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Let's Talk about Pizzagate

Makes all those Fake News people look pretty bad. Expose them as fake. Nothing they say can be taken seriously anymore.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems to me those people already look incredibly bad. What with stories about body doubles, Clinton wearing a cough suppressing device at one of the debates, claims that Obama would start a third world war in order to allow him to declare martial law and cancel the election, etc etc etc etc etc and on and on and on.
At what point should the average person stop taking them seriously? It seems to me they're wandered waaaaaay beyond that point already, and frankly that they did so from their inception.

Yes! It's true! You too can upload a video of yourself, yammering away in your bedroom, to youtube, and have people actually post it somewhere as if you're an authority!

Will E Worm

Yes! It's true! You too can upload a video of yourself, yammering away in your bedroom, to youtube, and have people actually post it somewhere as if you're an authority!

More authority than paid actors on the so-called 'news.'

“Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!”

― Bill Hicks
Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom."

What's really ironic about this is that being a fake news consumer creates even more ignorance than a steady diet of trashy tv.

And it's dynamic isn't so different either, what with the glaring, pot-stirring headlines and so many sites battling to conquer their competitors while expanding their "fan" base.

Will E Worm

I wouldn't say anyone is 100% all the time. But, independent researchers and reporters have been much more accurate than someone paid a huge salary to say what they are told to say.


Hiliary 2020
I wouldn't say anyone is 100% all the time. But, independent researchers and reporters have been much more accurate than someone paid a huge salary to say what they are told to say.

That's it.

And there it is.
Now it begins.
Let's see what should I believe?
That some idiot wanted to go to jail for many years so he walked into CometPizza with a gun and did nothing and accomplished nothing?

Or he was sent there on purpose in order to promote passing laws to diminish freedom of speech? To help promote laws and regulations on yootoob, bookface, tweeter and the like?

A guy with a gun ain't gonna be enough. Next they'll burn or bomb the place. Maybe kill a few people.
In the end it will be worth it just to finally shut down the "fake news".

Funny how I've been using the term fake news to describe the MSM for so long.
Now they can't stop using it.
I wonder if they've been reading my posts?

Anyway they ain't done with this by a long stretch.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
This is why I am slowly but surely dropping out of this section

The last year has driven too many of you over the edge, and there is no point handing out tags like nazi, crazy, stockholm syndrome, you pick one.

This has just gone bananas


Hiliary 2020
This is why I am slowly but surely dropping out of this section

The last year has driven too many of you over the edge, and there is no point handing out tags like nazi, crazy, stockholm syndrome, you pick one.

This has just gone bananas

So there is no such thing as pedaphiles?
Because thats all this thread was about.

I'll write slow so you can understand.
There were a bunch of emails to and from podesta that had pedo code words in them. Talking about children in a very creepy way.
The owner of cometpizza did have numerous suggestive pedo photos and comments on his social media sites and the people connected to him had the same. Talking about children in a very creepy way.
And the owner of cometpizza does have connections to Clinton and Soros and Obama also. And a powerful Washington person named David Brock.
They have given this pizza owner a lot of money.

All that is not theory, that is fact. It was all there on display for the world to see.
Creepy pedo stuff from podesta and cometpizza and many people connected to them.

However what I said before this "gun man" even showed up was that the whole thing looks like a setup to attempt to make independant media look crazy. To ruin their credibility.
Then to possibly pass laws disguised as "public safety" measures to censure yootoob and other social media sites.
Which is what is openly trying to be done before any of this came into play.

Then sure enough a guy with a gun shows up right on queue.
Well let's find out exactly who this guy is.


Hiliary 2020
That didn't take long.
Well well well. The "Gun Man" has an IMDB page.
Just like Omar Mateeen and almost the entire Pulse cast and half the Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing casts.

What a coincidence.
I must be a nut for thinking something doesn't feel right about that.
This has just gone bananas

But wait, there's more!

The storm of fake news has swept up not only Comet Ping Pong, but its neighboring businesses. Conspiracy theorists have linked symbols that some local businesses on the same street as Comet Ping Pong used in their logos to symbols of pedophilia code.

At Terasol, a French restaurant across the street from Comet Ping Pong, the owner, Sabrina Ousmaal, said she received daily phone threats and her business’s Facebook page had been filled with false accusations, including, “You guys mind explaining the pedophilia symbol removed from your website then?” She added that the symbol was not on her restaurant but on the store of a nearby shop and was a swirl within a triangle.


Hiliary 2020
See the problem there PH is youre getting your news from the fake news.

Let's say that is real. That a woman at a french joint is getting harrassed.
What shall we do? Perhaps censure all social media sites and yootoob to prevent this thing from becoming a danger to society?

That is the end game here.

It should be left alone at this point just like I've tried to make clear.
John Podesta has emails that imply creepy pedo stuff.
And comet pizza owner Alefantis and his social media friends have posted some creepy shit on social media that strongly imply pedo stuff.
That much is true. Like I said it was all on display for everyone to see.
Nothing is going to become of it so I say leave it alone.

But now we have a guy with a gun going into the pizza joint and it has just gone to another level.
Which leads to the question was this guy some concerned citizen going there to in his mind to protect children like the MSM is claiming or was he sent there as a crisis actor?
That is a very serious question.
If the answer is the former then he must have mental problems. Clearly anybody who would do that knows they will be facing many many years in state prison for doing such a thing. Destroying their life for nothing.
If it's the latter, well that would show somebody is trying to trick us.
not sure the pizza may be overcooked
fake news designed to distract the public while others are governing the world- and the power is not in the world bank, president or congress
like the comet pizza that chris Mathews likes its over cooked and spoiled
See the problem there PH is youre getting your news from the fake news.

Let's say that is real. That a woman at a french joint is getting harrassed.
What shall we do? Perhaps censure all social media sites and yootoob to prevent this thing from becoming a danger to society?

That is the end game here.

It should be left alone at this point just like I've tried to make clear.
John Podesta has emails that imply creepy pedo stuff.
And comet pizza owner Alefantis and his social media friends have posted some creepy shit on social media that strongly imply pedo stuff.
That much is true. Like I said it was all on display for everyone to see.
Nothing is going to become of it so I say leave it alone.

But now we have a guy with a gun going into the pizza joint and it has just gone to another level.
Which leads to the question was this guy some concerned citizen going there to in his mind to protect children like the MSM is claiming or was he sent there as a crisis actor?
That is a very serious question.
If the answer is the former then he must have mental problems. Clearly anybody who would do that knows they will be facing many many years in state prison for doing such a thing. Destroying their life for nothing.
If it's the latter, well that would show somebody is trying to trick us.

Well MP, it seems clear to me that many people are becoming dangerously unhinged over this, and that anyone who thinks that couldn't lead to vigilantism is living in denial. And if, while indulging in inflammatory theorizing, one encourages, intentionally or not, that kind of activity...imo that person is an accessory to it.

As I understand it "that guy's" father instilled a very protectionist attitude in his son regarding child abuse. And being all hopped up by what he'd been reading (including inflammatory input from some Twitter fuckwad pretending to be the representative of a [as it turns out] non existent judicial district in Georgia), his actions don't seem nearly as off the wall to me as they do to you.

The greater issue to me is that even if this guy is some kind of government patsy (which I don't believe he is), the intrinsic danger of this kind of "media" is the mushrooming effect it can have by pushing the envelope all the way to inciting a mob mentality against complete innocents, like the lady who owns the restaurant nearby.
That's totally wrong.
I'm not saying to ban it. But I am very disturbed by how irresponsible it frequently is.

The MSM, for all it's warts, doesn't often stoop to the kind of torches-and-pitchforks mentality much of the so-called "independent" media routinely does.

And again, I have to say that imo anyone who actually believes Hillary Clinton and/or Barack Obama are leading or in any other way knowingly involved in some kind of sadistic pedophile sex ring is simply living in an alternate fantasy world.


Hiliary 2020
those are good points. It could be that way.

A few things.
About the vigilante stuff. Too bad law enforcement and the media isn't at least questioning this pizza guy and letting the people know.
Also the other people who made all those creepy posts and comments.
They really should be investigated imo.
That's why this one is so hot. It involves children. At least it gives the appearance of that.
And it's from their very own posts and comments. Some of the crap pizza guy and his social media buddies said and posted had strong pedo implications. Of course they should be investigated.

But instead the media right out of the gate insists it all "Just crazy conspiracy stuff" without even acknowledging all those posts and comments.
They give such a one sided view on the whole thing. Thats not journalism, thats propaganda.

Like I said I'm not going overboard on this. I wasnt from the start. But there is enough out there to at least ask some questions.
But the media as usual isn't.

One more thing. If pizza guy was connected to Trump in any way.
He posted a thank you note written to him by Trump.
There was a paper trail of money, large amounts, given to him by Trump.
Or if one of Trumps main campaign people was clearly into weird spirit cooking stuff, pedo masochistic art, and spoke innappropriately about very young children in their emails, and pizza guy was apparently good friends with this person, how would the media be reporting it?

I'll tell you how and you already know. They would be using it for all it was worth to ruin him and make sure he never takes the oath.