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Maryland Death Penalty: Lawmakers Approve Measure To Ban Capital Punishment


Staff member
That's a pretty narrow minded viewpoint.
Before saying one is narrowminded, maybe you should ask yourself the following questions:
-is it worthy and not risky to rehab dangerous criminals with a long criminal past?
-how much taxes are honest hard working citizens going to pay to get these scumbags getting food and healthcare?
-are we sure that serious crimes won't happen?
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Staff member
Why all this? If you disagree with Jagger, just say you disagree. Does being nasty about it help anything?

Because, the party you and jagger have rooted for the democrats. They are also trying to defend hardened scumbags criminals by believing in their rehab. The questions I am going to ask you are the following:
-has the abolishment of the death penalty made the streets of a state where it was abolished safer?
-has a rehabilitated scumbag not committed an offense ever again?
I don't believe in second chances especially for criminals.


Staff member
I don't care about France, my post was not about France and you are a Frenchman who knows nothing of what you speak in regard to my post, Georges. If you were educated on the subject you would know that statistics show no correlation between the death penalty and murder rates in the United States:


The remainder of your post is just the same right-wing "angst and hate" drivel you display in almost all of your posts and is not worthy of comment other than this statement:

You think anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun is a socialist so I would expect to be called nothing less by a Nazi like you. :1orglaugh Thank God you're not a US citizen so it doesn't really matter what you think, does it? Although it is true that the majority of Americans do support the death penalty, those numbers are slowly turning the other direction (note figures since 1996) according to Gallup polling data:


I and many like-minded American citizens will continue to fight for the abolition of capital punishment in the United States until our goals are attained.

Interesting chart but I am not sure if everyone feels safer in a state when there is no death penalty as opposed to a state when there is death penalty. Right wing "angst and hate"?:picardfacepalm::beatinghead:Not really, I use a direct and straight language and when I don't like something at least I have the decency to say it and I am not hiding my opinions. All you know is to call someone from the opposite political side who confronts you with severe disagreement a nazi, that is very childish. Unlike you, I don't believe in second chances for criminals and nor in their rehab. Even though I am a Frenchman, I think there are many people who will fight for the death penalty being applied than removed.
The polls can show everything they want , especially the gallup ones, the reality and daily violence show another reality.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Oh georges. You're nothing if not consistent...here's one of your problems:
Not really, I use a direct and straight language and when I don't like something at least I have the decency to say it and I am not hiding my opinions.
What you think is 'direct and straight language' and your unabashed opinions are right-wing angst and hate. You prove this to all of us pretty much every time you post.

Here's your other, I'd argue bigger problem:
The polls can show everything they want , especially the gallup ones, the reality and daily violence show another reality.

The reason you find so much disagreement to your worldview is that, given your incredibly narrow perspective on all things, the 10% you see and think is indicative of the other 90% is, in fact, not. If you want the answers to the questions you've posed - and I know you're only interested in answers that suit you rather than the complex reality of the situation - study the Scandinavian justice systems, especially Norway's.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Because, the party you and jagger have rooted for the democrats. They are also trying to defend hardened scumbags criminals by believing in their rehab. The questions I am going to ask you are the following:
-has the abolishment of the death penalty made the streets of a state where it was abolished safer?
-has a rehabilitated scumbag not committed an offense ever again?
I don't believe in second chances especially for criminals.

It's so obvious how little you understand.

First of all, trying to generalize the democratic party as "defending hardened scumbags", I would point out that the biggest criminals in the United States wear suits and ties and run international corporations, and we all know who defends them.

Continuing, if you've read anything I've posted about the death penalty you would know that I'm not totally opposed to it. You merely read Jag's signature and think you know everything you need to know. Unsurprising coming from you, but fallacious all the same.

Finally, I think everyone is well aware of your position on "the ghetto gang banger scum". Hey, I actually agree with you that penitentiary reform would be a good thing, and I happen to have first-hand knowledge because I was a prison guard for a couple of years.

Perhaps you should let go of some your preconceived notions, stop demonizing people who disagree with you, and make an honest effort to have a genuine dialog instead of using every political thread as an opportunity to spew out your far-right ideology. Having political disagreements shouldn't turn people into enemies. It's possible to have different views and still get along. But I suppose that's just some far-left liberal crap, and it's more fun to pretend like you work for Fox News. Do you hate everyone that disagrees with you? I hope not. I can just imagine georgesie on a date, they go to an ice cream shop. He orders his favorite flavor, she turns her nose up and orders something different, he pulls out his .50 cal Automag and blows her head off (the she in this scenario is played by Will E Worm). Lighten up, old top. Life's too short to die of a stress-induced brain aneurysm.


Staff member
It's so obvious how little you understand.

First of all, trying to generalize the democratic party as "defending hardened scumbags", I would point out that the biggest criminals in the United States wear suits and ties and run international corporations, and we all know who defends them.

Continuing, if you've read anything I've posted about the death penalty you would know that I'm not totally opposed to it. You merely read Jag's signature and think you know everything you need to know. Unsurprising coming from you, but fallacious all the same.

Finally, I think everyone is well aware of your position on "the ghetto gang banger scum". Hey, I actually agree with you that penitentiary reform would be a good thing, and I happen to have first-hand knowledge because I was a prison guard for a couple of years.

Perhaps you should let go of some your preconceived notions, stop demonizing people who disagree with you, and make an honest effort to have a genuine dialog instead of using every political thread as an opportunity to spew out your far-right ideology. Having political disagreements shouldn't turn people into enemies. It's possible to have different views and still get along. But I suppose that's just some far-left liberal crap, and it's more fun to pretend like you work for Fox News. Do you hate everyone that disagrees with you? I hope not. I can just imagine georgesie on a date, they got to an ice cream shop. He orders his favorite flavor, she turns her nose up and orders something different, he pulls out his .50 cal Automag and blows her head off (the she in this scenario is played by Will E Worm). Lighten up, old top. Life's too short to die of a stress-induced brain aneurysm.
Finally a constructive reply that I was expecting since a long long time:clap:I am well aware of the banksters (or bank gangsters) as well as of the madoffs clones. But also what preoccupies me is the gang and drug related violence that wasn't fought properly and taken seriously back in the 70's when gangs appeared. I try to let go some of my preconceived notions and I am trying not to demonize people but when you are an environment when the crimes are often committed repetitively by the same people, you can't give an excuse to these people. Far right, I heard? Not really, I am just right wing and I don't have any problem with anyone no matter where he is coming from, at the moment that he abides to the rules and the constitution in the country where he lives in. I am a strong disciplinarian, and that perhaps makes you automatically conclude that I am at the extreme, which is wrong of course. I don't have a problem with someone else's views fom the moment they are based on facts from the reality but certainly not on gallup polls, nor on false promises with poor expected results from a president. Why would I hate someone who disagrees with me? I have better things to do than playing this :kettle: I am all for a constructive dialog when pragmatism, realism and efficiency are involved and are the main goals to achieve. But I am certainly not for a dialog where laxism, eternal second chance giving and poor rethorics with the logic that a rehabilited criminal will be a good citizen is involved. We will probably agree to disagree. Have a good day.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Finally a constructive reply that I was expecting since a long long time:clap:I am well aware of the banksters (or bank gangsters) as well as of the madoffs clones. But also what preoccupies me is the gang and drug related violence that wasn't fought properly and taken seriously back in the 70's when gangs appeared. I try to let go some of my preconceived notions and I am trying not to demonize people but when you are an environment when the crimes are often committed repetitively by the same people, you can't give an excuse to these people. Far right, I heard? Not really, I am just right wing and I don't have any problem with anyone no matter where he is coming from, at the moment that he abides to the rules and the constitution in the country where he lives in. I am a strong disciplinarian, and that perhaps makes you automatically conclude that I am at the extreme, which is wrong of course. I don't have a problem with someone else's views fom the moment they are based on facts from the reality but certainly not on gallup polls, nor on false promises with poor expected results from a president. Why would I hate someone who disagrees with me? I have better things to do than playing this :kettle: I am all for a constructive dialog when pragmatism, realism and efficiency are involved and are the main goals to achieve. But I am certainly not for a dialog where laxism, eternal second chance giving and poor rethorics with the logic that a rehabilited criminal will be a good citizen is involved. We will probably agree to disagree. Have a good day.

I can give you first-hand testimony on how piss-poor the penal system is in regards to rehabilitation. We've failed miserably as a society when we incarcerate so many of our citizens. Not only is it problematic, but it's systemic. You won't get an argument from me that the worst criminals can't be rehabilitated, they've been hard-wired to behave they way that they do. Can they change? Absolutely, but only when they decide to. Forced rehabilitation is doomed to failure. Prisons are full of sociopaths, and sociopathology is extremely difficult to treat. Once they've reached that point, unfortunately, I tend to agree with you that there is little hope.

What's the best way to prevent young people from becoming violent criminals? Identify those that are likely to succumb to the criminal element early on and intervene, strong role models at home i.e. parents that aren't criminal douche bags, and education. You breezed past the "banksters" as you put it, but I think those types are even worse than the violent petty thug. "White collar" crime is responsible for more misery and destroying more lives than all of the violent offenders combined. They hurt more people over a longer period of time than even the most violent of criminal rampages and that's a point taht shouldn't be brushed over.

I'm glad you don't hate everyone you disagree with, and I suspect with a little more than surface scratching around we can all find more to agree about than to disagree about. Except for Will E. Worm. He's that special kind of stupid that there is no hope for.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Here's the thing that fucks my brain the most. The criminals that are beyond rehabilitation, are the ones that aren't sentenced to death. There has been plenty of scientific studies that prove sexual offenders are ALMOST always going to commit the crime again, especially the worst of the lot, the pedophile. Here's another thing that concerns me. The prisons are full of gang members, and other violent criminals, that usually make a criminal, a better criminal. An offender, such as a gang member, is likely to have a network of associates in the same penitentiary, and likely to continue his criminal activity. When released, he's likely to go back to the gang. Now I realize some people are in there because they fucked up, and it's their first offense, and they know how bad they fucked up, and learn from their mistake....but lets face it, they're rare. The fact is, some offenders just cannot, or will not be reformed. Maybe society would be better off without them. The other group that really bothers me, are the white collar criminals. The bankers and investors that take advantage of, and financially destroy hard working, honest people, and IF they do any time at all, it's in a country club prison. They are usually remorseless, and as far as I'm concerned WORSE then murderers. I can't say I agree with everything georges has posted, or the way he expressed his opinions, but he does make some valid points, and I can't say I disagree with it all. I have expressed my views on the subject already, so I won't go through it again, but sometimes it's hard to not believe we just wouldn't be better off if some of these offenders were executed. If an offender truly is reformable, then spending my tax dollars on it needs to be justified, and if they are not, then whatever the sentence, it needs to be carried out in a manner that reflects the seriousness of the crime. Having access to exercise equipment, and televisions, is unacceptable to me, if you are in for the remainder of your days, the ONLY luxuries you deserve are 3 meals, a toilet and shower, a cot, and maybe books, or newspapers. If family and friends want to provide you with magazines, or paper and pencils to draw or write, it's on them. I also can't say I disagree with chain gangs. Hard labor, for the purpose of punishment works for me. Having a criminal breaking big rocks, into little rocks, just to make him work all day, as a punishment, is a good thing in my book.


Closed Account
From a financial standpoint, it made sense for marland since there were less than 10 inmates the received the death penalty. The cost of separating them and the legal fees were probaly huge.

What xfire mentioned about socialpathic behavior is true. Once a person gets to that point, there's not much you can do. There wa a show I watched where there was a female inmate serving life w/ no parole. She was molested. When she was 3, a family member tried to drown her while giving her a bath. Other tried to set her on fire and still had the scars from that. She eventually killed several people because, as she said, she qut caring about anything or anyone. I wonder if somewhere social services, her teachers, a neighbor, anyone would have intervened, would the victims be alive? This is not to excuse the crime, because there are those who have been abused and do not travel this path.

As I have said before, if it is someone like Hinkley where the crime was committed, the person was caught a the scene, with the weapon and it was not self defense or to prevent harm to someone (the person molests a kid and is going back to do it again); I have no problem with the death penalty. And to those that say it's painful, my question is did their victims feel more pain than they will? As far as actual cost, the only expensive form of execution is the gas chamber. Because even the inmate is considered hazardous material after the execution, as well as during the execution to ensure the safety of the community from the gas.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
All you know is to call someone from the opposite political side who confronts you with severe disagreement a nazi, that is very childish.

That is an incredibly hypocritical statement coming from someone who refers to damn-near everyone and anyone who disagrees with him as being either a "leftist" or "socialist". It's your knee-jerk response to almost any disagreement and there are hundreds of examples that could be cited. Lots of cracks in that glass house you've got there, amigo.

Unlike you, I don't believe in second chances for criminals and nor in their rehab.

I challenge you to show me where, in any of my voluminous posts on the subject, I maintain that I support rehabilitation efforts or second chances for those who have been given a death sentence. You can say anything you wish about or to me, Georges, but please do not make false statements about what I have said or what I believe.


Staff member
That is an incredibly hypocritical statement coming from someone who refers to damn-near everyone and anyone who disagrees with him as being either a "leftist" or "socialist". It's your knee-jerk response to almost any disagreement and there are hundreds of examples that could be cited. Lots of cracks in that glass house you've got there, amigo.

I challenge you to show me where, in any of my voluminous posts on the subject, I maintain that I support rehabilitation efforts or second chances for those who have been given a death sentence. You can say anything you wish about or to me, Georges, but please do not make false statements about what I have said or what I believe.
You are either from the left or the right, if there is in between then that is a good thing. But you can't share values of both sides. I have been called names many times but the ones who are on the very left wing like Vodka, Johan and Iceman who are more or less leftists or socialists for me. It is not a kneejerk reaction, it is calling a cat, a cat. I am far to live in a house of glass, the argument of calling anyone who doesn't agree with liberals and labelling me or other right wingers as nazis dates from back Brino and Nightfly after GWB was elected in 2004 and it can be found in many threads regarding GWB Jr's reelection. Hypocriticial, certainly not. If I have something to say to you, I will say it to you directly without any intermediates.

The problem is that you are for rehab and second chances for criminals that have been sentenced to the death penalty. Scum doesn't deserve second chances.

Have a great Easter Holiday.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The problem is that you are for rehab and second chances for criminals that have been sentenced to the death penalty. Scum doesn't deserve second chances.

Your entire post is a complete miscalculation but the above statement is simply an outright lie that I already challenged you to substantiate. You haven't. Instead, you simply repeat the assertion with nothing to back it up. Epic fail.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You are either from the left or the right, if there is in between then that is a good thing. But you can't share values of both sides.

That's not true. The fact that many people share values of both sides is precisely why neither party has a permanent majority. You ever hear the term "independent" voter? Independents are the ones that decide most elections, and the reason these folks are "independent" is because they share values of both sides. It's only a small minority of both parties that are locked into the "you are either from the left or the right" mentality.


Torn & Frayed.
You are either from the left or the right, if there is in between then that is a good thing. But you can't share values of both sides.

The problem is that you are for rehab and second chances for criminals that have been sentenced to the death penalty. Scum doesn't deserve second chances.

Have a great Easter Holiday.

No, the problem is that you're speaking (typing?) in absolutes. Contrary to what you evidently believe, the world is not black-and-white. It is of many colors....and in case it actually needs to be clarified here, I'm saying so metaphorically.

Life imprisonment does not equal "second chances" , freedom does. Last I checked, no one convicted of a crime which previously carried a death sentence is suddenly set free just because the death penalty is removed from the equation - unless of course, they are later determined to be not guilty.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I love how Will E Asshat hasn't been coming around for the last few days. That's one motherfucker determined not to answer questions. :1orglaugh