What do you think of Jennifer Lopez?

  • I'd bang her a couple of times...

    Votes: 262 87.6%
  • She's Hot but I wont bang her...

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • She's Ugly

    Votes: 24 8.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Jennifer Lopez

Wanna her ass fucked! Albeit a fake.


  • 16-0821385879L.jpg
    88.9 KB · Views: 3,640
Re: Jennifer Lopez

the best view of her fatt ass is in the movie salena, & u turn when nick nolte is fucking her doggystyle the best scene in the movie !!!!!!!!!1


Re: Jennifer Lopez

I think that she's great - except for the "singing".
Her ass, though, way to big for me, waaaayyy to big, out of proportion and all....
Re: Jennifer Lopez

My boyfriend and his sister were extras in that silly movie about ballroom dancing. He says her ass is even bigger IRL.

EDIT: I just remembered. His dad was a hairstylist on the set too- he was walking behind Jlo and had the chance to grab it :eek: He should have! It would have been worth the lawsuit.
Re: Jennifer Lopez

gotanassfetish said:
Wanna her ass fucked! Albeit a fake.

Wasn't this a deleted scene/outtake from her movie 'The Cell'....the scene where in the killer's mind she gets boned.;)
Hot Pants (New?) Photoshots Of Jennifer Lopez

Sorry If They Have been Already Posted​
Links To Inoffical JLo Fanpages

EDIT - Hotlinking like that is not the way we do things around here. Please re-read the rules. Thanks BNF
(If you look at almost any thread, you will not see 5 hotlinked thumbnails more than a handful of times.
BTW I see that you were previously asked - no more warnings.
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