Low information Obama zombies sign petition to nuke the Russians

You are not considering the breakdown in demographics. They are a two way street. Sometimes they work in your favor other times they do not. I am afraid that you are on the short end of this argument
Traditionally, southern states main source of revenue was in agriculture, tourism and textiles. Textiles are basically extinct. There are more progressive southern states with major metropolitan cities like Georgia, North Carolina and Florida, Louisiana. Republican policies are working in my state. We moved to film, manufacturing and tech. (RTP) We offer incentives for the companies to locate here and is why we have a major movie studio here and film shows like One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek, Matlock, Sleepy Hollow, Revolution. Texas has been a great economic model too.
Sleepy Hollow is filmed here I think still. The thing is that they film here because unions in California have driven them to film elsewhere. Pro union democrats seek to make their craft in non union states. Talk about hypocrisy.
The studios aren't democrat. They are corporations and are not indicative politically of the people that make the films they distribute. Companies like Scripps which owns Travel Channel and Food Network etc is a non-union company and pay their tv shows shit including the hosts of the shows. I KNOW about that because I turned them down based on the way they do business and the rates that they pay.
Ok you're going to tell me about the film industry now too? I guess growing up with everyone in my family, (both grandfathers, my mom's brother runs the Sony lot today, my father and his 2 brothers are all working in the studios since the 1980s, my cousins are set decorators and my uncles wife is the head accountant for Sony and her sister works for Dreamworks and my brother is currently working as a scenic on Modern Family, my god father has worked for Ridley and Tony Scott as production designer sin the movie Alien)

So yes, please...tell ME about the film industry and your vast experience with it.

The reality is the heads of the studios are living in Bel Aire and in the Canyons in BH and Malibu and Trancas, and support republican candidates. They have fought the unions in film for decades and THEY are the ones who have sought out other places to film that look like California but don't have pro-union laws.
Ok you're going to tell me about the film industry now too? I guess growing up with everyone in my family, (both grandfathers, my mom's brother runs the Sony lot today, my father and his 2 brothers are all working in the studios since the 1980s, my cousins are set decorators and my uncles wife is the head accountant for Sony and her sister works for Dreamworks and my brother is currently working as a scenic on Modern Family, my god father has worked for Ridley and Tony Scott as production designer sin the movie Alien)

So yes, please...tell ME about the film industry and your vast experience with it.

The reality is the heads of the studios are living in Bel Aire and in the Canyons in BH and Malibu and Trancas, and support republican candidates. They have fought the unions in film for decades and THEY are the ones who have sought out other places to film that look like California but don't have pro-union laws.

I never claimed to be an expert in the film industry, what's up with this I say I am an expert in everything crap? Sometimes my work translates to other professions, my profession in particular. Anyway, you are trying to tell me that all money to fund films in Hollywood comes from conservative fat cats. You are bobbing and weaving when I pointed out the hypocrisy of productions and companies moving to states like mine to film.

Not to mention that it is liberal democrats in California that have created so many regulations and taxed the industry so much that they have created a not so friendly environment there causing them to seek filming elsewhere.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't like the term "low information voter", it's pejorative and used by both sides to justify sour grapes. What's the opposite of a "low information voter"? A "high information voter"? Yeah, well you better consider the sources of your high fucking information before you cast aspersions at other people's asparagus, and if you don't get the reference I just made then you're not as high info as you think you are and if you do then you realize that I just drew a perfect parallel to the assertion made in the OP. "Low information", ass.
Louie Louie is running through my head now ...

You can be a moderately informed voter.

But democrats tend to be low information voters as a whole. Their entire base consists of those that the dem hierarchy deem to be victims and rely on them being dependent upon them to keep their base intact.

One party stresses you can do it on your own, the other stresses the government is your only hope.

You can't build a knowledgable base giving them facts or else they wouldn't keep them long. It's also worth noting that republicans aren't consumed with creating a whole new uninformed low information voting block through turning a blind eye to illegal aliens and pushing executive amnesty.

Sounds like if liberal ideas worked they could articulate them instead of relying on a whole new class of wards of the state.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
democrats tend to be low information voters as a whole

Here I thought liberals were academic elitists that look down their noses at the rest of America. Kind of like Obama being both weak and a dictator. That kind of rhetoric is not only false, but entirely unhelpful, and you know it and I'm puzzled why you take such delight in propagating it. Does it make you feel better to think that you're so highly informed and above the majority of the electorate? And look at your where you get your information; Rush Limbaugh, a highly discredited far right extremist. Yeah, you got a lot to feel proud of. Hey, I'm sure it would just take all those dirty masses voting the other way to make them become overnight geniuses, right? Truly lulzy.
The academic elitists are in charge of indoctrination hence I used the term "hierarchy" . They also seek positions in government. They really have no use for the "peasants" and are just a small portion of the democrat block. But they count on the vast majority of the uninformed peasants to secure their power. They tried it on me in Chapel Hill, I entered school with more moderate leanings, sometimes their attempt at indoctrination back fires .


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I think it's pretty rude and foolish to make such blanket assertions, but keep hammering at it. All the while some of the stupidest and most misinformed parts of the country are solidly republican, I really don't see the need in calling them names or coveting their vote.
Care to demonstrate exactly how red state voters are more misinformed than blue state voters? Instead of just feeling it? Ideological differences does not make one uninformed. Voting based on scare tactics, class warfare and being on the government dole can make one of the low information variety.

It has long been an effective and proven strategy for dems.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Fox Political Entertainment, dba Fox News, is the go-to source for red-state voters and is nothing but an outlet for far right misinformation. #1 in Political Entertainment, Lying, Distorting, False Narratives, Fear Mongering, and who can forget pushing the Christian agenda, a faith based set of beliefs that require no proof, evidence, or tolerance of dissent. Funny though, you haven't demonstrated how "democrats tend to be low information voters as a whole", so really if you're going to make such wild claims you can't complain when others do the same. But I digress, as I posted above, keep hammering at it, I don't like the term because it's based on assertions that you can't prove, but if you want to come across as confused, angry, and full of sour grapes because all those dummies didn't vote your way, knock yourself out.
I am just getting caught up while in the car for the 2 hour ride in traffic back to my mom's house.

As long as we have been doing this little dance of ours I still cannot believe that you really believe the shit you say. The dems use scare tactics??????? class warfare????????? O M fucking G dude.

scare tactics how? give an example that trumps "The democrats are going to make religion illegal" or "Obama is going to take all of your guns away!" or "The liberals are going to make christmas illegal!"

You say I duck and dodge...you NEVER answer direct questions unless you have some horseshit spin you concoct. I ask if you watch ANY of the clips I post and your refusal to answer means you don't because it might require some concession on your part. When presidential candidates are proclaiming that the democrats are working on making religion illegal as Huckabee did or that there is no place for christians in the democratic party as your boy Ted Cruz did...even though 80% of the house democrats are christian and every president in US history has been a christian.

THAT IS FEAR TACTICS to the max dude. That and Terror threat level colors that kept people voting for those who will be more hawkish (republicans) John Kerry lost in 2004 because the terror alerts and the constant bombardment of fox news of new plots every day that GW Bush himself was finding out and foiling.