right ,the middle and the Obama supporters who all thought calling her Hildebeast or disparaging her with all kinds of other BS was totally acceptable.And that was done in ways that would have been never tolerated if they had been done based on lets say race .I really lost a lot of respect for people who did that to her as I thought it was really a bad wrap and that she has done little in her life to be ashamed of and actually has done lots of good work everyone should acknowledge her for.
Again I come back to how this should be a year the dems win relatively easily,all the polls show that people generically want dem president by much wider margin than what the margin in polls is between Obama and McCain.And I just don't see how some experience difference between them explains that.You have still never answered my comparison to 1992 when Bill Clinton who not only looked vastly inexperienced to Bush Sr. but also was able to overcome a sex scandle and be elected.People's concerns about the economy and the issue of is the country on right or wrong track are at least as strong now as they were in 92 are they not? So if a dem(Obama) doesn't win I think we need to look at some other factor than he wasn't experienced enough.
I am fed up of people saying Obama's a Muslim.
Yes, his father was Muslim, yes in Islamic culture the kids follow their father's religion, but NO, that is not the case of Obama.

His father left his white, Christian mother to bring him up shortly after he was born, he did not know his father and probably never seen him, so Christianity is the only religion he knows. Beside which, what is wrong with Islam, are you ignorant enough to think they are all terrorists? Besides, a person't personal religion and relationship with whatever God he worships - if any - is no-one else's business, and should not affect his political and professional stances.

Whether he is racist, or anti-American is a different subject entirely.
Regardless of what you think about McCain personally, he has done more for this country that the Obama's ever have or ever will. And he's always spoken his mind even when it was diametrically opposed to his party's stance on certain issues. Even if you don't like him, I think you have to respect him for those two reasons alone.

Obama's wife strikes me as a little "off", but I can't quite put my finger on it... just an impression she gives off.

On the first he has been in Washington longer, so yes. and the 2nd that is a opinion and you dont have a crystal ball...
So what?, someone cant express an opinion anymore or can only people who are not the presidential nominee's wife say what they think, and what the hell does Obama's religion have to do with anything, Church and State should be seperate. Or are you to used to Bush's complete disregard for that seperation so he can spew a bunch of bogus retoric to explain his moronic actions as President.

"Ive spoken to god and he told me to go to war" or whatever he said something like that.
Why would anyone in there right mind vote for Obama? Please can someone tell me? What has he accomplished in politics? Oh yeah, he has only been in politics for a couple years. I love how he says he is for change, hmmmmm.... well he has never stated what he is going to change, or what needs changing. Also another thing he is a MUSLIM! The Terrorist's who want American people dead, they aren't catholic, jewish or buddhists, they are MUSLIMS!!! I also heard that Obama dosen't salute our flag. Now that is a president i want, one that won't show his respect to our flag that represents freedom. Please people do America a favor and don't vote for Barrack Osama, whoops i mean Obama.

Yeah he is look at his name, Barrack Obama. That isn't the name of a jew or christian is it? Didn't think so, it is a Muslim name.

My name is german does that mean I will be swayed by Germany? He did not pick his name, niether did you. It is meaningless.

Do you think the people of Chicago and Illinois, which he was elected to serve did not think of this? They looked at the man for what he was and stood for, not a based muslim name...

Also do you think all of the U.S. elected politician's that support his election would pine for a future terrorist?
Come on....

Turn off Fox news....


I was enjoying an amusing read from a bona fide wacko (have you actually watched more than 5 minutes of CNN, not including when Lou Dobbs goes on one of his racist immigration rants?)

Did it ever occur to you RACIST RANTERS that Lou is actually advocating on
the side of the law ? Lou advocates nothing other than that of which is written in law. Cite where Lou has personally attacked a specific race of human beings. Mr. Dobbs is passionate in the promotion of a guarded border. That said, please qualify beyond a reason of doubt that Mr. Dobbs is a racist. You may not agree with Lou's position in being on the correct side of the law, but that doesn't make a racist out of the man ! The false accusations and haughty invective won't advance your case. If Lou actually demonstrated that he was a "racist", he'd be off the air and you know it !

Racism, in reality, is a serious charge, yet you overly anxious and excessively emotional libs have redefined the definition of racism as anything to the contrary of what the democrat party says it should mean.
. . This is very much reminiscent of the "one way hate crime".

In my estimation, Dobbs is :

A very loyal AMERICAN, one who understands the Constitution of the United States as it was originally interpreted

One who doesn't like to see mr. bush-it and all of his Texas cronies further balkanize us (U.S.)

Is sick and tired of living under the malfeasance of our ineffectual, weak and appeasing government.

Wants our southern neighbor (autocracy - oligarchy) (amongst one of the world's top 12 wealthiest nations) to get their shit together and stop hoarding the nations' riches and start building some infrastructure on it's own. !
I like Lou Dobbs... you can call him names, but he's RIGHT. This is a country based on laws, that's the way the Constitutional Fathers wanted it. And now, we turn the other way while the law is being broken every single day. We have people living in America and we have no idea who they are, what they are doing, and why they are here. Especially in this day and age, we just can't have it...

Ok, so back to Obama, he may not be Muslim, be he did attend a church for decades who's pastor is a pretty blatant moron, if not an outright racist. If Obama was white, he's be out of the election for that fact alone. Double standard? Absolutely IMHO.
Lets start with I think you are totally diregarding race as a major factor in the election.If you beleive race has not and does not play a role in such things then we just see things very differently.

Race is definitely a factor and it can be manipulated both ways.

If you go back and read my posts, I never said that race was not a factor (in fact I specifically said it certainly was). What I questioned was - the ability to claim that it was the *deciding factor*.

First it was stated that it could be determined by the size of the margin (which we know is not correct). Then it was claimed that it could be determined by comparing the final results with polls (which you said cannot be taken as accurate).

The fact that a person (black, white, or otherwise) "catches on" or wins by a certain margin is not automatically evidence that racism was the deciding factor.

On the Clintons and the charges that they were injecting race into the campaign by Obama and his supporters with things like seizing on what Ferraro said as being racist we actually agree.I thought that was very calculated by the Obama side and were basically unfounded unfair charges.


But thats what politics is you use whatever helps you to win.Its not about how you play the game but who wins

Why is this defense of Machiavellian tactics used to defend Obama? Should we accept such a line of reasoning from anyone else regarding a Republican candidate? Any Democratic candidate?
Is there a double standard here?

and if your Obama (who BTW was not my choice for nominee at all,supported Edwards then Hillary) since you know your race is going to be something that hurts your chances in some ways it is understandable to try to turn that around and use it to your advantage where you think you can.

We agree race *did* hurt Hilary's chances (see above). Is it therefore understandable for her to use it to her advantage? Why not? I don't think anyone is justified in being racist or using race to win. Based on what Obama says, he would agree.

I want a democrate to win.This is suppose to be a year the dems should win the white house easily and the fact that the polls are so close is disturbing and IMO is mainly based on white fears of a black president.

I understand that you want a Democrat to win. I can even understand why.
I am aware that it is your opinion that it is due to racism (rather than views on size of government, taxation, experience, social policies, illegal immigration, etc..).

--- Haven't you noticed it is the exact same States that Kerry carried that Obama now holds. ---
In Kerry's case those same States were voting on the issues - but this time the exact same States are basing their decisions on race???

We still have no explanation for the evidence that we could use to say (beyond personal assumptions) that race is the deciding factor.

There is perhaps more reason to think people are voting based on ideologies as before.

It is also more likely that Obama is faring better in previous "red" states based on his positions on issues and his ideological views.

Back to Hillary ,yes I think there was an extreme amount of sexism involved against her.I saw it everywhere,Obama campaign engaged in some of it but not nearly as much as the media and just people in general did.There was a ton of it here that came from the right ,the middle and the Obama supporters who all thought calling her Hildebeast or disparaging her with all kinds of other BS was totally acceptable.And that was done in ways that would have been never tolerated if they had been done based on lets say race .I really lost a lot of respect for people who did that to her as I thought it was really a bad wrap and that she has done little in her life to be ashamed of and actually has done lots of good work everyone should acknowledge her for.

Well said.

Again I come back to how this should be a year the dems win relatively easily,all the polls show that people generically want dem president by much wider margin than what the margin in polls is between Obama and McCain.And I just don't see how some experience difference between them explains that.

When each person thinks of their "ideal generic democratic candidate" they have different things in mind.
That "imaginary candidate" will always agree with them on *all* of their important issues.
Different issues and capacities matter to different voters. Obama may meet some of them but fail on other important ones - different mismatches to different voters - thus losing support of those who would both otherwise vote for an "ideal generic democratic candidate."

Furthermore, as we all know, McCain is not a generic Republican. People have always agreed that he has unquestionable appeal among a great number of Democrats and an even greater number of independents.

These two factors alone go much farther toward explaining the closeness in the polls than any assumed nationwide racism.

You have still never answered my comparison to 1992 when Bill Clinton who not only looked vastly inexperienced to Bush Sr. but also was able to overcome a sex scandle and be elected.People's concerns about the economy and the issue of is the country on right or wrong track are at least as strong now as they were in 92 are they not? So if a dem(Obama) doesn't win I think we need to look at some other factor than he wasn't experienced enough.

Experience and party affiliation are not the only factors that people look at when deciding for whom they will vote. You erroneously assume that just because people may think that the Bush administration has been bad for the economy - that they will automatically conclude or assume that Obama will be good. People are not this simplistic. Bill Clinton is not this simplistic. Nor should they be.

For one thing, Bill Clinton was not only inspiring, he did a better job of explaining his positions. Almost anyone who has worked with Bill knows that he loves the details and has a mind to understand a wide array of topics. Some people find the details "boring" (which hurt Hillary initially in the Dem primary) but others want to know who their president is and what he will and can do. Bill is a smart guy and has been widely praised for helping the economy during his watch (although not all of it is warranted or directly attributable to him).

Just because people voted for Bill over Bush Sr. does not mean that they would vote for Obama over McCain (or Hillary over McCain for that matter.) Nobody knows *for certain* if Bill Clinton will *actually* vote for Obama.

If Bill (who many African Americans endearingly called "our first black president") does not vote for Obama, will that mean he is a racist? Or could it possibly mean that he thinks someone else may be better based on issues and abilities. We should give him (and the American people) the benefit of the doubt.
First it was stated that it could be determined by the size of the margin (which we know is not correct). Then it was claimed that it could be determined by comparing the final results with polls (which you said cannot be taken as accurate).

Your misunderstanding what I am saying about the "bradley effect" and the polls.What it says is the pre-election polls over estimate the support for the minority and that in the actual vote count it was siginificantly lower.So in effect what I am saying is if that is true the current polls which show Obama and McCain relatively close in the polls which is still pretty shocking to me the actual vote totals will have McCain with a larger margin than that.

Why is this defense of Machiavellian tactics used to defend Obama? Should we accept such a line of reasoning from anyone else regarding a Republican candidate? Any Democratic candidate?
Is there a double standard here?
As someone who has followed politics and elections since the late 60s I have seen a lot I think and think this notion of nice clean elections is nonsense lol.This is a hardball game for high stakes and not the meek.I have no double standard I fully expect the pubs to play rough and to be honest they have been for a while generally much better at that than the dems.Willie Horton,swift boat etc.
I want dems to fight just as hard and nasty,if they can't do that they should find other vocations and should especially not be president.So far Obama has responded fairly well but as the right wing attacks get stronger I expect them to respond in kind,unlike Kerry who let that draft dodger and his party paint him as the non heroic one.They should have rammed home all that stuff about Bush not showing up for his Air national guard duty and avoiding Vietnam.

We agree race *did* hurt Hilary's chances (see above). Is it therefore understandable for her to use it to her advantage? Why not? I don't think anyone is justified in being racist or using race to win. Based on what Obama says, he would agree.

Life aint always fair lol.Hillary when she tried to push back a little and counter some of the tactics of Obama's campaign got hurt more by that then Obama did.Obama and his campaign were masterful at that stuff,Ferraro was great example of how well they used it.Again I say Obama may say he is not running as a black man ,but he knows very well its going to be a factor against him with some so he naturally is going to use as an advantage where he can.Nice to say all these nice things about race should not be used but it is and that isn't stopping quite yet IMO.Wasn't right pubs used something like the Willie Horton ad but they did and will almost assuredly do same again if that is what they think they need to do to win.

--- Haven't you noticed it is the exact same States that Kerry carried that Obama now holds. ---
In Kerry's case those same States were voting on the issues - but this time the exact same States are basing their decisions on race???

We still have no explanation for the evidence that we could use to say (beyond personal assumptions) that race is the deciding factor.

There is perhaps more reason to think people are voting based on ideologies as before.

It is also more likely that Obama is faring better in previous "red" states based on his positions on issues and his ideological views.
Again you are talking about Polls show Obama is holding on to the "blue" states that the dems have for many election cycles,like my state of NJ which has gone democratic many cycles.This is what I am really talking about I am afraid that states like mine will not be taken by Obama in the actual election.In fact I fear something along the lines of a landslide for McCain.Maybe I am all wrong about this,won't be long before we know only couple months.I truly hope so.:bowdown:
... I think this notion of nice clean elections is nonsense lol.This is a hardball game for high stakes and not the meek.I have no double standard I fully expect the pubs to play rough ...
... I want dems to fight just as hard and nasty,if they can't do that they should find other vocations and should especially not be president.

Agreed elections are nasty business. Your "fight fire with fire" mentality using racism perhaps makes some tactical sense but is likely to backfire especially in the broad context.

First, your words will lose power and influence because people will recognize you are merely engaging in a tit for tat. "My(our) racism is ok because of your (their) racism." The motivations for doing this are tempting but should be resisted. Hypocrisy even with such a justification is still hypocrisy.

Second, in the broad context this will likely end up creating more racist thinking. You have just provided anyone the perfect justification. To defend themselves as you have done they only need to claim the ends justify the means. Racism should be confronted wherever it exists, not embraced in some cases and rejected in others.

You are defending the notion that because the Clinton campaign (or Republicans) are "fully expected" to be racist (play rough), that the Obama campaign is justified in doing so. I disagree.

Life aint always fair lol.Hillary when she tried to push back a little and counter some of the tactics of Obama's campaign got hurt more by that then Obama did.Obama and his campaign were masterful at that stuff,Ferraro was great example of how well they used it.

If Obama loses what should we say? --- "Life aint always fair lol"?
Is it acceptable for people to greet him with the same sensitivity that you give to Hillary supporters now?

As you point out in the above example, racism can cut both ways, and in fact can hurt whites more than blacks - particularly if used in a "masterful" fashion as Obama has done.

Nice to say all these nice things about race should not be used but it is and that isn't stopping quite yet IMO.

I agree it isn't going to disappear anytime soon.
But do you want to be the cure or the cause?
Can Obama or his supporters heal the racist divide by winning using racist tactics?

In fact I fear something along the lines of a landslide for McCain.Maybe I am all wrong about this,won't be long before we know only couple months.I truly hope so.:bowdown:

If Obama uses the same methods he used against Clinton, his loss may be his own doing. I certainly hope (and expect) that he won't.
We will certainly know who wins but we won't know the extent racism played for certain or perhaps even who it helped. In any case, nobody should justify such tactics for political gains simply because they want to see a Democrat (or Republican) win.
I can't get my head round American politics. Supposedly the biggest and best democracy in the world yet you only have a choice of two candidates to be your President? They barely even debate eachother's policies they just try to destroy eachother's character.
I can't get my head round American politics. Supposedly the biggest and best democracy in the world yet you only have a choice of two candidates to be your President?

There are more choices but they are vetted out in the primaries (in theory).

They barely even debate eachother's policies they just try to destroy eachother's character.

Mickey m'man - you've encapsulated the essence of the problem in one short sentence. Nice work. :thumbsup:


You're going too far in labeling Reverend Wright an "anti-White Black racist"...Do you have any proof other than the "Goddamn America" soundbyte which is on permaloop on Fox News? The type of Christianity which Rev Wright preaches probably should be called Black Rage, if we wanted to come up with a somewhat fair yet controversial label. If you bothered to assess why "ghettoes" "barrios" and "suburbs" still exist in America, perhaps you could understand why the rage exists? The "system" which America operates under is slanted toward wealthy whites and against everyone else. Why are inner city schools the worst in the nation? Perhaps it has something to do with lack of tax revenue for funding purposes. Why do African-american perps face a significant greater likelyhood of bring convicted of a crime in a court and receiving a harsher sentence than a white perp who commits the same crime?

America has many grand, systemic problems to solve...and is in need of "change."

You go so far in extreme statements, just when I am taking your dissertation seriously you bring up ghettos, barrios, and suburbs in one sentence.
Do you know what a ghetto is? Have you seen an actual barrier manned by armed people who give or deny permission to enter or leave?
Have you ever heard a Latino or Black person proudly state they were from "th' Hood", or toured any other suburbs except where you live?
I hear nothing to suggest either intellectual honesty or personal experience, since I daily see mixed ethnic suburbs everywhere I go, and I move in a 150 mile radius daily, all compass points. I do see areas where similar people congregate and actually prefer living there, among their "peers", rather than living where they can find the nicest place to live.
As for Rev. Wright, if you can get over your continuous fixation with Fox News you can research the speeches of the esteemed gentleman and his numerous guest speakers (white and Black extremeists)...rage?
I got rage...I don't like arrogance, selfish people, extreme idiots and other various fools, etc. I don't espouse at the top of my lungs rejection of Black, Hispanic, and Liberal left-wing/Radical right-wing White people; that is a choice the Rev has made over the years to not heal but to divide and assault large groups of Americans.
Do you actually watch Fox News or not? If you dislike it so much, why? If you don't watch it, where do you get all this information about the content? Since I continuously watch all local and National news feeds every night and morning, I see Greta Von Sustern and others, and fail to find your evaluation anything other than a non-observers generalization. Lou Dobbs is a passionate believer in many things, immigration (illegal or otherwise) is one of his many areas of interest. Do you watch him at all?
Keith Oberman is the only show I have stopped watching; he is too silly now to take seriously.
Please be more specific in your claims of slant or extremism at Fox...or CNN, or MSNBC, or wherever you feel it is. I seem to have missed something along the way if this is so. CNN is mostly Dem liberal, and Fox is mostly Repub conservative, but not completely. MSNBC is the same...a mix of 60/40 attitude.
I listen and evaluate what I hear, but I am not a follower of any agenda...it's all discussion and I take it as such.
And Michelle O doesn't hide her disenchantment with the American way...where is the confusion over that?