Lawmakers Consider Ending Citizenship for Children of Illegal Aliens


Hiliary 2020
This may be the funniest thing I've ever seen.

I dont know, maybe thats because your ignorant to so many things.

lets see, if one person works many hours to support themselves and/or their familes, and a government, like a slave owner, takes a chunk of that money and gives it to another without permission from the one who earned it, that is a form of slavery.
youre being forced to work for free for the benefit of another.
definition of that: slavery.


Postal Paranoiac
Hmm...legislation that can potentially hurt the children. Sounds like a Conservative to me!
I dont know, maybe thats because your ignorant to so many things.

lets see, if one person works many hours to support themselves and/or their familes, and a government, like a slave owner, takes a chunk of that money and gives it to another without permission from the one who earned it, that is a form of slavery.
youre being forced to work for free for the benefit of another.
definition of that: slavery.
Oh, poor you. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you do?
Here we go again and I support this one because if you are here illegally and you have a kid...the kid automatically becomes a citizen...OH HELL NO!!! Citizen should mean only two things, either you were BORN here of citizen parents or immigrated here legally and obtained your citizenship. But, not for those that came here illegally and are sponging off the backs of those that are here legally, causing taxes and services to be overwhelmed. Fuck these people...get the FUCK OUT if you don't want to be here legally. Also, if you want to be a citizen and migrated here, then it should be MANDATORY military service for TWO years. If they want to be here, then they can fight for it too. Otherwise we are going to ship your asses OUT of here.

However, how many times have I said this before, the only reason that there are illegals is there are businesses that continually hire these people. And it all has to do with CHEAP labor and nothing more. If I had anything to say about it, I would penalize the businesses that hire these people. This would stop them from continually hiring them, and don't give me the bullshit that they are doing jobs that no one else wants to do. Guess what, there is 9.6 percent UNEMPLOYMENT and I'm sure there are those that can't find work that would do these jobs if they got a decent wage for it. But again, like I said it has to do with CHEAP labor, many of these people work like dogs and get paid pennies. So, lets try this again and you know what if some of these businesses go out of business because they are being penalized financially...then so be it. Because for every one that fails, a new one appears. I see these illegals near the local hardware stores early in the morning waiting for the contractors to come along all the time.
By the way, how is the Grand Wizard doing these days? Is he still residing in your once proud (white) Euro-American city?

Hahahaha you're a riot.

I'm the riot? The thing about extremist leftist wackos like you (not regular libs) is you are so divisve with all the "racist" rhetoric that you will never find common ground with anyone who's even remotely removed from your foolishness. You intolerant pinko. :)
That was directed towards meester, dummie. You're quite the LA riot yourself, though :). Seriously, though, why would you even say "once proud European-American streets?" What does that even mean? You really have no room to call anybody intolerant.

also im pretty radical what with all the 900's and ollies i do over garbage cans all day every day :divebomb!:
That was directed towards meester, dummie. You're quite the LA riot yourself, though :). Seriously, though, why would you even say "once proud European-American streets?" What does that even mean? You really have no room to call anybody intolerant.

also im pretty radical what with all the 900's and ollies i do over garbage cans all day every day :divebomb!:

Well, apparently according extremists like you, only people who aren't European can have pride in what their people and culture gave to their nation. Totally insane, your bunch. Very, very weird. :facepalm:

Particularly my state - which is one of the best in the Union in quite a few categories regarding lifestyle - it was entirely built by Europeans. You got a problem with that, you should think about how warped and divisive that view is.
I have no problem whatsoever with that, but you calling me intolerant is incredibly disingenuous. You act like it's such a pestilence. Refer to your post.
That isn't really true. I would say most of those people don't think about it a lot more because people tend to fall into a flawed "out of sight, out of mind" mindset than it is because illegal immigration doesn't effect them. It's the same way some people think others out there that are homeless, poor, or without health insurance, for example, among very many other things don't effect them because they never see or interact with those people, when that way of thinking is both false and foolish.

It is out of their minds because it's out of their sights. There are 50 states in our country and how many other US territories? Maybe 5 or 6 have a problem with illegal immigration noticeably affecting their state? I think the average or middle American couldn't care less about it beyond what they see reported in the media. It is not a problem where they are...just like other Jus Soli countries....I suppose it is pretty rare for the average Jus Sol country to have a couple, neither of whom are citizens having babies in their country. And those who happen to are just visiting and go back to where they are from. So it doesn't make sense for them to change something that in a vacuum makes sense. It does make some sense that a child born someplace is a citizen of that place irrespective of their parent's status. After all, that is where the record of live birth will be held forever.

But the overall reality is people don't think to address things that don't appear as a problem to/for them.

In the words of President Barack Obama: "brother, you are wearing me out." Seriously, you go on and on sometimes with total bullshit (well, not total bullshit, but quite a bit) and the shit gets tired. And throughout all this thread, you have yet to make a real effort to state your position on the matter. You just like to argue for the sake of arguing.

Sooooo, we'll let the good folks here decide who has a more potent argument.

Apparently you don't read your own thread. I stated my position in the very first response to this topic. It's not my fault you didn't read it.

I don't disagree with this as the amendment to the constitution which addresses this has served it's purpose...which was to create a structure for assimilating former slaves into citizenship.

But the constitution needs to be amended! No more of these willy-nilly, clumsy GOPers laws seeking to override constitutional and case law rights.

But we aren't the only country with grants citizenship to those born on it's soil.

To your "for the sake of arguing" nonsense... you went rambling on and on and on and fucking on about something you, Paul and others are wrong about. The claim that there aren't any wealthy, western nations that do this was simply wrong. There is one right on our northern border. And another (though they don't meet Paul's full criteria of "wealthy") on our southern border. Any child born in Mexico regardless of their parent's status is a Mexican citizen.

Now had you simply wanted to know the truth and checked for yourself (as opposed to what you felt politically convenient) when I first told you Paul's assertion was wrong, that whole back and forth could have been avoided.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I dont know, maybe thats because your ignorant to so many things.

lets see, if one person works many hours to support themselves and/or their familes, and a government, like a slave owner, takes a chunk of that money and gives it to another without permission from the one who earned it, that is a form of slavery.
youre being forced to work for free for the benefit of another.
definition of that: slavery.

Or Communism.

Hmm...legislation that can potentially hurt the children. Sounds like a Conservative to me!

What children would it be hurting MD? The children that are here, born to American citizens, are the ones being hurt and will continue to be hurt throughout their adult lives if something isn't done about this shit.

How many people can this country support? Especially when an ever increasing number of the people residing here are doing nothing but leaching off the others.
Or Communism.

What children would it be hurting MD? The children that are here, born to American citizens, are the ones being hurt and will continue to be hurt throughout their adult lives if something isn't done about this shit.

How many people can this country support? Especially when an ever increasing number of the people residing here are doing nothing but leaching off the others.

Yeah, it doesn't help the kids. You've got overcrowded classrooms as is. Throw in a bunch of illegals in and you're making an already poor situation even worse. Same thing applies to health care and so on.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Yeah, it doesn't help the kids. You've got overcrowded classrooms as is. Throw in a bunch of illegals in and you're making an already poor situation even worse. Same thing applies to health care and so on.

Exactly. Then there's the increased violence, which no one can deny with a straight face. Then later they have to compete for work and anything else that may be needed to survive. Things are only going to get worse and I weep for my daughter because her generation is going to suffer greatly I fear.
Exactly. Then there's the increased violence, which no one can deny with a straight face. Then later they have to compete for work and anything else that may be needed to survive. Things are only going to get worse and I weep for my daughter because her generation is going to suffer greatly I fear.

Exactly. A lot of folks seem to live in some fantasy world where resources aren't limited, things are free, and everybody works just for the hell of it. Countries limit immigration for a reason and when they do bring in immigrants they screen them so you get the ones who are ready to become productive citizens of that country. If illegals are leaving their shitty country and coming in droves to another country what do you suppose will happen in time? You'll have two shitty countries because the country that they came to won't be able to support them all.

It's not about having no compassion for these people it's about there being order because without order you have chaos and then shit goes downhill real quick.
Yes. Yes you can. I don't understand how violence inherently comes into play.

Balkanization. Look the term up. No one with a straight face can deny it DOES have a massive impact in America, The Hmongs and the blacks by my house - about two dozen on each side - had a massive brawl right by my house just last year. Of course look at LA and all the racial stuff between the blacks and latinos. It's crazy. Of course we can hope for a dream world things like that don't happen (and of course there are diverse communities that exist), but reality tells us these things do happen. Sorry to tell you the truth.
So illegal immigration -> violence. Sound logic.

I think there's a correlation there towards crime. The majority of illegal immigrants are poor some will come here and do an honest day's work. Others will grow tired of it and fall into the drug trade, gangs, etc. because it beats picking fruit in some field or working on a hot roof for basically nothing when you see what the cost of living is in America.

Remember with illegal immigration you're not controlling who gets into your country. You'll get the hard working people who want a better life but you'll also get your useless thugs and undesirables as well. That's the issue.