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Mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA

The two shooters were married and had a 6-month-old baby. They'd rather murder a bunch of people than raise their child.

allah is greater.


Postal Paranoiac
In the wake of this tragedy, I shake my head. The GOP accuses the left of marginalizing prayer when candidates Tweet "prayers and support" for the victims, and Democrats accuse them of ignoring gun violence. The GOP is guilty of using "prayers and support" as a decoy against their unwillingness to address the issues around all of these mass shootings. Neither side is really looking at the core issues that surround these recurring attacks. Society. Mental health. Where our tax dollars are being spent. The nonstop violence and negativity we are being shown on media outlets. Decline in the American psyche. Hate. Paranoia. Division. Lack of loving. Guns are a dangerous tool to wield if you are crazy to begin with. And prayers and support don't bring back the dead, or prevent the problem. Making guns harder to get won't stop the problem completely, that's for sure. Neither will praying it away. Nothing short of a complete restructuring of American thought could do that.
Frankly I don't see how the terrorISISt are going to win this one. There are 7 billion of us and a few of them. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh


Staff member
Workplace violence, I heard ? My ass this is just liberal bullshit lie. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...t-we-know-now-latest-facts-thursday/76712186/ A jihadist always remain a jihadist, the only to have peace with them, is by killing them with a 50bmg sniping rifle raufoss round or 500 s&w magnum 300 grains bullet in the head or the heart or by neutralizing them with a full of mag of cal 223 ss109 or 308 nato armour piercing high vel rounds


Closed Account
Workplace violence, I heard ? My ass this is just liberal bullshit lie. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...t-we-know-now-latest-facts-thursday/76712186/ A jihadist always remain a jihadist, the only to have peace with them, is by killing them with a 50bmg sniping rifle raufoss round or 500 s&w magnum 300 grains bullet in the head or the heart or by neutralizing them with a full of mag of cal 223 ss109 or 308 nato armour piercing high vel rounds

You have a very small penis don't you?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Yeah, Georges. I agree the only way to deal with these sucktards is to put warheads on foreheads. You're a god damn American treasure.
In the wake of the latest slaughter of innocents in the U.S. by adherents of the religion of peace, AG Loretta Lynch vows to prosecute "anti-muslim speech" that could provoke violence.
And she says the San Bernardino shootings are a "wonderful opportunity":

"We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change."


The Farook family attorneys in their presser today dismiss any terrorist ties with the two shooters, chalking it up to possible workplace violence at most citing Syed was once made fun of because of his beard and even floated Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. They were also indignant that whenever a muslim kills a bunch of people in this country, terrorism is always the suspected motive. I know, right?

One of Farook's neighbors said he noticed suspicious activity at the residnce but failed to alert anyone because he didn't want to "racially profile."

political correctness and it's inherent stupidity kills.
I wonder if 6 months from now all the right wing kooks will be denying this ever happened, Sandy Hook style, or if they'll remember this one because it wasn't a deranged white guy, it was a few deranged brown guys. What's your stance on Muslim American citizens owning guns, righties? Did Jesus bestow that right on them too when he wrote the constitution? On the one hand, they're American citizens, so they should have all the guns, but on the other hand, they're Muslim, quite the pickle.

Whatever, I'm too free to care, I'll just enjoy another day here under my tyrannical dictatorship where me and my kids have pretty much zero chance of being killed by guns.
In the wake of the latest slaughter of innocents in the U.S. by adherents of the religion of peace, AG Loretta Lynch vows to prosecute "anti-muslim speech" that could provoke violence.

And she says the San Bernardino shootings are a "wonderful opportunity":

"We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change."

She was talking about the opportunity to discuss certain specifics and possible reforms within the criminal justice system...bail, fines, fees, etc. ...not about the San Bernardino shootings. The former ("incarceration and poverty") was the slated, prepared topic of her address and the topic she continued on to pursue at length. The full text of her statement can be found at justice.gov

She had previously addressed the shootings in her opening remarks by stating:

As you may have heard, the Department of Justice has dispatched the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the U.S. Marshals Service personnel to the scene as soon as that assault began, and we continue to work closely alongside our state and local law enforcement partners who are working so hard on the scene and its aftermath. And, let me assure you, that as this investigation unfolds we will be offering any and all assistance necessary to the local authorities and to the people of San Bernardino who have been so profoundly affected by this unspeakable crime. And let me simply say, that whatever the results of this investigation, we don’t know a lot right now, but one thing is clear: that violence like this has no place in this country and in this nation.

This is not what we stand for, this is not what we do, this is not what we work for, it is not what we live for - it is antithetical to our values. Now I don’t have any operational updates for you at this time, those will come later from the local authorities who are on the scene. But I do want to express not only my deepest condolences, but I also ask that you join me in standing with our colleagues, our friends, our partners in San Bernardino who are suffering with this, and add all of our thoughts and prayers to them at this time; along with them and also the brave public safety officials who have put themselves in harm’s way to stop this assault and to save others.
I wonder if 6 months from now all the right wing kooks will be denying this ever happened, Sandy Hook style, or if they'll remember this one because it wasn't a deranged white guy, it was a few deranged brown guys. What's your stance on Muslim American citizens owning guns, righties? Did Jesus bestow that right on them too when he wrote the constitution? On the one hand, they're American citizens, so they should have all the guns, but on the other hand, they're Muslim, quite the pickle.

Whatever, I'm too free to care, I'll just enjoy another day here under my tyrannical dictatorship where me and my kids have pretty much zero chance of being killed by guns.

Wait til BC reads this :popcorn:
Why is that every time there's à shooting, there's not any "good guy with a gun" to shoot the "bad guy with à gun". Gun nuts told me that Charlie Hebdo attack and the attacks perpetrated 3 weeks ago wouldn't have happened if people had guns and still 14 people just 've killed on american soil and not any 2nd Amendment protector was there to end this tragedy, to take these two people down.

Tell me again what are your guns for 'cause you've not used them to get rid of the dictatorial currently in the White House and you did not used them to take down terrorists, wether they are white christians terrorists or radical muslims terrorists (but terrorists used legaly bought guns to spread hatred and death).


Staff member
You have a very small penis don't you?

Not what will tell you the ladies I had sex with. Just because I like guns and prefer strong methods with radical scumbags, I have a "small" penis? Stupid way of reasoning, I don't give second chances to a djihadist. The only way to have peace with them is when they are dead.
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Staff member
I wonder if 6 months from now all the right wing kooks will be denying this ever happened, Sandy Hook style, or if they'll remember this one because it wasn't a deranged white guy, it was a few deranged brown guys. What's your stance on Muslim American citizens owning guns, righties? Did Jesus bestow that right on them too when he wrote the constitution? On the one hand, they're American citizens, so they should have all the guns, but on the other hand, they're Muslim, quite the pickle.

Whatever, I'm too free to care, I'll just enjoy another day here under my tyrannical dictatorship where me and my kids have pretty much zero chance of being killed by guns.
:facepalm: and when a ghetto thug kills a police officer in cold blood and then a whole bunch of dirtbags riots, wandlizes and burns a city because of the death of a cop killing thug, what would you say. That the "poor" guy was innocent ? The problem is that Obama has permitted the largest of muslim immigration (include inside them a bunchload of radicals) which are for a number of them clearly anti american, antichristian and antisemitic but they are used by Obama as an electoral base. Just because someone migrated in America, it doesn't make him by default a real American citizen.
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Staff member
In the wake of the latest slaughter of innocents in the U.S. by adherents of the religion of peace, AG Loretta Lynch vows to prosecute "anti-muslim speech" that could provoke violence.
And she says the San Bernardino shootings are a "wonderful opportunity":

"We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change."


The Farook family attorneys in their presser today dismiss any terrorist ties with the two shooters, chalking it up to possible workplace violence at most citing Syed was once made fun of because of his beard and even floated Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. They were also indignant that whenever a muslim kills a bunch of people in this country, terrorism is always the suspected motive. I know, right?

One of Farook's neighbors said he noticed suspicious activity at the residnce but failed to alert anyone because he didn't want to "racially profile."

political correctness and it's inherent stupidity kills.

Loretta Lynch is Obama's bitch as was Holder. She will prosecute anyone who calls a threat a threat. But I don't expect much intelligence nor pragmatism nor even sense of realism coming from the all the time out of touch from the reality and brainless Obama's muppets and back ups. The Farook family should be withdrawn from the US citizenship and sent back to where they come from if they hate America and its values so much.
She was talking about the opportunity to discuss certain specifics and possible reforms within the criminal justice system...bail, fines, fees, etc. ...not about the San Bernardino shootings.

Thanks for the correction/clarification on that part. I thought it was odd and in poor taste to say the least that she would use "wonderful" in relation to anything regarding the SB shooting. And I figured it was quoted on the internet, so it must be true.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Why is that every time there's à shooting, there's not any "good guy with a gun" to shoot the "bad guy with à gun". Gun nuts told me that Charlie Hebdo attack and the attacks perpetrated 3 weeks ago wouldn't have happened if people had guns and still 14 people just 've killed on american soil and not any 2nd Amendment protector was there to end this tragedy, to take these two people down.

Tell me again what are your guns for 'cause you've not used them to get rid of the dictatorial currently in the White House and you did not used them to take down terrorists, wether they are white christians terrorists or radical muslims terrorists (but terrorists used legaly bought guns to spread hatred and death).

Because gun laws only effect the law abiding. These acts ALWAYS SEEM to happen in areas that are gun free zone. The result, once again, as always is, the law abiding gun owners follow the rules, obey the laws, and are forced to be left defenseless zones, in which they cannot bring their weapons. These terrorist attacks were pulled off by muslims, in the name of allah, and passed all government checks to get into the country, one was born here. They would have passed even stricter gun laws then are on the books now, and would have passed the new laws they want to pass. The guns were illegal in California, and not compliant to their state gun regulations, but yet they still did it....so maybe it's not guns that need to go, maybe it's muslims. You want this country disarmed, and self defenseless, just like your fucked up country, yet the muslims still ripped your shit up...maybe get rid of those filthy animals instead of everyone else having to sacrifice. The fact is, those guns weren't legal. They weren't legal in California, and the nano second they crossed stste lines, they became just that, illegal guns. The 2 pigs that did this became criminals the nano second they crossed the state line with those weapons in their possession, so no, they weren't legal guns. My gons are, and I've never had a problem with any back round checks, or issues with them going an a killing spree....they spend most of their time lounging in their safe...and since I don't break the law, and have the right to own every single one I own, I don't think I should have to pay any price, or compromise in any way, because some filthy piece of garbage wants to wage war in the name of a false prophet, and a pagen idol, in the eyes of my lord and savior, Jesus Christ....therefore, the only solution is, refuse entrance to, and deport all current muslims her on visa, and any born here should have a tracking chip shoved into their neck, so we know what the fuck they're up to. They're the ones doing this shit, not my guns. Punish those that deserve it, not those that comply.

and as always......MIND YOUR OWN SHITHOLE!!