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Let's Talk about Pizzagate


Hiliary 2020
Pizzagate. Is it real? Is it True?
Please if you haven't bothered to research or inform yourself about it don't bother commenting.
So EmailGate leads to WeinerGate leads to Pizzagate.
Could it be true? Is there is a child sex ring in Washington DC? That maybe many well known and/or politically powerful people like hurting children?
Keep in mind people have read and studied the thousands of emails and connections regarding this.
There is no doubt that there were many pedo code words in those podesta emails as if the spirit cooking stuff wasn't sick enough.
The Hiliary links to the pedo traffickers in Haiti, the connection to the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza in DC.

This is no ordinary run of the mill conspiracy theory.
But there is a huge amount of information to be looked at. Too much for me to write here and even if you have all the current info it's a lot to sort out.
I feel more than enough to justify a very real and thorough investigation.
This man put together a lot of connections in a short period. Even if powerful people aren't directly involved there is plenty of evidence that some very disturbing stuff happening here.
I think it's worth a watch because if this is real it's very very serious
He gets into the connections at 13:00 min in.
This guy David Seaman who I have found to be extremely credible is adament that it is real.


Hiliary 2020
Oh you again.
You didn't watch the any of video or read any emails.
Your assumption that she is not connected to this people is based on nothing.
She is connected to these people.
Podesta has been with her for decades, right next to her actually.
All you have to do is go from him and the people he's connected to and you unravel some very sick and very real stuff.
rothchilds was mentioned by someone in my JFK thread and on your video in the beginning.

google the name but they control the money and jfk wanted to end that relationship like pres Jackson did and that was an unhappy event for them

I have googled and found all the murders and sexual stuff going back to his gov days- maybe all that is what intrigued ken starr

I know nothing but proof is always hard as so much time goes by- people are silenced, pass on and afraid
whenever reinvestigation go on convienent deaths happen just prior to their ordered testimony

Commerce Secy ron brown died in a plane crash just prior to testimony by a few weeks including the air traffic controller controlling his flight
he knew Clinton stuff and was coming forward.

did the name Malcolm Wallace come up in your investigation

Clintons are very good as evading investigations- she is very smart and not to be under estimated
OJ would be in jail for murder or freed depending the side she was on in a hypothetical trial she was in on as an attorney
she would be a good trial lawyer I believe.


Hiliary 2020
Here is some of what is true.
The owner of that pizza place is connected to HC and George Soros and very much to the Podesta brothers.
HC and Soros have given this guy thousands of dollars. It's on paper. Why?
The guy has visited the White House many times.
He was named one of the most influential people in DC by some msm rag.
His boyfriend is or was David Brock who has been described by Time magazine as “one of the most influential operatives in the Democratic Party" and is a big time Clinton insider and very powerful media owner.
There is a lot more also.

But even if no powerful political people aren't involved with this guy, which they are, anybody who sees this guys posts, comments and pictures both current and the many he's deleted can see there is a pedo thing going on.
Then look at all his social media friends and the comments and photos they post.
Him and all these people connected to him.
There is something very sick going on and all these people need to be seriously investigated.

Or you can just go by what the msm says without addressing any of it and just say it's "fake news".
Probably easier that way.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Have you made just a quick GoogleNews search with "Pizzagate" as a search term?

There is no reliable news source that says anything else than: This Pizzagate stories are fake and just constructed to specifically hurt certain people.

Please stop making political arguments with stories that have a place in Game of Thrones fiction
Lock Her Up.
podesta looks strange but can we fairly convict him on flimsy
this is like the murder stuff and pregnant lady bill knocked up as governor
could be true but every one is innocent until proven guilty

maybe ken starr was intrigued by it

hard to prove like the jfk stuff


Closed Account
Pizzagate. Is it real? Is it True?

But there is a huge amount of information to be looked at. Too much for me to write here and even if you have all the current info it's a lot to sort out.
I feel more than enough to justify a very real and thorough investigation.

That video is way too long to watch. Just make your case with proof why this pizzaplace is a pedophelia network or whatever this is about.


Hiliary 2020
My last post says all I can say.
That video shows connections and some very nasty pedo stuff is very much apparent.
If anyone cant look into it then go by what the fake news say like supa does or just forgetaboutit.
I don't have more than 100 minutes t owaist on watching a crappy video about a random conspiracy theory. Watched a littl bid of the very end, at aboutr 1'43" they mention cannibals rings. As if there was, on US soil, some secret meeting where people eat humans :stir:
That is all I need to know that this whole Pizzagate is bullshit made-up by the alt-right


Hiliary 2020
Ok so you dont have time to look into it.
So what the fuck are you posting for?
All of you.

The video shows social media accounts and posts of James Alefantis and many people connected with him on social media and who comment on his creepy pedo posts. And the creepy shit they post also. James Alefantis who is connected to HC, Soros , and very much to the Podestas and David Brock. The video is just a man surfing all their social media accounts and posts and showing the clearly pedo and other sick stuff they are into.
There is no doubt to anybody who would actually take the time to look into it that all these people are into KIDS.And if they are they are probably hurting kids.

So this is my official fuck you to anybody here calling me Alt Right or conspiracy theorist.
Most of you here are so fucking far removed from reality and exactly what is going on that its really saddening.
You get your information from a media that lies and distorts the truth from you everyday and you use that information to base your beliefs on what's real.
Call me alt right when thats a term I dont even use. Hiliary Clinton made that term up. Tell me I'm into info wars when I have said many times I don't take AlexJones seriously.
But most of you here are living in a Alt Reality the the US mainstream media has created for you.
You think you understand current events. You think you understand history but I've seen a lot of posts here and most of you don't know anything. I've never seen a more clueless bunch actually.
So you all go on believing all these fake shootings CNN sells you with no evidence other than they say it's real.
Go ahead believing THE US are actually fighting for good and aren't completely behind all the so called terror groups they claim is the enemy.
Believe it all. Bunch of weak minded brainwashed fools.
we have each other and a lot of free time and no longer dine at comet pizza.


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Hiliary 2020
Wow. Just heard a very good theory regarding this whole thing.
And it's something I suspected, because this whole thing seemed too obvious from the start.
Bear with me please.

Like I said what has been shown in all these podesta emails and social media posts of the owner of Comet and his social media friends is this:

Podesta and others talking very strangely about children in a creepy pedo way. Using pedo code words repeatedly. Talking about spirit cooking.

The owner of Comet, Alefantis posting very suggestive photos of children and other weird crap. Making pedo comments and using that same code. Many pictures with blood and other wacky stuff. Posting pictures of underground tunnels and creepy empty rooms.
A lot of repulsive stuff.
Many of his social media buddies posting the same types of photos and comments. Basically a whole network of weirdos posting suggestive pedo stuff all over their social media pages.

And finally we have connections to Comet. Podesta, Hiliary, Obama, David Brock, even Soros.
Photos, large payments to Comet from Clinton, Soros, and the White House. And apparently Alefantis and Brock were in a sexual relationship.

All of that is real. The emails are real. The social media posts and comments are real. And the connections are real.
It's all right there on the internet in their own words and posts. But was it all put there on purpose?

What does all this prove? Nothing. Only that these people may be into children and other sick shit.
But without deeper investigation into them it proves nothing, only casts suspicion.

However here is where it gets even weirder.
After the election Obama, Not so much Clinton because she was probably drunk and drugged for a few weeks, and The MSM began to talk about "Fake News".
Tweeter, Bookface, Goggle all started removing posts and deleting profiles.
And the MSM began drilling the term Fake News into our brains. They even made a list of Fake News websites and Yootoob channels.
And finally there is talk of passing laws to remove all of what the GOV deems as Fake News.

Only one problem. The 1st Amendment.
How do thy get around that?
For example if I put up a website or a video saying I am the rightful King of England I can do that and be protected by the 1st.
It's probably not true. Probably Fake, but no law can make me not say it.

So in summary. All this Pizzagate stuff could be a Long Con so to speak.
Put all this crap on social media (Except for the podesta emails, those are real).
Implicate people as being pervs and pedos who may be hurting kids.
Then sit back and watch all the Fake News outlets run with it. Let it go viral all over the web.
Get people fired up. Get people who normally wouldn't believe it to start believing it.
After all those social media posts are pretty creepy, and theyre real.

Then nothing. It turns out to be nothing, or at least nothing to prove children are being hurt.
Makes all those Fake News people look pretty bad. Expose them as fake. Nothing they say can be taken seriously anymore.
Now they can finally pass those laws to stop The Fake News.......and CNN and the rest of the Real News places can rest easy knowing they now have no competition on that damn internet.
Whatever they say is fact and nobody can question it because questioning it is now illegal.

Yep, Pizzagate could be a grand example of poisoning the well.
Put out a fake situation, let the independant media run with it, then prove it all to be nothing at all.
Now nothing they say can ever be taken seriously again and the real news like CNN and the rest are the only ones to be trusted.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah I'm backing off on this for a little time. Maybe forever.
I never did say it was definite in the first place.
Something is going on but this one feels a little too "packaged" for me.
It may have been put out there by the Fake News on purpose. Maybe not but maybe so.