Zoo's sales figures are still falling. Even though they've brought Keeley back. Sorry to say she has been miss managed and has fallen well behind a few of the top glamour models. In fact Michelle Marsh now retired and 7 months pregnant has more interest in her than Keeley.
Putting Lucy into any magazine will increase your sales. Ask OK magazine who sold 4 times more there usual sales for a week with Lucy in it. She was even fully dress as you can see from the pictures back in the thread. Because Lucy has something that Keeley doesn't seem to have at the moment. A personality is the thing. Plus she has been so well managed as seem too all the models under Neon Management. But then again all the models managed by them appear in the Daily Star, Nuts, Loaded and such.
FHM hasn't changed in the last 15 years really. They only went to topless as they are currently running at a massive loss in this country. Zoo is going the same way and is owned by FHM so don't expect anything different to try bring it back. That without the lies they've printed in the past about certain models. This is why you never see Neon models in Zoo. For things they said about two very well known models of theirs.
If you do a survey on why people buy Nuts, it would come out quite even after the ladies of course. Because it remains fresh and not scared to try new things.
Lucy is in Nuts every week with the advice page so you're getting a picture every week.
Hello Axon, I'm here to help