What do you think of Jennifer Lopez?

  • I'd bang her a couple of times...

    Votes: 262 87.6%
  • She's Hot but I wont bang her...

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • She's Ugly

    Votes: 24 8.0%

  • Total voters
Smitty said:
Actually Jennifer Lopez started out as an actress/dancer then went into singing.

Don't listen to her music anyway but I like her film work, and she looks incredible.

The girl stays in shape, tight little body and she has a killer pair of legs. Benefit of her dancing, then there's her butt of course. Tight little tush on the girl. I dig her.


little tush?....you got the right bird?(chick\milady\tart\cow\woman)
SiliconeTits said:
interesting points there dudes...i hear yah

heres my opinion tho...alicia keys is a dam fine singer, but meriah carey?...shes just as bad as beyonce, they dont sing they shout! and its annoying

i like madonna because she has a very different voice and she has good writers behind most of her newer stuff (ray of light, frozen ok their not new but fairly recent, and i geuss american pie ...even tho i hate the cover her voice made a nice alternate)....britney and all them lot sound the same to me....not much difference...except christina who pretty much either sounds like she is holding her nose when she is singing\screamin

just my thought

You could be right about Mariah... I do everything I can not to listen to her voice, so maybe I forgot how bad the shreiking really is. I've seen all of her videos countless times, but I keep the volume down real low (I find the music distracts me from what I'm really interested in :) ).

Re: Madonna... we'll have to agree to disagree; I find her voice to be rather pedestrian. If you want another example of a good "singer," I'd sumbit Janet Jackson's name (I believe she only sings, but might be wrong). In any event, she's a much better singer than the popstars already mentioned. Ditto fo Jacko. (BTW, I hate their music, I speak only of singing ability).

Re: Alicia Keys.... her music is not my cuppa tea, but I respect her talent. Her 2nd album did not receive the fanfare and record sales of the 1st one, but from what I've heard and read it's a worthy follow-up.
parker said:

Re: Alicia Keys.... her music is not my cuppa tea, but I respect her talent. Her 2nd album did not receive the fanfare and record sales of the 1st one, but from what I've heard and read it's a worthy follow-up.

It's much closer to 70's soul music, rather than the crud put out today by most R&B artists, which I despise.
throw her in porn indutry in anal sex films and blowjob/cumshot films and you will have a new pornstar.You can do her a boob job and resize her tits to 40dd and she will be a great pornstar.


Closed Account
not that i'm totally complaining, but this looks like advertisement...some might even go as far to call it spamming.
how? there are clearly pictures of the woman for which he's looking for. there are quite ads on top, true, but i doubt it would be considered spamming.


Closed Account
i was just saying that because his name is Sports911 and the name of the site is gambling911.com and his location is the url for his site that it seemed like he was probably trying to promote his site with the free advertisement provided by posting on a forum that gets a lot of traffic.
Re: Jennifer Lopez

i dont care how bad of a singer or actress shes is. shes so damn hot it doesnt matter to me.. " im hanging selenas bumper on my wall"
damn im gay :dunno:
Re: Jennifer Lopez

She's an alright singer its just that most of her songs are dreadful. Things like Jenny from the block are the most pretesious shit I've ever heard.

Would I fuck her though? Oh yes.
Re: Jennifer Lopez

j-lo's only talent is dancing and hype...and i don't think she's that damn hot...if u want to talk about a latina who started off dancing and turned into a good actress (with a great body, i might add), talk about rosie perez.

j-lo couldn't act or sing her way out of a paper bag.