Here's the thing that fucks my brain the most. The criminals that are beyond rehabilitation, are the ones that aren't sentenced to death. There has been plenty of scientific studies that prove sexual offenders are ALMOST always going to commit the crime again, especially the worst of the lot, the pedophile. Here's another thing that concerns me. The prisons are full of gang members, and other violent criminals, that usually make a criminal, a better criminal. An offender, such as a gang member, is likely to have a network of associates in the same penitentiary, and likely to continue his criminal activity. When released, he's likely to go back to the gang. Now I realize some people are in there because they fucked up, and it's their first offense, and they know how bad they fucked up, and learn from their mistake....but lets face it, they're rare. The fact is, some offenders just cannot, or will not be reformed. Maybe society would be better off without them. The other group that really bothers me, are the white collar criminals. The bankers and investors that take advantage of, and financially destroy hard working, honest people, and IF they do any time at all, it's in a country club prison. They are usually remorseless, and as far as I'm concerned WORSE then murderers. I can't say I agree with everything georges has posted, or the way he expressed his opinions, but he does make some valid points, and I can't say I disagree with it all. I have expressed my views on the subject already, so I won't go through it again, but sometimes it's hard to not believe we just wouldn't be better off if some of these offenders were executed. If an offender truly is reformable, then spending my tax dollars on it needs to be justified, and if they are not, then whatever the sentence, it needs to be carried out in a manner that reflects the seriousness of the crime. Having access to exercise equipment, and televisions, is unacceptable to me, if you are in for the remainder of your days, the ONLY luxuries you deserve are 3 meals, a toilet and shower, a cot, and maybe books, or newspapers. If family and friends want to provide you with magazines, or paper and pencils to draw or write, it's on them. I also can't say I disagree with chain gangs. Hard labor, for the purpose of punishment works for me. Having a criminal breaking big rocks, into little rocks, just to make him work all day, as a punishment, is a good thing in my book.