From yesterday's Daily Star Civic, so new!.
Since the announcement of the new contracted signed with them there has been 6 topless pictures published. To go along with the 7 non topless. Seems like both Lucy and the Daily Star are making up for lost time. Also the demand for Lucy has doubled if that was possible.
That is one of the reasons I've not been round much and not had much time to do things. The demand from the people I donate to in websites and blogs on Lucy has increased by 12 sites in the last 2 weeks on top of the 10 I was already working with. Plus I've currently got another 7 begging me to help them. When I say donate I mean pictures and information of course. At the moment three quarters of my computer time is been taken up by them. So I'm going to have to say stop somewhere. But you know me, that is something I don't like to do and let people down. After all I'm only one man though :o
I'm that behind with things I even took my laptop to work yesterday. That was highly risky. Just so I could have a new sig on Friday this week,
Here also is a couple of behind the scenes pictures of a soon to be released Lucy shoot...
2 and you know me and corsets

I'm promised these a couple of weeks before they are released :nanner:
Nice post though Civic, just a pity about the newspaper print. Although I tidied it up for my sig.