Megyn Kelly: Jesus and Santa were white.

Conservatives continue to be a study in contradictions. I've said it many times regarding the economy. Out of one side of your mouths - the economy sucks, Obama is to blame, Democrats are making it worse. Out of the other side of your mouths - anyone who doesn't have a job is a leech, a mooch and a drug addict. Contradiction.

It's the same thing with this liberal media bias. It didn't stop Reagan and Bush Sr. from living in the White House for 12 years. It didn't stop Dubya from serving two terms. It hasn't stopped people from voting for Republicans and it sure as hell hasn't stopped the Tea Party. So what's the problem?

Mind you, I'm not claiming that there is no Liberal bias. Quite the contrary, I agree it exists. But have you ever considered that maybe it exists because more people in general have Liberal beliefs? Gay Rights/Marriage has advanced light years in the last 20 years, not because of media bias, but because it's the right thing to do. Roe v. Wade is still the law of the land, not because of bias, but because it's the right thing to do. Marijuana laws/War on Drugs are evolving not because of media bias, but because it's the right thing to do. The Conservative mantra of deregulation is being shown to be a myth, not because of media bias but because every single time we try it, the next disaster pops up quite promptly.

In the current political environment, if you have a problem with Liberal bias, lay some of the blame at your own feet. As long as your side is represented by the likes of Cruz, Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, West, Bachmann, Gingrich, etc., you are going to be forced to fight off a tidal wave of bias with your hands. You're being represented by the criminally insane and the criminally stupid. And you have no one to blame but yourselves.

1. I'm not a conservative any more than George Orwell the anti-communist was a conservative or fascist.
2. Check my posts, I've never blamed Obama for the state of the economy, the closest I've ever come is saying that the second stimulus looked like a waste of money because it neither helped nor hurt the economy. In fact, I've defended him against conservatives, libertarians and Republicans who have tried to blame him for an economy he inherited from Bush and the 5 previous Congresses.
3.No, more people in general do NOT have liberal beliefs in the U.S. they have a core of about 40% of the adults That's the figure we've seen consistently. What liberals do have is a longstanding, and now weakening, control over the media and entertainment complex. They are able to browbeat, blackball and intimidate others which gives them disproportionate influence on society.

I don't necessarily disagree with most of the solutions that Democrats offer, but I do dislike the liberal media/entertainment complex, the corrosive and subversive tactics the lib media employs and the cover they provide for the truly evil and racist elements of the far-Left who openly seek to wreck the U.S.

4. The problem now is that the U.S. is coming apart at the seems. Some prominent liberals like George Soros have actively sought to weaken the U.S. so it's a great time for them. Why would he want this to happen? Because prominent liberal globalists see the U.S. as a barrier to global governance and eventually world government, which the Left intends to control. Left globalists are already using the EU as a test bed, so we can see them in action.

5. You've just provided your rogues gallery of 8. Now, please list 6 prominent liberals who are harming the U.S. Most U.S. liberals have absolutely REFUSED to critique their own, maybe a British one can be more objective.

I always liked the quote, "Reality has a liberal bias." I know I shouldn't because I'm biased toward it, but still.

Reality huh? Left wingers deny reality when they work against colonialism in the third world only to support massive immigration of hostile peoples into Europe, at a time when the indigenous population is vulnerable, then try to ruin and ostracize those who question multiculturalism as counter-intuitive, unrealistic and flying in the face of historical failure.

So that's the Left for you, putting ideology above reality and country.
While that's not even close to true, it is very odd that you'd drop in to this thread to say this. What a small, idiotic little man you are.

This is a good post. I also agree there is a Liberal media bias in many ways, but why on earth would Fox rail against it while they perpetuate a deeply conservative bias of their own? Why not just try to report actual news, and actually be fair and balanced. Anyone who thinks Fox News is really fair and balanced is not cross referencing what they're saying with any other news source.

I love hos Kelly backpedaled the next day, saying "It was just a joke, don't take it seriously." Watch the footage. She wasn't joking. Pretty stellar reporting, there.

You'd know all about backpedaling, as you were doing it all over this thread. As for her comments, we've already shown that, in the light of liberal non-evidence that Jesus wasn't White, some of the flimsier arguments for him being White stand unchallenged. So she had no damn reason to apologize, if only to get liberals off her back.

And as for your other comment, you continue to hoist yourself by own petard.
Harvard's study on the primaries from 2007
And again in 2012

The study by Pew showing MSNBC is the most opinion loaded News channel, with the overwhelming majority of their broadcast time devoted to opinion.


Closed Account
Who says it's their only source? As for bias, the liberal media attack FOX news 24/7 365 days a year, non-stop no matter what. They've started this meme that FOX is somehow worse than all others in the minds of liberal audiences and those folks heavily susceptible to peer pressure…but it's been pointed out that FOX really is no worse and actually has a pretty damn good track record relative to MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC.

Actually I was referring to two friends with the "only source" comment, they have told me it was their only source. I wasn't trying to imply it was your only source, I apologize if it came across that way.

In regards to the bias stories going back and forth between liberal/conservative it's a lot like the Benny/Allen feud of old, done for ratings as much as anything else. One side will hold themselves up as defenders of truth and honesty so the home team can cheer them on.

One thing missing in this topic (that all of us have successfully derailed:)) Fox's agenda is not conservative, MSNBC's agenda is not liberal. Fox's agenda is Rupert Murdoch's bottom line, appealing to conservative values is how they meet that agenda. Same with MSNBC only for their owner and using liberals.

I have no doubts that one or the other corperations behind the scenes would happily switch sides if they felt more money could be made.


1. I'm not a conservative any more than George Orwell the anti-communist was a conservative or fascist.
2. Check my posts, I've never blamed Obama for the state of the economy, the closest I've ever come is saying that the second stimulus looked like a waste of money because it neither helped nor hurt the economy. In fact, I've defended him against conservatives, libertarians and Republicans who have tried to blame him for an economy he inherited from Bush and the 5 previous Congresses.
3.No, more people in general do NOT have liberal beliefs in the U.S. they have a core of about 40% of the adults That's the figure we've seen consistently. What liberals do have is a longstanding, and now weakening, control over the media and entertainment complex. They are able to browbeat, blackball and intimidate others which gives them disproportionate influence on society. This does not refute my statement. Policies enacted by Liberal/Progressive elements remain and continue to grow because they have the consent of the governed. And the rest of this paragraph does nothing for me. I know of no one who has been "blackballed" and in a country of 1st Amendment freedoms, anyone who is "intimidated" does so by their own consent.

I don't necessarily disagree with most of the solutions that Democrats offer, but I do dislike the liberal media/entertainment complex, the corrosive and subversive tactics the lib media employs and the cover they provide for the truly evil and racist elements of the far-Left who openly seek to wreck the U.S. Again, this is where you completely lose me. "Seek to wreck the U.S."? C'mon. Who do you think is doing this? What do they stand to gain? What possible motivation would they have? What's their methodology? Once they have "wrecked" the country, what will stand in its place? And most importantly, how do they hope to pull it off? And moving on to the next thing, who is the truly evil? Who are the "racists" of the far-Left? Who are they racist against? And if you need an example of "corrosive and subversive", take another look at the FOX News vid I posted on the preceding page.

4. The problem now is that the U.S. is coming apart at the seems. Some prominent liberals like George Soros have actively sought to weaken the U.S. so it's a great time for them. Why would he want this to happen? Because prominent liberal globalists see the U.S. as a barrier to global governance and eventually world government, which the Left intends to control. Left globalists are already using the EU as a test bed, so we can see them in action. The US has always been coming apart at the seams. Someone recently suggested that George Washington was a gawdawful President because of his banking/trade policies. Then it was slavery. Then it was Manifest Destiny. And then isolationism, communism, McCarthey-ism, colonialism, activism, Vietnam, marijuana, punk rock, Reaganomics, foreign policy towards S. Africa, gun control and terrorism. It's always something and today is no better and no worse than yesterday.

And I have to tell you, as a commited Liberal, I have no fuckin' clue who George Soros is and couldn't care less. But I'll make you a deal. You slap a muzzle on the Koch Bros. and Grover Norquist and I'll give Soros a good kick in the nutz.

5. You've just provided your rogues gallery of 8. Now, please list 6 prominent liberals who are harming the U.S. Most U.S. liberals have absolutely REFUSED to critique their own, maybe a British one can be more objective. We have critiqued the Obama administration to no end, and it has fallen on deaf ears. I wish I had a dollar for every time, on this board alone, that we have been accused of some sycophanic devotion to the man when the evidence to the contrary is sitting there, waiting for someone to actually read it. And my gallery of 8 is simply what I felt like typing at that moment. I could have added Joe Walsh, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, everyone at FOX who repeated the Obama/India trip, every Right-wing outlet that repeated the Obama/India trip, the FOX bimbette who accused Obama of threatening the life of Chelsea Clinton to muzzle her I really need to go on? The Left doesn't have people like this, and the moment they do, I'll find another self-descriptive.

I always liked the quote, "Reality has a liberal bias."
I remember when Gingrich talked about "liberal maths"... Yep, Newt, you nailed it : Maths have a liberal bias. Science has a liberal bias.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You live in Texas. Check where I live. I work with, live near, went to school with and am related to liberals who are EXACTLY like that and it's been like that in the other places I've lived. Austin, Texas is full of liberals like that too. They just can't get much done because of all the conservatives and libertarians there.

We're all a product of where we live and how we've grown up. I'm not a gun-grabbing, Christmas hating, particularly politically correct leftist liberal and I get really tired of the straw man labels that are too frequently thrown around. It's easier to attack the argument you wish the other person had made instead of the one they did.

I don't think he was a White man either.

But at the same time, you have no fucking clue what he looked like either. And seeing as you nor anyone in this thread have anything to go on, semantics are not out of line. The U.S. government would classify him as White as per their own census definitions, and if the early Jewish propaganda about him is true (that he had a Roman soldier father named Pantera) then he very well may have been a White dude.

Lastly, take a look at the levantine peoples who did not mix with the Arabs in great numbers, like the Alawites or the Samaritans or the Chaldeans. They have plenty of people among them who could be considered to be White.

The Fox News pundit in question spoke in absolute terms, giving us the conclusion before the premise, in her estimation Jesus is white, and that's exactly what her viewers want to hear. When it comes to Santa Claus, it really doesn't matter who he was based on, when he was moved to the North Pole with a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer, whoever he was based on melted away. What's the harm in making Santa inclusive, after all the whole thing is done for little kids. This is the kind of thing that Fox News gets hammered on when it comes to alienating minorities, but hey, they can keep it up, it's not like they already have a problem appealing to them.
Actually I was referring to two friends with the "only source" comment, they have told me it was their only source. I wasn't trying to imply it was your only source, I apologize if it came across that way.

In regards to the bias stories going back and forth between liberal/conservative it's a lot like the Benny/Allen feud of old, done for ratings as much as anything else. One side will hold themselves up as defenders of truth and honesty so the home team can cheer them on.

One thing missing in this topic (that all of us have successfully derailed:)) Fox's agenda is not conservative, MSNBC's agenda is not liberal. Fox's agenda is Rupert Murdoch's bottom line, appealing to conservative values is how they meet that agenda. Same with MSNBC only for their owner and using liberals.

I have no doubts that one or the other corperations behind the scenes would happily switch sides if they felt more money could be made.

edit: Absolutely that's the case. But also something to consider is that not ALL parts of the base are appealed to. It's a pretty narrow element of the Left and a small set of elements of the Right, that are represented on television broadcasts.
For example, openly criticizing Israel and its supporters in the U.S. Congress will get you booted off the air.
I provided links from credible research institutions citing that not only is FOX among the least biased, but it's biggest accuser, MSNBC, IS the most biased.
I remember when Gingrich talked about "liberal maths"... Yep, Newt, you nailed it : Maths have a liberal bias. Science has a liberal bias.

Maybe it's lost in translation, but he was referring to an artful way in which liberal think tanks and Democrats in Congress constructed a budget in order to conceal unrealistic revenue expectations, not bias in basic maths.

- - - Updated - - -

lol at this thread. Please, keep coming at me. You're only making yourself look smarter each time.


You're only making yourself look dumber and more desperate.
We're all a product of where we live and how we've grown up. I'm not a gun-grabbing, Christmas hating, particularly politically correct leftist liberal and I get really tired of the straw man labels that are too frequently thrown around. It's easier to attack the argument you wish the other person had made instead of the one they did.

The Fox News pundit in question spoke in absolute terms, giving us the conclusion before the premise, in her estimation Jesus is white, and that's exactly what her viewers want to hear. When it comes to Santa Claus, it really doesn't matter who he was based on, when he was moved to the North Pole with a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer, whoever he was based on melted away. What's the harm in making Santa inclusive, after all the whole thing is done for little kids. This is the kind of thing that Fox News gets hammered on when it comes to alienating minorities, but hey, they can keep it up, it's not like they already have a problem appealing to them.

And you know this how? You're the one who cries about being labeled because of what liberals are like in more blue states, then claim to know what the audience was wanting to hear a particular kind of comment.
Lastly, when presented with the information about U.S. census classification and common phenotypes exhibited by relic levantine ethnic groups…it doesn't seem like Kelly's comments are so laughable after all.

No, not laughable but politically incorrect. We've gotten to a point where it's horrible to say that the European-American derived archetype of Santa Claus is WHITE and that Jesus was White, as per our own government definition and perhaps the common phenotype of the classic levantine peoples is a mortal sin to say.

Liberal pundits and bloggers were attacking her before even pausing for a second to consider if whether these figures COULD have been White men.

But for liberals, that doesn't matter. Only their hatred for Whites matters, not history or truth.

Seriously, liberals in the media every once and awhile decry the "state of discourse" without for a damn second contemplating the central role they play in tearing this nation apart. Folks like George Soros must be pleased to see that, because in his own interviews he's sought a weakened America as necessary for world government. Controlled by people like him of course...
If you say so. I guess that's what I am.

- - - Updated - - -

If you say so. I guess that's what I am.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and leave the thread, your ridiculous attempts at an argument got shredded, your links turned out to be mostly from laughable liberal hack jobs like media matters and politicsusa and you couldn't even stay on topic when asked about the historical accuracy or inaccuracy of Kelly's comments.

Heck, I didn't even agree with her statement concerning Jesus but I can see how there's much more of a case to be made for why she's correct while you've presented NOTHING for why she is wrong.
If you say so. I guess that's what I am.

- - - Updated - - -

If you say so. I guess that's what I am.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and leave the thread, your ridiculous attempts at an argument got shredded, your links turned out to be mostly from laughable liberal hack jobs like media matters and politicsusa and you couldn't even stay on topic when asked about the historical accuracy or inaccuracy of Kelly's comments.

Heck, I didn't even agree with her statement concerning Jesus but I can see how there's much more of a case to be made for why she's correct while you've presented NOTHING for why she is wrong.
Okay. Clearly you are a master debater. Obviously everything you said is true, and nothing I said is correct. I'm wrong on every count, and you've clearly proved me wrong on every point I have ever tried to make. You have never said anything that is an exaggeration of the truth, and obviously everything you say should be adapted as policy by the current administration.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
And you know this how? You're the one who cries about being labeled because of what liberals are like in more blue states, then claim to know what the audience was wanting to hear a particular kind of comment. Lastly, when presented with the information about U.S. census classification and common phenotypes exhibited by relic levantine ethnic groups…it doesn't seem like Kelly's comments are so laughable after all.

I know this because I live among the target audience. You tell me, if Kelly's comments aren't laughable why did she try to play them off as a joke?‘humorless-023320042.html

Fox News host Megy n Kelly stands by ‘Santa is white’ comments, calls critics ‘humorless’

I'll address the rest of your reply later.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
No, not laughable but politically incorrect. We've gotten to a point where it's horrible to say that the European-American derived archetype of Santa Claus is WHITE and that Jesus was White, as per our own government definition and perhaps the common phenotype of the classic levantine peoples is a mortal sin to say. Liberal pundits and bloggers were attacking her before even pausing for a second to consider if whether these figures COULD have been White men. But for liberals, that doesn't matter. Only their hatred for Whites matters, not history or truth. Seriously, liberals in the media every once and awhile decry the "state of discourse" without for a damn second contemplating the central role they play in tearing this nation apart. Folks like George Soros must be pleased to see that, because in his own interviews he's sought a weakened America as necessary for world government. Controlled by people like him of course...

As I've already stated, I really don't give a damn about what's politically correct, but I am concerned about what's right and wrong not from some religious ideological standpoint, but by what's constitutional and in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. You like to bitch about minorities, I would prefer to talk about people. Everyone has the right to see Santa or Jesus however it fits their own worldview, nobody owns either and to insist that Jesus and Santa are white as she did on the Kelly File, she just perpetuated and reinforced everything the critics of Fox News have always said in regards to race. Then she tried to turn it around and frame the backlash as humorless race baiting. If that's not putting the cart before the horse I don't know what is. It takes an unequaled arrogance to take words she said and then blame them on people that rightly called her out for it.

You seem to have trouble differentiating "liberals" from whatever group you actually have a beef with, appearances would say minorities, probably black people. Hey, that's fine, I don't care if you hate darkies. I was raised with the same prejudices and have found that far too often those prejudices are justified, but, again, I prefer to talk about people and I don't judge a whole group based on the actions of a few. Same goes with conservatives, I live among them, get along with most of them, and have as many conservative friends as I do liberals. I don't blame generic conservatives for everything that's wrong with the conservative movement, I focus on people that are fucking things up, and the pundit we're discussing just happens to be, at that particular moment, when she uttered that particular line of garbage, one of the people on the conservative side of things that isn't doing anything to make the country better, and Fox News, i.e. the conservatives in cable news media are certainly playing a huge role is dividing, polarizing, and tearing the country apart, and that doesn't even address the historic truth of how those that have always had, have always treated those that don't.
As I've already stated, I really don't give a damn about what's politically correct, but I am concerned about what's right and wrong not from some religious ideological standpoint, but by what's constitutional and in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. You like to bitch about minorities, I would prefer to talk about people. Everyone has the right to see Santa or Jesus however it fits their own worldview, nobody owns either and to insist that Jesus and Santa are white as she did on the Kelly File, she just perpetuated and reinforced everything the critics of Fox News have always said in regards to race. Then she tried to turn it around and frame the backlash as humorless race baiting. If that's not putting the cart before the horse I don't know what is. It takes an unequaled arrogance to take words she said and then blame them on people that rightly called her out for it.

You seem to have trouble differentiating "liberals" from whatever group you actually have a beef with, appearances would say minorities, probably black people. Hey, that's fine, I don't care if you hate darkies. I was raised with the same prejudices and have found that far too often those prejudices are justified, but, again, I prefer to talk about people and I don't judge a whole group based on the actions of a few. Same goes with conservatives, I live among them, get along with most of them, and have as many conservative friends as I do liberals. I don't blame generic conservatives for everything that's wrong with the conservative movement, I focus on people that are fucking things up, and the pundit we're discussing just happens to be, at that particular moment, when she uttered that particular line of garbage, one of the people on the conservative side of things that isn't doing anything to make the country better, and Fox News, i.e. the conservatives in cable news media are certainly playing a huge role is dividing, polarizing, and tearing the country apart, and that doesn't even address the historic truth of how those that have always had, have always treated those that don't.

Okay, with all of that nonsense said. What was wrong about her post? You called it garbage…did you bother to read the article she was responding to where the author thought it would be better if Santa was pictured as a penguin? It enrages liberals to see a White face on a historically White character. Why? Because liberals HATE White people.