Message boards in spanish: Racist.


Hiliary 2020
Hi everybody.
You know i hate to call something racist, the word is way overused these days.
but i have an example where i thinks its apt.

I sometimes check out a thread on a spanish language message board called
there is a thread which people post videos of camgirls from colombia.

heres the thing ive noticed.
for example in freeones people write deep thoughts, opinions, facts.
on spanish sites each post usually is one sentence long.
like they can't express anything but one simple thought in writing.

I call it racist because every time i post a short comment or a video i get responses calling me gringo this , gringo that, they also like to insult my mother for some reason.
i get negative rep, pm's with the same name calling
real nasty racist shit.
and the mods leave it up.
yesterday i responded saying they are pussys and racist for talking shit over the internet and my post gets deleted and i get an infraction.

Imagine here, if someone posted in english, but its obviously not there native language, and half the board started calling them racial names.

i guess my point, the latino culture is pretty fucking racist in my opinion, not always up front, but inside their hearts.

we should all sign up for this site and start an internet race war, who's with me!
Lets do ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!


Hiliary 2020
yeah its got some good vids posted at times.
thing is you gotta dl most of them, so i rarely bother.

and youre right, i will never post again there.
Why are you posting shit about other boards on here? Isn't that against the rules?
Hi everybody.
You know i hate to call something racist, the word is way overused these days.
but i have an example where i thinks its apt.

I sometimes check out a thread on a spanish language message board called
there is a thread which people post videos of camgirls from colombia.

heres the thing ive noticed.
for example in freeones people write deep thoughts, opinions, facts.
on spanish sites each post usually is one sentence long.
like they can't express anything but one simple thought in writing.

I call it racist because every time i post a short comment or a video i get responses calling me gringo this , gringo that, they also like to insult my mother for some reason.
i get negative rep, pm's with the same name calling
real nasty racist shit.
and the mods leave it up.
yesterday i responded saying they are pussys and racist for talking shit over the internet and my post gets deleted and i get an infraction.

Imagine here, if someone posted in english, but its obviously not there native language, and half the board started calling them racial names.

i guess my point, the latino culture is pretty fucking racist in my opinion, not always up front, but inside their hearts.

we should all sign up for this site and start an internet race war, who's with me!
Lets do ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!
Why are you telling us this? :confused:
stay off the board it's simple as that.

This says it all

However, I do have to put in my :2 cents: into this regardless. Other than the fact that I think people these days are too whiny and a bit too quick to pull the racist card out. You have to remember something, that not everyone has the same views as others. Regardless of what most people would like to you to believe at least IMHO, there are many that have issues with one race or another. It is just unfortunately ignorance and bad experiences that bring this type of behavior out and of course the label comes out because of this result. Just because a few putzes on a message board pissed you off does not mean you have to start a race thing. In my view I really don't care what race anyone is, there are assholes in all races and unfortunately my friend you found a few of them.

On a side note remember one thing, pussy is the same in all races... its all pink inside :hatsoff:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Give me their names and addresses. I'll take care of 'em for ya. There will be a body disposal fee. I'll need that up front...
I'd give a decent answer, but before I can do that I'd have to see both your posts & the posts of the people you complain about. Since those posts are probably in Spanish & considering the fact that I can't speak, write or read a single word in Spanish and that you cannot post links to other boards, I guess the best option is not to give any advice.


Member, you member...
Other language - other than English - threads sometimes get closed down here.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'd give a decent answer, but before I can do that I'd have to see both your posts & the posts of the people you complain about. Since those posts are probably in Spanish & considering the fact that I can't speak, write or read a single word in Spanish and that you cannot post links to other boards, I guess the best option is not to give any advice.

I can see why they would clown you based on some of the one way, ignorant blather you tend to post here.
If it's in spanish just tell them to vayanse a chingar mucho a su pinche puta madre, that's usually what I say, right before getting my ass kicked :D

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
If it's in spanish just tell them to vayanse a chingar mucho a su pinche puta madre, that's usually what I say, right before getting my ass kicked :D

You got your ass kicked for asking Pedro where the library is located? :dunno: Wow, tough crowd...