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Jesus christ


Was King of the Board for a Day
Do not take this personally because this is just my classification;

I put people into two groups.

The Christians and the Pagans or Satanist.

Satanist means to me a person who believes only earthly things, a person who is soulless.

I'm willing to respect and help satanist, but trust is a separate matter and I do not let their opinions affect me.

Jesus atoned for the sins of mankind with his death and won the death when he ascended.

So if I'm Jewish, where exactly do I fall, out of curiosity?

And if Jesus atoned for the sins of mankind by dying, why do people continue to sin? Shouldn't his sacrifice make it so it's impossible to do bad things or something?
So if I'm Jewish, where exactly do I fall, out of curiosity?

And if Jesus atoned for the sins of mankind by dying, why do people continue to sin? Shouldn't his sacrifice make it so it's impossible to do bad things or something?

-I do not know any Jews so it is difficult to say anything.

-Another difficult issue...it is important that we try to avoid sin, but sometimes it happens because we are only humans.

The majority of those replies are people trying to explain to you that you are wrong.

I may be right or wrong, depends on how you think about things.

But in general the situation is like this; Me against everybody else.

Sometimes I have feeling that I talk with the same person all the time because you think so much alike.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Do not take this personally because this is just my classification;

I put people into two groups.

The Christians and the Pagans or Satanist.

Satanist means to me a person who believes only earthly things, a person who is soulless.

I'm willing to respect and help satanist, but trust is a separate matter and I do not let their opinions affect me.

Jesus atoned for the sins of mankind with his death and won the death when he ascended.

Likewise, please do not take this personally but you are just plain misguided. Assigning people into groups in such an absolute fashion is bigoted at worst and prejudicial at best.

As for your statements about Jesus, you might as well believe in the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy as far as I am concerned. Show me some legitimate evidence to back your claims and I will offer an immediate apology. Until then, everything you offer is subjective and without any substantial foundation in fact.
Likewise, please do not take this personally but you are just plain misguided. Assigning people into groups in such an absolute fashion is bigoted at worst and prejudicial at best.

Show me some legitimate evidence to back your claims and I will offer an immediate apology. Until then, everything you offer is subjective and without any substantial foundation in fact.

-People are divided into different groups and I think that's just good that we are different.

I mean that I can see that you are barbarian and we have differences in opinion but we can still talk kindly and it is very good thing.

-I recommend that you read this writing;



Was King of the Board for a Day
-People are divided into different groups and I think that's just good that we are different.

I mean that I can see that you are barbarian and we have differences in opinion but we can still talk kindly and it is very good thing.

-I recommend that you read this writing;


He's a barbarian because he disagrees with you about whether or not Jesus was real? And you're recommending a piece that claims Jews were the cause of Jesus dying?

Yeah, the Christian message is really well intentioned (sarcasm).
He's a barbarian because he disagrees with you about whether or not Jesus was real?

And you're recommending a piece that claims Jews were the cause of Jesus dying?

-Mr. Jagger is civilized person who knows how to keep his nerve.

I mean that in this one area he has remained barbarian.

-Jesus executionar was perhaps the Jew, but that does not mean that all of them were or are bad people.


Was King of the Board for a Day
-Mr. Jagger is civilized person who knows how to keep his nerve.

I mean that in this one area he has remained barbarian.

So you're essentially saying he's a barbarian, which is what I said you were saying.

One thing I love about Christians is their ability to quote their sayings to others, but how they fail to take them to heart themselves. "Turn the other cheek" comes to mind right about now, along with "Judge not lest ye be judged."
So you're essentially saying he's a barbarian, which is what I said you were saying.

Yes, but I do not use that word to name calling.

He is a person who is not in faith and it is his own choice and it's not my business, but he asked to describe how I see him.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I do not know because I'm not a judge.

I believe that each person chooses their way and when judgement day comes it is too late to repent if you have taken the wrong road.

Either you believe that as a Christian your salvation is absolute and you can never lose it, or you believe that salvation is conditional and it's possible to lose your salvation if you don't live a Christian life. So which is it, assari, do you believe that it's one and done, or do you believe that you can backslide and go to hell, even if you've been saved, if you don't live a life of Christ? My beliefs, when I was a practicing Pentecostal, were that you have to live up to God's commands and even if you were saved, if you backslid from your salvation you may as well have never been saved at all.
So which is it, assari, do you believe that it's one and done, or do you believe that you can backslide and go to hell, even if you've been saved, if you don't live a life of Christ? My beliefs, when I was a practicing Pentecostal, were that you have to live up to God's commands and even if you were saved, if you backslid from your salvation you may as well have never been saved at all.

xfire, maybe I do not understand completely what you write, but if a Christian who has lived a blameless life suddenly shoot people then she/he will not get to heaven.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
xfire, maybe I do not understand completely what you write, but if a Christian who has lived a blameless life suddenly shoot people then she/he will not get to heaven.

That's not accurate, assari. Christians believe that anyone can get to Heaven if they repent.
That's not accurate, assari. Christians believe that anyone can get to Heaven if they repent.

I can never believe this. Am I supposed to believe that Tim McVeigh went to heaven just because he became religious later in his life? I'm sorry, but I can't believe that.
That's not accurate, assari. Christians believe that anyone can get to Heaven if they repent.

Different Christian denominations handle this differently. For Calvinists (and the whacko's of the Fred Phelps church in Topeka), for example, salvation is pre-destined. An elite few (the Elect) are chosen by God for salvation before birth, and not much can screw up God's plan, on this view.

Catholics (and Anglicans too, I believe) not only have to make a full confession for any mortal sins committed, their confession also has to be accepted by the priest and they have to do penance. So if someone confesses to murder and the priest does not believe they are truly contrite, he may not extend God's forgiveness. That doesn't usually happen, of course, but confessing simply to escape eternal judgment can be a deal-breaker. And even if the priest does accept their confession, one must still perform the prescribed penance, which is likely to involve confessing their crime in a court of law. If they don't do that, they won't be forgiven either.

So it really depends, but you're right that forgiveness is a staple of Christian theology.
Religion and the Christian god will be dead in a few generations, Santa will reign supreme standing over the broken cross of his fallen rival. Save for a few sad followers, who as their lives slowly come to an end realise they have wasted their lives on a belief of something on par with the Easter bunny.

Not likely. Religion is in our DNA. Okay, not literally in our DNA, but it is part of us. Even if Christianity were to disappear from the Earth, there are billions of adherents to other religions: monotheistic, polytheistic, pantheistic, henotheistic and all manner of other theisms.

What changes are the institutions and the traditions.
"Religious ex adult movie stars"

Started by assari, 2012-09-05 00:13

Replies: 128

Views: 3. 226

Those figures show that the subject was interesting.

No, only controversial, mostly because a lot of people don't read an entire thread to see what the actual topic of discussion is, and there are so many ignorant people and trolls that a thread is bound to go off the deep end pretty quickly when the subject is religion. People don't even know what they're arguing about half the time!

But at the risk of stroking your ego (which is clearly the only reason you started a thread by asking one factual question and one nonsense question, not because you "want to know what [others] think about matters of faith"), I'm going to go ahead and respond to something you said...

If you are a true Christian you have been saved.

Now THIS is a complete load of crap, and makes far less sense than the "he died for our sins" mantra. I understand the notion of self-sacrifice and I get the rationale behind an ascetic morality. But this whole "are saved" or "have been saved" business is an unbelievably confused and worthless concept.

First of all, nobody is saved (present indicative tense) until they've actually died. Once they have, then they might be saved by a divine power. To say that someone has already been saved as long as they do "something" or believe "such and such" is malarkey because we're still human for crying out loud. Living is about making choices and our beliefs evolve. Someone who "is saved" today because they believe something might change their mind tomorrow, but then they'd "be saved" for believing that instead! It's just a perpetually stupid concept.

Secondly - and more importantly - it's just too fucking easy. Maybe it's my Catholic upbringing, but doling out salvation just because someone happens to agree with you today is ridiculous. Whether you believe salvation comes through faith alone or faith plus good works, salvation can't just be like winning a round of Bingo. Even worse, though, is the fact that we can all believe totally different things, yet supposedly we're all saved!

There is just no sense to be made of this concept. It's "feel good" religion, not a belief. What you believe in has to make sense for it to be an actual belief.
I put people into two groups.

The Christians and the Pagans or Satanist.

Satanist means to me a person who believes only earthly things, a person who is soulless.

That's the stupidest definition of Non-Christian ever. Once again, you make no sense.

It's clear that you have been conditioned to respond with certain nonsense platitudes whenever you're confronted with, you know, actual thinking human beings. You Might as well be reciting this shit in Arabic or Greek or Sanskrit. You don't have to know what the things you repeat mean - they don't even need to mean something to begin with - all you have to do is say them out loud and you feel that you've done something right and all is good with the universe.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to rip you apart. I'm sure you're a decent person. But I just can't tolerate complete bullshit.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Christianity is a farce. To take the Christmas gospel as an example, tell me this, dear X-tians: If the Roman taxation of Judea (during which Jesus is said to have been born) took place (approx. year 6 CE) after Judea became a Roman province after the death of Herod in year 4 CE, how was Herod able to command the masscre of the innocents a few days after Jesus's birth. The chronology simply does not add up. So etiher we have the case of Herod as the first recorded zombie king in history, or all that crap about the bible being the word of God goes out the window. Take your pick, becuase you can't eat your cookie and have it too. The same analysis produces the same results for the Old Testament (Tanakh) as well. It is, just as the Bible, a predated concoction prepared by the priesthood and power structure for political reasons.

Yule is the celebration of the winter solstice and the return of the sun, and that is as old-school Indo-European as it gets. All traditional IE religions have it, and Christianity simply chose to put the birthday of it's savior there because, being an originally Semitic religion, they really had nothing going at that time of year.