
New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
thanks to everyone who has sent such kind words and support. I appreciate everything and maybe at some point Ill continue posting. I have some videos in queue and Ill have my assistant post them here for you.

Thanks so much again.

Before you leave I want to know about the boob squeezing and ass smacking of Giada and Rachel Ray!


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Hon, I've got question for you. Cooking with kids. I've seen almost every cooking video you've done and kids can help in the preparation in most every of them. Have you thought of making a cooking video with kids? You know, kid food being prepared by kids with your instructions. Something new or one of your previous dishes with the kids in the kitchen with you. Give it a thought.

(Private message: That blonde thing is really hot.)
hey guys. still in LA still heartbroken still having a hard time but thanks again for all of the love. you humble me.

Bob, no kids. not my niche and as much as I love the filthy little creatures, I am marketing using a persona that was created from being a porn star. I wouldn't feel right using kids in my videos. But I do think your idea would be good for someone else. My friend Gordon Ramsay has Masterchef Junior which is amazing and I highly recommend watching it. 8 year olds making chicken liver pate and using sous vide machines and pressure cookers. Its unreal.

thanks everyone. Ill be home next week and try to get my life back to normal at some point.
Had this at Datz in Tampa its an ice cream cone with the cone made from a donut! and yes that's kettle korn on there!!! one of the most outrageously amazing things Ive ever eaten. Video coming soon :)
