I got myself backed into a corner. A manufacturing plant that I work for is having a company picnic on property, 2 shifts with separate times. Yea, I volunteer to make potato salad, deviled eggs, pico de gallo, and guacamole. Come to realize to my blind ignorance that it's 125 people on first picnic and 20 on my second shift.
Minimum 25 lbs of potato salad. 3 qts pico, 50 deviled eggs. Guac for 145 people. All of this shit has to be fresh when given. After all, these are the people that I like working for and with. I got my plan.
Yesterday I got most of it done and delivered. The guac I promised ain't happening. 2/$5 avocados are ridicules to feed so many people on someoneelses dime. I'll make this for the 20 people shift from pocket but I submit a $70 bill on top of that for dip to get reimbursed? Pass the race and turn the page.
Oh wait, I left out one more thing. My funking food processor broke down. Pico was supposed to take 15 minutes. I had to chop all of that shit by hand.
MM, have you ever had an event when cooking broke down and a rescue was necessary like this? My event isn't over. My hope? My shit gets eaten fast and asked for again. Leave them wanting more.