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Loose Change - What Do You All Think?

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sorry not going to get involved in a kangaroo court on the guys who made the video...only the facts that are presented...once again....go after the messenger when you got nothing on the message...co-intel pro 101

But if the "facts" are being presented by someone who invented the entire idea for a movie, how can you take that seriously? Especially when those "facts" are shot down by thousands of engineers and physicists.
would almost make sense, if the top floor had actually collapsed first. which it didn't. even if it did, the building would not fall at a free-fall speed, each floor would offer some resistance, slowing the collapse.

invade afghanistan much ?

Welcome to the thread. I don't know if you've read everything thats been posted. This point was made about the video where a structural engineer claimed it was 'scientifically impossible' for the building to collapse as it did. As I've also said before, its easy to find claim and counterclaim. It doesn't actually matter which floor, the point was if there is enough momentum and inertia created, it is possible for a building to totally collapse. The impact forces of the twin towers collapsing could have structurally weakened tower 7.

invade afghanistan much ?

Again, the reasons given through the media for invading Afghanistan were completely separate from 911. Therefore, those reasons could still have been used as justice for invasion without 911 having happened.

I'm not here to defend America or what it stands for, but for there to have been government involvement you have to find a reason for that involvement. You can talk all day about puffs of smoke, skyscrapers having never collapsed before, jewish people who took the day off, the stock market activity. With those analogies, you can pick any event on any day of the week and create a conspiracy story. Whats MISSING is a reason for government involvement, and its missing because there isn't one.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
911 and the FBI"s wanted poster.

Well, it's hard to see how the FBI choses to advertise for a crook is connected to pulling down WTC7, but here's an attempt.

Attack on a Federal Facility Resulting in Death ... dunno, that covers some of the 911 stuff, no, given that there were federal facilities of some kind in the targeted buildings. Also the FBi is joined by the Airline Pilots Association and the Air Transport Association in offering the reward for UBL on the poster .... might have something to do with the planes + federal buildings on 911, given that the other attacks mentioned in the wanted poster were land based and conspicuously absent in planes?

Just a casual observation ....
Again, the reasons given through the media for invading Afghanistan were completely separate from 911. Therefore, those reasons could still have been used as justice for invasion without 911 having happened.

don't know what channel you were watching, but they had me pretty convinced we were going into afghanistan to kill bin-laden/al-CIAda...

so what other reason than 911 did we have to invade ?
911 and the FBI"s wanted poster.

Well, it's hard to see how the FBI choses to advertise for a crook is connected to pulling down WTC7, but here's an attempt.

Attack on a Federal Facility Resulting in Death ... dunno, that covers some of the 911 stuff, no, given that there were federal facilities of some kind in the targeted buildings. Also the FBi is joined by the Airline Pilots Association and the Air Transport Association in offering the reward for UBL on the poster .... might have something to do with the planes + federal buildings on 911, given that the other attacks mentioned in the wanted poster were land based and conspicuously absent in planes?

Just a casual observation ....

no the bombing of federal building was the barracks in the sudan some years ago.

people offering rewards is irrelevant, i can offer $100 reward to catch a rapist, doesn't mean i was raped.

thanks, but the correct answer is, there is no evidence to show bin laden planned and executed the attacks on the wtc.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
no the bombing of federal building was the barracks in the sudan some years ago.

people offering rewards is irrelevant, i can offer $100 reward to catch a rapist, doesn't mean i was raped.

thanks, but the correct answer is, there is no evidence to show bin laden planned and executed the attacks on the wtc.

The posters were revised in Nov 2001 and it was decided that the Federal attack charges were sufficient to cover all charges against UBL, including those related to attacks on Fed building on 911

Secondly, you can't just offer a reward for anything and get it on a FBI poster.

The reward has to be approved by the FBI as being of material assistance in an active investigation.

Now then, boys and girls. Can we name an ongoing FBI investigation that involves UBL and would involve pilots and air transport associations ...

Hmmmmm, strokey beard time, but one incident is beginning to shine through.

It's one thing to be convinced of a truth. It's another to jump up and down like a braying jackass, ignoring any and all counter facts or arguments, and generally behaving like your viewpoint is the only one that counts.

Grow up, look where you are, and ask why am you even here, and why do you care about convincing us? Don't worry, I have the answer for you. You don't care. You just want to shout and have someone pay you attention. Not a problem, But you won't like it ......
don't know what channel you were watching, but they had me pretty convinced we were going into afghanistan to kill bin-laden/al-CIAda...

so what other reason than 911 did we have to invade ?

My guess is you watch a news channel owned by Rupert Murdock


The war on Afghanistan was sold to the public as a reaction to the attacks on 11 September 2001. However, the war was planned before the infamous 9/11 disaster, and the military action began long before the World Trade Center fell. The conquest of Afghanistan had been planned since at least 12 February 1998, and 9/11 happened just in time to secure public support for the attacks.

3rd November 1998 - attacks stop US oil pipeline:
Up to 80 cruise missiles were fired at Afghanistan and Sudan in August An American-funded training project in Afghanistan has closed down as a result of the US cruise missile attack on the country in August. The programme was funded by the American oil company, Unocal, which was once hoping to be involved in building a gas pipeline across the country from Turkmenistan to Pakistan.
(BBC News, "US attack closes US project", 3 November 1998. )

2nd January 1999 - US strikes targets in Afghanistan:
No sooner had the Taleban won a series of victories in the north, than the US launched an attack on camps in Afghanistan run by Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden, who had allegedly masterminded the bombing of US embassies in East Africa.
(BBC News, "Afghanistan: Campaign of conflict", 2 January 1999.)

15th March 2001 - allies invade Afghanistan:
India is believed to have joined Russia, the USA and Iran in a concerted front against Afghanistan's Taliban regime. Military sources in Delhi, claim that the opposition Northern Alliance's capture of the strategic town of Bamiyan, was precipitated by the four countries' collaborative effort.
(Janes International Security News, "India joins anti-Taliban coalition", 15 March 2001.)

16th March 2001 - Bush prepares America to wage war overseas:
“I want to remind the American people that the prime suspect's [Osama Bin Laden] organisation is in a lot of countries,” Mr Bush told reporters on the White House lawn.
(BBC News, "America widens 'crusade' on terror", 16 September 2001. )

3rd September 2001 - allies deploy huge task-force for “fictional” conflict:
The aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious has sailed from Portsmouth to lead the biggest Royal Navy and Royal Marine deployment since the Falklands. HMS Illustrious is the flagship of three groups of warships travelling to the Middle East to take part in exercise "Saif Sareea 2". More than 24 surface ships from Britain, plus two nuclear submarines, will be completing the 13,000 mile round trip. The operation, costing nearly £100m, will end with a major excercise before Christmas that will also involve the Army, Royal Air Force and Armed Forces of Oman. The strike force has been put together to take part in a conflict between the fictional forces of the so-called state of 'Alawham' and those of Oman.
(BBC News, Carrier heads for the Middle East, 3 September 2001. )

11th September 2001 - the war comes home to America:
*** 9/11 ***

18th September 2001 - diplomat reveals 9/11 “response” began before 9/11:
A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the US was planning military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last week's attacks. Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October. Mr Naik said US officials told him of the plan at a UN-sponsored international contact group on Afghanistan which took place in Berlin. The wider objective, according to Mr Naik, would be to topple the Taleban regime and install a transitional government of moderate Afghans in its place - possibly under the leadership of the former Afghan King Zahir Shah. Mr Naik was told that Washington would launch its operation from bases in Tajikistan, where American advisers were already in place. He was told that Uzbekistan would also participate in the operation and that 17,000 Russian troops were on standby.Mr Naik was told that if the military action went ahead it would take place before the snows started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the latest.
(BBC News, "US 'planned attack on Taleban'", 18 September 2001. )

Don't you think its actually contradictory that on the one hand you believe a government kills 3000 of its own civilians, and on the other hand they would seek public approval to invade Afghanistan?

So, we come back round to the beginning, all the events that have happened since 911 would have happened anyway.
ok fine, the black box could have been destroyed, anything is possible...even though the guy who found the black box said it was whisked away and never seen again...

Interesting, considering this huge news doesn't get reported at the time and the guy who "found," the black box doesn't tell the 9/11 Commission. Instead he tells the story in a self-published book. Any red flags going up?
My guess is you watch a news channel owned by Rupert Murdock

close...watched, no longer watch.

as for the rest of your argument, military strikes against a country justify invasion of that country ?

they had enough to attack them sure, but not enough to launch a full scale invasion and occupation...the people would never go for that...

que 911
You don't care. You just want to shout and have someone pay you attention. Not a problem, But you won't like it ......

won't like what ?

don't care if you guys posts agree or disagree. i know i won't change your minds. some people are happy asleep, and that's fine, every time you respond to me, you refresh this thread, get more views for this thread, and increase the probability that someone who isn't a die-hard fan of kool-aid will actually give the subject some thought...

so, thank you...
Interesting, considering this huge news doesn't get reported at the time and the guy who "found," the black box doesn't tell the 9/11 Commission. Instead he tells the story in a self-published book. Any red flags going up?

ya alot of "huge" news didn't get reported, like the molten steel in the basement, or the lack of a plane at the pentagon...funny how some things get brushed under the rug
Focus, little apprentice, focus.

You have a retort to your last post about the FBI's poster. I'd be interested in your reflections ......

so sweet of you :)

once again, offering a reward for something means nothing. if the FBI wanted to put it on the poster BFD. that proves or disproves nothing.

binladen poster pre-911 = binladen poster post-911

i'm pretty sure that was the point i was trying to make, but thanks for ramming it home for me.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
you refresh this thread, get more views for this thread, and increase the probability that someone who isn't a die-hard fan of kool-aid will actually give the subject some thought...

so, thank you...

If you think anyone is coming here to read your deep and provocative insights into 911, you are even more delusional that previously evidenced. People are coming here for two reasons:

To be amused
To throw down little scraps of bait and watch you scamper after them like a good little doggie ....

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

In what some are calling the most shocking revelations since, well, Revelations 1:1 shocking photos were released on Saturday by former wrestler turned foreign policy wonk and WWE TV Washington Correspondent Randy "Macho Man" Savage proving an undeniable link between Al Qaeda, Hulk Hogan and the Events of September 11th. The photos clearly show the "Hulkster" toppling both towers one and two with a chair throw and a cheap shot kick. Then emphatically imploring Hulkamaniacs to "Stay in School and off drugs"


Still more logical than anything found in Loose Balls. Change! I meant change, of course.
close...watched, no longer watch.

as for the rest of your argument, military strikes against a country justify invasion of that country ?

they had enough to attack them sure, but not enough to launch a full scale invasion and occupation...the people would never go for that...

que 911

They were already in Afghanistan bombing, killing and removing the government so they could get approval for the Unocal pipeline. So you are saying they thought, 'Oh, hang on minute, we better blow up the trade towers, just to be sure everyone's ok with us being in Afghanistan? So, much as you would obviously love there to be a reason for the government to have done it, unfortunately, there is no reason. Pick Iraq if you want to throw some shit and make it stick.

You are just the same as the god bless America grandma sat in her rocking chair. Nothing she see's, hears or reads can convince her that her government could lie, kill or do any wrong in her name. Complete blind faith and devoid of any appreciation of facts except the ones that conform with your own rhetoric.
ya alot of "huge" news didn't get reported, like the molten steel in the basement...

NIST investigators and experts from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEONY)—who inspected the WTC steel at the WTC site and the salvage yards—found no evidence that would support the melting of steel in a jet-fuel ignited fire in the towers prior to collapse. The condition of the steel in the wreckage of the WTC towers (i.e., whether it was in a molten state or not) was irrelevant to the investigation of the collapse since it does not provide any conclusive information on the condition of the steel when the WTC towers were standing.

NIST considered the damage to the steel structure and its fireproofing caused by the aircraft impact and the subsequent fires when the buildings were still standing since that damage was responsible for initiating the collapse of the WTC towers.

Under certain circumstances it is conceivable for some of the steel in the wreckage to have melted after the buildings collapsed. Any molten steel in the wreckage was more likely due to the high temperature resulting from long exposure to combustion within the pile than to short exposure to fires or explosions while the buildings were standing.

...or the lack of a plane at the pentagon...

That is interesting, because just looking on the Internet, one can find plenty of photographs.

You can find more pictures just by searching for them on the Internet.

Of course, saying that there was no crash ignores eye witness reports, human remains

Another reason for 9/11 was to pass the Patriot Act and take away our freedoms.

No one would ever have allowed the "Patriot Act" had it not been for being scared shitless by the boogeyman that was Bin Laden.

The TSA was formed. And Americans have lost most of their freedoms now. So there's another answer to the "why".

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Another reason for 9/11 was to pass the Patriot Act and take away our freedoms.

No one would ever have allowed the "Patriot Act" had it not been for being scared shitless by the boogeyman that was Bin Laden.

The TSA was formed. And Americans have lost most of their freedoms now. So there's another answer to the "why".

What do you mean "Our freedom?" You live in Canada, according to your profile.
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