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Michelle Obama

On Nov. 9, Obama will shave his head bald and you will all see his horns! He will slip from his shoes to reveal the horns! And then he will drop his pants to unveil his tail!

America, beware!

This thread is just an example of the kind of noise you will hear and it will get louder as we get closer to the election.As you say the goal will be to demonize him and remind americans that as Obama says he doesn't look like all the other presidents whose pictures are on the currency.That will be the tactic, demonize him as a black man you should be afraid of.This election may really end up being more a referendum on what progress america has made on the question of bias and race then anything else.Any democrate should win rather handily with what has happened under Bush and how unpopular the republicans are.If Obama is rejected I think that will expose the fact that america may on the surface seem much less racist but underneath it still has deep profound issues with race and equality.That may be good,that may be bad to expose I'm not sure.:dunno:

dick van cock

Closed Account
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/friday said:
Friday[/URL][/B] on my mind, post: 2413496, member: 44516"]If Obama is rejected I think that will expose the fact that america may on the surface seem much less racist but underneath it still has deep profound issues with race and equality.That may be good,that may be bad to expose I'm not sure.:dunno:
You'd better beware, Friday! Obama's got a bigger dick than you have!

{*consults Webster's for "inferiority complex"}


You'd better beware, Friday! Obama's got a bigger dick than you have!

{*consults Webster's for "inferiority complex"}



You know thats funny you post that.I remember that ad well and that race.It pointed out once again what is called "the bradley effect" which is that polls many times do not refelct the truth when a black is running for office.People lie to pollsters and say they are willing to consider the black to not appear racist but then the election results show something different and the election results clearly show the polls were off in many cases due to this phenomenom.I was reminded about this Harold Ford ad recently here when one of our OCSM's had a thread about Obama and saying she had vids or something with him,it really was reminiscent of the Ford ad,blonde girl with black guy.And we know what that was about don't we.I figured the OCSM was just joking around and said nothing but I gotta admit it smacked of that Ford ad and was slighlty disturbing.


Hiliary 2020
This thread is just an example of the kind of noise you will hear and it will get louder as we get closer to the election.As you say the goal will be to demonize him and remind americans that as Obama says he doesn't look like all the other presidents whose pictures are on the currency.That will be the tactic, demonize him as a black man you should be afraid of.This election may really end up being more a referendum on what progress america has made on the question of bias and race then anything else.Any democrate should win rather handily with what has happened under Bush and how unpopular the republicans are.If Obama is rejected I think that will expose the fact that america may on the surface seem much less racist but underneath it still has deep profound issues with race and equality.That may be good,that may be bad to expose I'm not sure.:dunno:

Racism is really in the eye of the beholder.
My eyes see that probably 90% of blacks who will vote will vote for Obama.
Just another perspective i thought worthy of noting.
your saying the tactic( i suppose by the republican party) will be to demonize him because he is black.
I have yet to notice that.
If he is not elected it will show that the people of the U.S. are racists.
I don't agree, but there is that eye of the beholder thing again.
Racism is really in the eye of the beholder.
My eyes see that probably 90% of blacks who will vote will vote for Obama.
Just another perspective i thought worthy of noting.
your saying the tactic( i suppose by the republican party) will be to demonize him because he is black.
I have yet to notice that.
If he is not elected it will show that the people of the U.S. are racists.
I don't agree, but there is that eye of the beholder thing again.

Probably even higher % than that Mr P.Dems have for years been getting 90% of black vote in presidential elections.And what else are we to conclude if he does not win, that the country really wanted more republican leadership? This was one of the main reasons I did not wish Obama to be the democrate nominee,I am very clear america still has very deep issues over race.If you don't wish to acknowledge that there is not much I can say that will change your mind.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
More contrived, baseless, poorly-researched, bogus and racist input from garrisionjj.

It's funny how the some of the people who like to pretend they are the watchdogs of truth and freedom are the ones most anxious to see it done away with.

Probably even higher % than that Mr P.Dems have for years been getting 90% of black vote in presidential elections.And what else are we to conclude if he does not win, that the country really wanted more republican leadership? This was one of the main reasons I did not wish Obama to be the democrate nominee,I am very clear america still has very deep issues over race.If you don't wish to acknowledge that there is not much I can say that will change your mind.

No, we are to conclude that the voters in the US chose substance over style. When you read through the "substance" of the Obama campaign, it has almost nothing to do with the "change" he keeps touting. It has a lot to do with the government- a government, I might add, that a lot of folks on here already think is too intrusive and large- becoming much larger, taking care of a lot more aspects of your life through a lot more taxation and programs.

His energy policy is laughable and unsustainable, even without the comments about inflating tires and getting tune-ups. Those things certainly help, but they are NOT a solution to ridding the US of dependence on other countries for oil, nor are they (as he himself puts it) able to save us as much oil as could be had by drilling domestically. His solution is to make fun of McCain for poking fun at the tires/tune-up thing, and then to say that oil companies should drill on the land they have now. They do, but that's another entire post (and I think it's been covered to death on here). But he doesn't want nuclear power (Iran can have it to make energy, but not us? :confused: ), and I haven't heard him talk much about solar, wind, or other alternative fuels, either. I've heard him use the phrase "Alternative energy sources", but he never, ever says what they are.

His foreign policy would be a disaster. Invading Pakistan? Why? To what end? And this, at the same time that he says he would remove all US troops from Iraq within 16 months without consulting with generals and commanders with their boots on the ground in Iraq. So we leave Iraq, where our troop presence finally has violence down, and their government seems to be getting stronger, so that we can invade a mountainous country that has not been in conflict with us (and considers us an ally)?

I think people are getting increasingly put off by the things he's saying (and in some cases NOT saying), and the seemingly unending arrogance the guy has. I'm not a McCain fan, but I don't want a guy as President of the US who calls himself a "citizen of the world." How about you be a citizen of the US? Forget all the rah-rah flag-waving "patriotism", what about just pride in one's country? It seems like everyone is allowed to have it but people from the US.

And frankly, whether I take heat for this or not, I find myself insulted by the phrase "A white man's greed runs a world in need."

Go Ron Paul... or Bugs Bunny... or hell, even some janitor at a school.



^ Nicely done

Its funny, all of the praise for McCain, back in 2004.
You couldn't find a democrat critical of this man.
Inject a little politics . . . and here we are today.

IMO, vote for McCain, you get a socialist . . vote Obama, to the left of that.
We not need to lose out center of gravity here. ;)
I find it either sad or pathetic that conservative-minded people STILL believe the Obamas are sleeper agent al-Qaeda members ready to unleash wahabi islam onto America. Get ready America for the turban, the AK-47, hummus and flat bread to the national diet, long hair, long facial hair, bad rap music, funny-looking backwards writing, and gov't mandated construction of mosques on every corner in the Heartland, not to mention the call to prayers 5 times aday for which if we don't bow down to the muslim masters, we will be shipped off to Gitmo....

Perhaps we will begin the Israeli Invasion once we swear in Shiek Obama to office:dunno:
Well, maybe Dems are tired of "correcting" the misconceptions about Obama/Osama's Secret Brother crap which the Wackoes can't seem to let go. At least a good 'ol race card drop will shut up the nitwit wackoes....
More contrived, baseless, poorly-researched, bogus and racist input from garrisionjj.

It's funny how the some of the people who like to pretend they are the watchdogs of truth and freedom are the ones most anxious to see it done away with.


Well said:hatsoff:

Also, it is interesting to note that guys that start threads like this one always fade out very rapidly and don't participate in their own discussion... probably because to discuss is not the reason that motivates these posts.
This thread is just an example of the kind of noise you will hear and it will get louder as we get closer to the election.As you say the goal will be to demonize him and remind americans that as Obama says he doesn't look like all the other presidents whose pictures are on the currency.That will be the tactic, demonize him as a black man you should be afraid of.This election may really end up being more a referendum on what progress america has made on the question of bias and race then anything else.Any democrate should win rather handily with what has happened under Bush and how unpopular the republicans are.If Obama is rejected I think that will expose the fact that america may on the surface seem much less racist but underneath it still has deep profound issues with race and equality.That may be good,that may be bad to expose I'm not sure.:dunno:

While I agree that there are those that are attempting to demonize Obama in the manner you describe, I think you have to be careful here. Under your scenario there is no way for Obama to be rejected without the country being racist. Catch 22?
You should allow for the possibility that people are hesitant to vote for Obama because he is unproven and (possibly) more speech than substance.
Nationwide polls show many people feel he is a riskier choice (not just white supremacist racist wackos). People trust him less than McCain not because he is black but because he is unknown.
Unknown doesn't necessarily mean bad, but it doesn't necessarily mean good either. The fact that some dumbass puts a racist video about Obama on YouTube does not mean everyone believes it or agrees. Nor should it automatically be considered the reason why the nation may decide to vote otherwise.

Furthermore, McCain is definitely not George Bush (no matter how much Obama would like people to believe that he is) - just as you and CunningStunts pointed out earlier. McCain has had the time to *prove* that he can reach across the aisle in contradiction of Bush and others at great personal risk - Obama so far has been forced to merely say it. How often has Obama bucked his own party line? Worse, during his brief political exposure, Obama has often changed his positions in a manner that is politically expedient. Obama and his team need to work on backing up his words rather than labeling all opposition racist (as he labeled Clinton). If he does this he may indeed widen his lead.
I find it either sad or pathetic that conservative-minded people STILL believe the Obamas are sleeper agent al-Qaeda members ready to unleash wahabi islam onto America. Get ready America for the turban, the AK-47, hummus and flat bread to the national diet, long hair, long facial hair, bad rap music, funny-looking backwards writing, and gov't mandated construction of mosques on every corner in the Heartland, not to mention the call to prayers 5 times aday for which if we don't bow down to the muslim masters, we will be shipped off to Gitmo....

Perhaps we will begin the Israeli Invasion once we swear in Shiek Obama to office:dunno:

I don't think it's fair to say that conservatives believe that BS. Perhaps their are people that can be led to believe that but they certainly don't believe that because they are conservatives. They believe it because they are uninformed and gullible. They are the same people that answer that email from Nigeria and think they can help someone get 20 million dollars out of the country if they just send a couple of thousand dollars to help with the paperwork. It is darn hard to cure stupid.
If you're going to call Obama a flipflopper, what do we say McCain's "positional adjustments" on the Bush tax cuts, coastal oil drilling/the great Big Oil bendover&handout, immigration, GI benefits, etc.--are these merely nothing more than "desperate grasps to win the presidency?"

John McCain is a Washington insider and this is not the climate to be attached to Dubya and the Republican Corruption Machine...
If you're going to call Obama a flipflopper, what do we say McCain's "positional adjustments" on the Bush tax cuts, coastal oil drilling/the great Big Oil bendover&handout, immigration, GI benefits, etc.--are these merely nothing more than "desperate grasps to win the presidency?"

John McCain is a Washington insider and this is not the climate to be attached to Dubya and the Republican Corruption Machine...

Love your new signature line! It gave me a hardy laugh. Then I was distracted by the asses of Olympic beach volleyball chicks and ... I forget what I was saying.


I find it either sad or pathetic that conservative-minded people STILL believe the Obamas are sleeper agent al-Qaeda members ready to unleash wahabi islam onto America.

Uhhh, His mum's pref was moslem men, after all, she married one and then later, another !!
There's a lot of material out there to suggest that obama is not what he portrays, yet people simply don't want to hear it.
You're becoming all too loyal again TR ! We just went through this exercise yesterday with Edwards, your first choice (IIRC) for pres in 08.

I'm loyal to neither party. You need not be embarrassed by association via partisan politics. I've been burned too many times. I prefer the pick and choose. It's still available, you know.

Freedom . . . Live It :thumbsup:
She sees a black and white America and claims blacks are not equal but are superior to the white race.
I think some people are playing with ideas in ways they were never pushed.

Furthermore, one could make the argument that anyone who faces a life with less money and more hardships is stronger than those who did not at the same level of accomplishment. Statistically that would make such an African American "superior" in many ways when it comes to their life and accomplishments against the average Anglo American.

Side Note: Unfortunately, the Obama's aren't exactly shining examples of the under-privileged, like the majority of politicians. In fact, most African Americans that reach such levels are no less priviledged than their Anglo American counterparts. As I always say, "the rich black man doesn't speak for you any more than the rich white man speaks for me."

Now I personally have some bones to pick with Michelle Obama and her many past statements, but you don't need to insert rhetoric and claim things that aren't true. I personally think if Obama is elected, we'll forget all the horrors that was Hillary in the White House. But that's another story. ;)

Her husband's Muslim upbringing also postulates this position.
So much for any objective statements by yourself. ;)

Even though the endless Muslim comments about Obama are wholly questionable, even if he was Muslim himself, I fail to see hwo that's a problem. If it's a problem in your eyes, then I guess you have a problem with 10 million other Americans. That's not good.

We recently had our first Muslim representative, and he was sworn in on the Koran from Thomas Jefferson's personal library. I guess anyone who votes for Obama is a misguided Muslim lover like Thomas Jefferson, eh?


I really have nothing specific to say about Barak Hussein Obama, like most people I hear him and Michelle playing on people's emotions with their rhetoric and I have reactions. This is how a politicion operates; no smart politition gives away any of his innermost plans and thoughts before they are in a position of power.
J. McCain has a long public history, and he disturbs me with his positions as well.
I think that, when the election is over, we will see who has the White House, and we will all wait and see just what the true agenda is of "____________________" and his wife.
One thing is sure...generalizations are flying right and left, even the most rational lefties and righties are stepping over the dispassionate line of rational thought here.
I listen to Shawn and Bill, Lou and Anderson, and talk radio a lot. All the statements made about wacko rightwingers seem to include the ideas that you are one if you listen seriously to the debate on Fox News and CNN. You insult me doing so, and I assure you I am no right (or Left) wing wacko, merely an information gatherer.
My main thought is...the Obamas are early, he is not formed enough to be the "center" of the Western culture as President. If he fails in the fast moving arena of current history, it will be a lost cause for minority candidates to expect election on merit alone.
Reality dictates self interest when electing "leaders", and a good example is the Governors race years back between David Duke and Edwin Edwards. David spoke to all the fears people in Louisiana had, and seemed like a viable candidate...until election day, when most voters knew in their hearts and minds that DD wasn't really capable of running a government. Example of the most popular bumper sticker: "Vote for the Crook...it's important!"
The vast majority of Coonasses voted for Edwards, 'cause they wanted to have jobs and life as they knew it, and I see the Obama fervor as similarly emotional rather than rational. (I know, a generalization.)
I am put off by Michelle, and Obama 's view, that the US is screwed up. As in, I see the US of A as a bit disoriented; get back on track, good plan...build something new 'cause the old one is broken, not so good.

Hmmm...maybe we could all just get along? :rofl2: