Conservatives continue to be a study in contradictions. I've said it many times regarding the economy. Out of one side of your mouths - the economy sucks, Obama is to blame, Democrats are making it worse. Out of the other side of your mouths - anyone who doesn't have a job is a leech, a mooch and a drug addict. Contradiction.
It's the same thing with this liberal media bias. It didn't stop Reagan and Bush Sr. from living in the White House for 12 years. It didn't stop Dubya from serving two terms. It hasn't stopped people from voting for Republicans and it sure as hell hasn't stopped the Tea Party. So what's the problem?
Mind you, I'm not claiming that there is no Liberal bias. Quite the contrary, I agree it exists. But have you ever considered that maybe it exists because more people in general have Liberal beliefs? Gay Rights/Marriage has advanced light years in the last 20 years, not because of media bias, but because it's the right thing to do. Roe v. Wade is still the law of the land, not because of bias, but because it's the right thing to do. Marijuana laws/War on Drugs are evolving not because of media bias, but because it's the right thing to do. The Conservative mantra of deregulation is being shown to be a myth, not because of media bias but because every single time we try it, the next disaster pops up quite promptly.
In the current political environment, if you have a problem with Liberal bias, lay some of the blame at your own feet. As long as your side is represented by the likes of Cruz, Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, West, Bachmann, Gingrich, etc., you are going to be forced to fight off a tidal wave of bias with your hands. You're being represented by the criminally insane and the criminally stupid. And you have no one to blame but yourselves.
1. I'm not a conservative any more than George Orwell the anti-communist was a conservative or fascist.
2. Check my posts, I've never blamed Obama for the state of the economy, the closest I've ever come is saying that the second stimulus looked like a waste of money because it neither helped nor hurt the economy. In fact, I've defended him against conservatives, libertarians and Republicans who have tried to blame him for an economy he inherited from Bush and the 5 previous Congresses.
3.No, more people in general do NOT have liberal beliefs in the U.S. they have a core of about 40% of the adults That's the figure we've seen consistently. What liberals do have is a longstanding, and now weakening, control over the media and entertainment complex. They are able to browbeat, blackball and intimidate others which gives them disproportionate influence on society.
I don't necessarily disagree with most of the solutions that Democrats offer, but I do dislike the liberal media/entertainment complex, the corrosive and subversive tactics the lib media employs and the cover they provide for the truly evil and racist elements of the far-Left who openly seek to wreck the U.S.
4. The problem now is that the U.S. is coming apart at the seems. Some prominent liberals like George Soros have actively sought to weaken the U.S. so it's a great time for them. Why would he want this to happen? Because prominent liberal globalists see the U.S. as a barrier to global governance and eventually world government, which the Left intends to control. Left globalists are already using the EU as a test bed, so we can see them in action.
5. You've just provided your rogues gallery of 8. Now, please list 6 prominent liberals who are harming the U.S. Most U.S. liberals have absolutely REFUSED to critique their own, maybe a British one can be more objective.