Sounds like the one woman who was killed had nothing to do with the "dispute". WTF
Isn't that usually the case? That's why I always bring up gang violence, and criminal violence when someone brings up a mass shooting. Under new definitions, gang violence is considered a mass shooting, and I personally do not believe it should. Here were allegedly two minors, not even old enough to buy a gun, let alone carry one, and the little snot nosed cunts caused pain, suffering and mental anguish to more then just their selfish little asses. We don't know why yet, but what could it be? Your dew rag is a different color, so we're enemies? Stay away from that chick, she's my girlfriend? It's a fucking pathetic joke, and these vile little hoodrats need to start paying a price for their actions. The one that fired the fatal bullet, death. Swiftly, and without complication, within ONE YEAR, not after he's been on death row for 30 years milking the system. The other shooter, life WITHOUT any possibility of parole. I think the federal government needs to start prosecuting murder, and make it a capitol offense across the board, so the states that like to coddle criminals, like california, and new york, can't play catch and release with their revolving doors of justice. It's time to restructure the minimum mandatory sentencing for violent crime, gun violations, and especially serious drug crimes. You get caught with a kilo of fentanyl, you spend 50 years in prison, you get caught with more then a kilo, you die, by an injection of your own fentanyl. People die from your drugs, and it can be proven, you get charged with murder. Clean up the garbage, and it will be easier to fix a lot of the other problems.