My theater room has an Asperion Intimus system that absolutely crushes any other home sound system I've ever heard. I shopped for a month to get the best sounding system and hands down this is it. And I have wireless satellite speakers for it on the patio and around the pool. My house is bumpin when I want it to be. I'd put money up against any other home sound system. Seriously, if you want incredible audio in your home Asperion is the ONLY choice. if you wanna check it out I have the Aperion Audio Intimus 5B Harmony SD
My theater room has an Asperion Intimus system that absolutely crushes any other home sound system I've ever heard. I shopped for a month to get the best sounding system and hands down this is it. And I have wireless satellite speakers for it on the patio and around the pool. My house is bumpin when I want it to be. I'd put money up against any other home sound system. Seriously, if you want incredible audio in your home Asperion is the ONLY choice. if you wanna check it out I have the Aperion Audio Intimus 5B Harmony SD

Phew, there was me worried you had no sounds. Normality resumed :)
After all this time of me posting and sharing my life, you thought I didn't have a sound system? I LOVE music and it's a vital part of my life. When I'm cleaning I bump Tupac. When I'm editing video I put on a mix that has David Bowie, NWA, The Killers, The Wallflowers, The Traveling Wilburys, Run DMC, Depeche Mode, Soup Dragons, Guns n Roses and many more. I have a wide range of music I like. I don't like country other than a couple of beautiful songs by Zac Brown (Free and Colder Weather)

I'm sorry you missed that about me. I rarely discuss music because it's very personal to me and some dickhead always has to make sure they say how the music other people like sucks. If you don't think hip hop is music that's fine, just keep it to yourself because I love it as do tens of millions of other people. So I keep it to myself. I'm certain some fuck face would have had to say how rap sucks so I'm taking that away from them.
Wait, wut? The dogs have their own room with tv, cough and all?

Can I be your dog? :D

Yes my dogs have a cough. lol I was going to do something with that room but as soon as I moved in they seemed to love that room more than all the others so I just let them have it. That's where they play and eat and take their naps. the only time they really come upstairs is at night for bedtime. I'm in my office most of the time and they aren't allowed to play in there so that's their spot :)

and you are already my dawg :) xxx
After all this time of me posting and sharing my life, you thought I didn't have a sound system? I LOVE music and it's a vital part of my life. When I'm cleaning I bump Tupac. When I'm editing video I put on a mix that has David Bowie, NWA, The Killers, The Wallflowers, The Traveling Wilburys, Run DMC, Depeche Mode, Soup Dragons, Guns n Roses and many more. I have a wide range of music I like. I don't like country other than a couple of beautiful songs by Zac Brown (Free and Colder Weather)

I'm sorry you missed that about me. I rarely discuss music because it's very personal to me and some dickhead always has to make sure they say how the music other people like sucks. If you don't think hip hop is music that's fine, just keep it to yourself because I love it as do tens of millions of other people. So I keep it to myself. I'm certain some fuck face would have had to say how rap sucks so I'm taking that away from them.

I knew you had sounds it just wasn't evident in the 'house tour'. What washing machine have you got? Mines just decided to break down flooding the kitchen floor - bollocks, cunt, shit, piss & wank!
I think the mac n cheese burger is the only thing on the planet that can compete with that dish Scottish people are so proud of - the battered and deep fried doner kebab. Calorific!
Well you may think so but I have that crushed. When I was in Montreal I had something that had about 40,000 calories in it with nearly 95% of those calories coming from fat. Im NOT kidding.

I know that they have KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) all over the world but in the states they had a thing called a "Double Down" which was 2 fried chicken breasts serving as the bun, with cheese sauce and bacon in between them it looked like this:

But in Montreal at Joe Beef, they sell the Foie gras Double down! That's right, 2 slabs of deep-fried foie gras, with bechamel sauce, ham and pork belly in the center


And of course they also had the Foie gras poutine... double fried french fries with pork gravy poured over the top with cheese curd and you guessed it, foie gras!!!!!


there is NOTHING that can beat that. Nothing. I win my contrarian little friend!