Megyn Kelly: Jesus and Santa were white.

Seems the key adjective is missing from your description...which make the post another generalization and inaccurate.
Fox, which is usually mentioned here as a source of lies (never actually documented),

What of the lawsuit they won so that they are actually allowed to lie? Yes, they tried and won a lawsuit that says just that.
What of other Conservatives punishing the channel for faulty election coverage, for exposed inaccuracies, and so forth?

Please. It is incredibly well documented that Fox News not only lies, but knowingly does so. And, whether you like the sources or not (there are plenty of Conservative sources that support this, actually), it is factually demonstrable that Fox has knowingly lied, and, in more than a few instances, been forced to eat crow and apologise. The fact that you think their lies are not documented demonstrates exactly how far you're willing to shove your head in the sand. However, that's not at all the point I was making.

is the largest Cable News Source, as the Free Networks have a larger share of viewers and that is well known.
So, Fox is a major influence not because they have zombie viewers but because they have an excellent news org and give depth to ignored news that doesn't fit the Liberal agenda which has been proven endlessly to exist.
All news isn't missed, just ignored a lot if it isn't good for the status quo of Otrama...til now.
He has fucked up so much it's painful.

Liberals miss the point...

I rather think you missed the point so badly that I'm not even going to attempt to reiterate it. And, I'm rather done with you. You've demonstrated so many times that you're not open for debate, you're just looking to spout whatever happens to be in your head at the time. Good luck with that.

Finally, your continued use of "Otrama" or some variation is fucking insipid. I hate it when ANYone does it, you included. Show some respect for the office, even if you don't like the President himself. Just calling names every single fucking time you refer to the President shows the childish level at which you operate.



What of the lawsuit they won so that they are actually allowed to lie? Yes, they tried and won a lawsuit that says just that.
What of other Conservatives punishing the channel for faulty election coverage, for exposed inaccuracies, and so forth?

Please. It is incredibly well documented that Fox News not only lies, but knowingly does so. And, whether you like the sources or not (there are plenty of Conservative sources that support this, actually), it is factually demonstrable that Fox has knowingly lied, and, in more than a few instances, been forced to eat crow and apologise. The fact that you think their lies are not documented demonstrates exactly how far you're willing to shove your head in the sand. However, that's not at all the point I was making.

I rather think you missed the point so badly that I'm not even going to attempt to reiterate it. And, I'm rather done with you. You've demonstrated so many times that you're not open for debate, you're just looking to spout whatever happens to be in your head at the time. Good luck with that.

Finally, your continued use of "Otrama" or some variation is fucking insipid. I hate it when ANYone does it, you included. Show some respect for the office, even if you don't like the President himself. Just calling names every single fucking time you refer to the President shows the childish level at which you operate.

As for that, every one of the examples you posted links to, that I checked,turned out to be false or incorrect, like the Jennings case.
He wrote in 2 different accounts about it that the boy was 15, and Huff claims he was age of consent...what, 16? Turning gay tricks on the street and suicidal, then sharing with a counselor who said " Use a condom".
Jennings himself said he should have done more, but he was only 24.
I noticed almost all the comments from the rabid Lefties posting on Huff and media Matters are sounding a lot like you do...maybe the case of Bill Hemmer saying Otrama made a girl cry is the closest you came to finding an actual lie, which Megyn immediately got unhappy about and said it wasn't really true, just a "teaser" and she didn't like it. But if that's all you got, I'm not surprised considering your source.
Rev Al "Twanna" Sharpton just did a lickingdick the other day, editing a Bill O'Reilly comment on Mandela and refusing to admit it was false, which of course it was.

There's a lot of lying to go around, but you need to find just Fox errors twisted by Leftie groups 'cause you can't find any from Fox news?
Or you just wanna look cool but just don't have the juice to actually do something real?
I give a shit what you think of me, since you turned out to be no more honest or sincere than the other Libtards on FOs...
I'm not gonna bother reading the other links you posted as the 3 or 4 I checked out were a waste of time.
As for that, every one of the examples you posted links to, that I checked,turned out to be false or incorrect, like the Jennings case.
He wrote in 2 different accounts about it that the boy was 15, and Huff claims he was age of consent...what, 16? Turning gay tricks on the street and suicidal, then sharing with a counselor who said " Use a condom".
Jennings himself said he should have done more, but he was only 24.
I noticed almost all the comments from the rabid Lefties posting on Huff and media Matters are sounding a lot like you do...maybe the case of Bill Hemmer saying Otrama made a girl cry is the closest you came to finding an actual lie, which Megyn immediately got unhappy about and said it wasn't really true, just a "teaser" and she didn't like it. But if that's all you got, I'm not surprised considering your source.
Rev Al "Twanna" Sharpton just did a lickingdick the other day, editing a Bill O'Reilly comment on Mandela and refusing to admit it was false, which of course it was.

There's a lot of lying to go around, but you need to find just Fox errors twisted by Leftie groups 'cause you can't find any from Fox news?
Or you just wanna look cool but just don't have the juice to actually do something real?
I give a shit what you think of me, since you turned out to be no more honest or sincere than the other Libtards on FOs...
I'm not gonna bother reading the other links you posted as the 3 or 4 I checked out were a waste of time.


You're a hoot.
I've never said anything positive about any news agency. I think they are all biased pieces of shit. Your inability to accept that Fox is a poor news source makes me laugh my head off.

Have fun! Hate everyone.


Once again, you whitewashed and twisted the facts (in this case, of the lawsuit)...
ALL media have the right to do you as I can clearly see.

The suit was about if it was illegal for Fox, MSNBC, CBS, or any news org to distort or change a fact, or just lie.
Nope...only a slander or a libel is illegal and that's the law since a long time.
So, lameass, next time you need to understand a simple case like this one, don't just make up a Libbie lie and mislead the readers, check with me and I'll try to help you out.
I'll check with you for exactly nothing, as you have your facts wrong.

However, pointing out how won't help, as you'll find something objectionable about it. Enjoy your ignorance. It must be nice in your world.
When discussing news sources, it makes sense that Fox comes up a lot in every discussion, as it's the largest network. And, to be fair, Conservatives talk just fucking endlessly about the Liberal bias in the media. These things don't add up. The biggest news source is a Conservative source, but they get to complain without end about the Liberal bias in the media, while they are the largest media source?

I'd like to talk about the Conservative media bias. How it has a huge impact on everything the largest news source reports, and how they ignore many facts in order to promote the Conservative perspective they are perpetuating.

Time to unpack this, even if just a little.

Comes up a lot? No, libs make it the focal point (often without mentioning other networks) and open threads to attack FOX unbidden. They'll also bring up FOX news just to slam it in threads that don't relate directly to the media. Libs do this again and again and again.

Second part, FOX news has about 30% market share. It has no other major conservative or overtly non-liberal network to compete with.
Conservatives congregated at FOX and have stated despite its flaws.

Look at the other damn 70% or so of the market, that's what non-liberals have to contend with. Hearing you guys complain about FOX is hilarious compared to what close to the 60% of the viewing population, who don't identify as liberal, has to deal with when they turn on the TV.

Even worse, liberals had far more control over television media for decades due to an accident of history. Liberals like Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow were some of the first broadcasters to exploit tv as a news medium so they were often the only game in town for other people to learn from and watch. If you were known to be non-liberal or conservative you had much less chance of getting a job in TV. If you were a viewer, liberals set your viewing agenda and shaped what was "acceptable" for decades.

Liberals really are a gross and disgusting bunch. What a perverted desire to dominate what other are thinking. From the people who brought you political correctness and thoughtcrime, not surprising at all.
Let's clear a couple things up. I'm not truly a Liberal. Also, I'm not up in arms about anything.

Also, let's repeat something, and you can read it slowly if it will help you digest it: Fox News, the Conservative news source, is the largest news source in the world. They, the largest news source, constantly go on about the liberal bias in the media. Do they mean themselves? No. They mean smaller, less watched news sources. Why are they constantly giving so much attention to news sources smaller than they are? Why not just report the news from their own perspective, and leave it at that? Why must they attack "liberal" news sources?

Also, why do you care about what you call liberal news sources? You obviously have such disdain for them, just ignore them and move on. I never watch Fox News any more, because it just frustrates me. The only time I see clips or whatever from Fox is when they're posted on various blogs or whatever I encounter.

Hilarious. A Conservative up in arms about absolutely nothing, claiming Liberals are up in arms about a fictionalised problem. I guess that's gross, too?

I'll bet you go to liberal blogs and they're ranting about FOX. You'll see more clips or references to FOX news on liberal blogs than most conservative ones.
Just running a search on threads titled FOX or FOX News gives an overwhelming majority….of slam threads created by resident liberals.
Pretty typical response. The past has been crappy for the Conservatives, so we'll sling all the shit we want now. Also, Liberals have said X and Y, so they need to pay for that. And, clearly, reporting on such important issues as the "War on Christmas" and "Santa and Jesus ARE white" has no impact whatsoever on how seriously Fox News is taken.

Fox demands it be discussed. If the discussion comes up negative, they get pissy. Super! Enjoy your infamy as a Conservative news source. Don't be surprised when you're not taken seriously when you're shown to be spouting lies more than other networks, and you make issues that are non-issues the main part of your nightly line up.

However, everyone pick their favourite news source, and decide it's best. Everything else sucks balls. OBV.
You must be thinking of some set of make-believe liberals that don't post on this forum, and that's part of the problem with Fox News, they perpetuate the idea of make-believe liberals that are in a war against Christmas, out to grab guns, etc., etc. Do you personally know any liberals like that? I don't.

You live in Texas. Check where I live. I work with, live near, went to school with and am related to liberals who are EXACTLY like that and it's been like that in the other places I've lived. Austin, Texas is full of liberals like that too. They just can't get much done because of all the conservatives and libertarians there.


I'll check with you for exactly nothing, as you have your facts wrong.

However, pointing out how won't help, as you'll find something objectionable about it. (So what?) Enjoy your ignorance. It must be nice in your world.

I was gonna ask what facts I have wrong...that it's not illegal to lie?
Then I realized you are doing the same shit all liars and bullshitters do when they get caught...making an excuse like "I'd explain but you wouldn't get it."
I realize you posted lame links 'cause you actually didn't do any research but went to the first Libbie site (HuffnPuff post and MediaLies) and made some links.
You didn't check out anything...and you got caught bullshitting.
You used to be actually good at posting thoughtful stuff, but you seem to have pussed out somehow; shame it tis but no one lives forever.
Enter lickingdick, Libtard apologist .
Enjoy your ignorance.
Pretty typical response. The past has been crappy for the Conservatives, so we'll sling all the shit we want now. Also, Liberals have said X and Y, so they need to pay for that. And, clearly, reporting on such important issues as the "War on Christmas" and "Santa and Jesus ARE white" has no impact whatsoever on how seriously Fox News is taken.

Fox demands it be discussed. If the discussion comes up negative, they get pissy. Super! Enjoy your infamy as a Conservative news source. Don't be surprised when you're not taken seriously when you're shown to be spouting lies more than other networks, and you make issues that are non-issues the main part of your nightly line up.

However, everyone pick their favourite news source, and decide it's best. Everything else sucks balls. OBV.

You're all wrong. I pointed out the historical dominance liberals had over TV news until the 1990s (and this is before the internet revolution) and how laughable liberals are to bitch about non-liberal media with it's whopping 30% share of the market.

You were saying before that liberals aren't obsessed with FOX, but once I decided to actually check the threads created you sing a different tune. Now "Fox demands it be discussed" oh really? It demands that liberals make a ton of bash threads? You are so unable to tolerate the existence of dissenting news that you feel they must be destroyed eh? That you must play the same High School game that liberals fall back on more in the last 7 years than any other time: character assassination and demonization.

Liberals don't want to win on merit, they'd rather relentless shun and blackball because they know average people have a desire to be liked, no one wants to be associated with the uncool.
I'm not even a Conservative, I've just grown an extreme disgust at the tactics and motives of people like you.
Didn't get caught at anything, merely demonstrated that a simple google search shows that Fox is included in the list of news agencies that lie. And it's documented. Well documented. I said you wouldn't like the sources, and you're mocking the sources. Very predictable.

Have a good night.

What of the lawsuit they won so that they are actually allowed to lie? Yes, they tried and won a lawsuit that says just that.
What of other Conservatives punishing the channel for faulty election coverage, for exposed inaccuracies, and so forth?

Please. It is incredibly well documented that Fox News not only lies, but knowingly does so. And, whether you like the sources or not (there are plenty of Conservative sources that support this, actually), it is factually demonstrable that Fox has knowingly lied, and, in more than a few instances, been forced to eat crow and apologise. The fact that you think their lies are not documented demonstrates exactly how far you're willing to shove your head in the sand. However, that's not at all the point I was making.

I rather think you missed the point so badly that I'm not even going to attempt to reiterate it. And, I'm rather done with you. You've demonstrated so many times that you're not open for debate, you're just looking to spout whatever happens to be in your head at the time. Good luck with that.

Finally, your continued use of "Otrama" or some variation is fucking insipid. I hate it when ANYone does it, you included. Show some respect for the office, even if you don't like the President himself. Just calling names every single fucking time you refer to the President shows the childish level at which you operate.

This post pretty much illustrates what I'm talking about. You really think posting stuff like MEDIA MATTERS--which was founded to attack FOX with George Soros money, you might as well have posted a link to NewsHounds! Then follow it up with politicsusa and huffingtonpost…buzzfeed is owned by liberals too but they aren't as overtly anti-gop and FOX as the three I mentioned.
Didn't get caught at anything, merely demonstrated that a simple google search shows that Fox is included in the list of news agencies that lie. And it's documented. Well documented. I said you wouldn't like the sources, and you're mocking the sources. Very predictable.

Have a good night.

They all lie, you obfuscating liberal troll. Before you go to sleep, wish that brains appear in your head by morning.
Pretty clear that Fox has been caught with their pants down. The only question is why you won't admit this, and then move on together so that actual discussion can happen. Do news agencies lie? Yes. Is Fox one of them? You bet. Fox lies. They know it. They try to get away with it. I'm not trolling, I'm stating facts. Why can't you accept these facts?
Pretty typical response. The past has been crappy for the Conservatives, so we'll sling all the shit we want now. Also, Liberals have said X and Y, so they need to pay for that. And, clearly, reporting on such important issues as the "War on Christmas" and "Santa and Jesus ARE white" has no impact whatsoever on how seriously Fox News is taken.

Fox demands it be discussed. If the discussion comes up negative, they get pissy. Super! Enjoy your infamy as a Conservative news source. Don't be surprised when you're not taken seriously when you're shown to be spouting lies more than other networks, and you make issues that are non-issues the main part of your nightly line up.

However, everyone pick their favourite news source, and decide it's best. Everything else sucks balls. OBV.

Also, this b.s. about spouting lies?
MSNBC's affiliates are the ones who were caught doctoring footage to make George Zimmerman sound like a racist. They're the ones who just had to force a Bashir off the air. They had that other guy who was forced to make an apology recently. Wasn't it Dan Rather who was responsible for putting forth FAKE documents about George Bush to swing the election for a Democrat, and he got caught? What network did he work for? Not FOX.

The kind of nonsense liberals get caught or get away for is just as bad and often WORSE than what FOX News is responsible for.

You are pissed about FOX? Well check the other 70% of the market, you hypocrite.


Didn't get caught at anything, merely demonstrated that a simple google search shows that Fox is included in the list of news agencies that lie. And it's documented. Well documented. I said you wouldn't like the sources, and you're mocking the sources. Very predictable.

Have a good night.

What of the lawsuit they won so that they are actually allowed to lie? Yes, they tried and won a lawsuit that says just that.

You will get better at lying and bullshitting with time, you've already started believing your own BS, and that's a good start.
I guess Misfire would read that and see what you see... sorry, but if you say Fox won a lawsuit that gave it a right it already had, I gotta laugh at your lost integrity and former self, who actually had something readable to say.
Then saying you merely demonstrated that Fox lies along with the other News guys, is sad and obviously nothing like what you said.

You Might need a lobotomy; it just might work better for you to just start completely over and build a new persona.
The old one is irrevocably damaged.

"Good Night, and Good Luck."
Also, this b.s. about spouting lies?
MSNBC's affiliates are the ones who were caught doctoring footage to make George Zimmerman sound like a racist. They're the ones who just had to force a Bashir off the air. They had that other guy who was forced to make an apology recently. Wasn't it Dan Rather who was responsible for putting forth FAKE documents about George Bush to swing the election for a Democrat, and he got caught? What network did he work for? Not FOX.

The kind of nonsense liberals get caught or get away for is just as bad and often WORSE than what FOX News is responsible for.

You are pissed about FOX? Well check the other 70% of the market, you hypocrite.

I'ma say this again. All the news agencies lie. Including Fox. Think you can accept that? I'll readily accept that MSNBC lies. I have absolutely no ties to any media outlet, as I'm not actually a Liberal.

See, you've identified me as an "enemy." Therefore, you HAVE to label me as a Liberal. I hope that works out for you, but it won't. Let me say a couple things.

MSNBC lies.
CNN lies.
Fox News lies.

Fox has had a law suit about it.

What part of what I just said would you like to dispute?

Please, take your time. Label me a liberal (you're wrong). Jump to Fox's defense, saying I'm only saying negative things about them (you're wrong).
