Seems the key adjective is missing from your description...which make the post another generalization and inaccurate.
Fox, which is usually mentioned here as a source of lies (never actually documented),
What of the lawsuit they won so that they are actually allowed to lie? Yes, they tried and won a lawsuit that says just that.
What of other Conservatives punishing the channel for faulty election coverage, for exposed inaccuracies, and so forth?
Please. It is incredibly well documented that Fox News not only lies, but knowingly does so. And, whether you like the sources or not (there are plenty of Conservative sources that support this, actually), it is factually demonstrable that Fox has knowingly lied, and, in more than a few instances, been forced to eat crow and apologise. The fact that you think their lies are not documented demonstrates exactly how far you're willing to shove your head in the sand. However, that's not at all the point I was making.
is the largest Cable News Source, as the Free Networks have a larger share of viewers and that is well known.
So, Fox is a major influence not because they have zombie viewers but because they have an excellent news org and give depth to ignored news that doesn't fit the Liberal agenda which has been proven endlessly to exist.
All news isn't missed, just ignored a lot if it isn't good for the status quo of Otrama...til now.
He has fucked up so much it's painful.
Liberals miss the point...
I rather think you missed the point so badly that I'm not even going to attempt to reiterate it. And, I'm rather done with you. You've demonstrated so many times that you're not open for debate, you're just looking to spout whatever happens to be in your head at the time. Good luck with that.
Finally, your continued use of "Otrama" or some variation is fucking insipid. I hate it when ANYone does it, you included. Show some respect for the office, even if you don't like the President himself. Just calling names every single fucking time you refer to the President shows the childish level at which you operate.