While I agree that there are those that are attempting to demonize Obama in the manner you describe, I think you have to be careful here. Under your scenario there is no way for Obama to be rejected without the country being racist. Catch 22?
You should allow for the possibility that people are hesitant to vote for Obama because he is unproven and (possibly) more speech than substance.
Nationwide polls show many people feel he is a riskier choice (not just white supremacist racist wackos). People trust him less than McCain not because he is black but because he is unknown.
Unknown doesn't necessarily mean bad, but it doesn't necessarily mean good either. The fact that some dumbass puts a racist video about Obama on YouTube does not mean everyone believes it or agrees. Nor should it automatically be considered the reason why the nation may decide to vote otherwise.
Furthermore, McCain is definitely not George Bush (no matter how much Obama would like people to believe that he is) - just as you and CunningStunts pointed out earlier. McCain has had the time to *prove* that he can reach across the aisle in contradiction of Bush and others at great personal risk - Obama so far has been forced to merely say it. How often has Obama bucked his own party line? Worse, during his brief political exposure, Obama has often changed his positions in a manner that is politically expedient. Obama and his team need to work on backing up his words rather than labeling all opposition racist (as he labeled Clinton). If he does this he may indeed widen his lead.
I think it will be clear after the election what were the factors that determined the results and what role race and racism played.On this issue of Obama being possibly rejected mainly over experience I would say lets look at 1992 and the election of Clinton.His experience as a gov of AR was not much to speak of eithier in many peoples eyes and that and even a scandle like Jennifer Flowers didn't prevent him from being elected.That was due to anxiety anbout the economy,people were willing to overlook most things and wanted a new leader and party in power.Does anyone think the level of anxiety is any less now?No I think clearly if Obama was a white guy he would be easily elected given how damaged the republicans are.Unknown relatively would work to his favor under such a scenario and has been working for Obama to large degree.
But like I said we will know after the election what the truth is about all this.If McCain wins big which I think is very possible given the reasons of racial fears and bias it will be especially clear IMO.