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Is He A Liar?......Or A Felon?


Obama team: Romney committed a felony or lied to voters


Mitt Romney either lied in federal filings that show he worked at Bain Capital through 2002 and could be guilty of a felony, or has lied to the American people in saying he left the company in 1999, the Obama campaign is arguing in light of news reports on the firm’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“This is serious business,” said Bob Bauer, the Obama campaign’s counsel, in a conference call for reporters coming after the Boston Globe published a story Thursday that calls into question the timeline of Romney’s involvement of the firm that the Republican candidate has been promulgating for years.

Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter laid out the issue as the Obama team sees it: “Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony."

"Or," she said, "he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investments,” including layoffs and the outsourcing of jobs.

If the latter is true, she said, it’s a “real character and trust issue” that voters should be aware of as they decide who to vote for in the presidential election. If Romney was still at Bain through 2002, he's also "politically responsible for the consequences" of deals that the firm made through then.

Andrea Saul, the Romney campaign's press secretary, countered that the Globe's "article is not accurate" because"[a]s Bain Capital has said, as Governor Romney has said, and as has been confirmed by independent fact checkers multiple times, Governor Romney left Bain Capital in February of 1999 to run the Olympics and had no input on investments or management of companies after that point."

The emergence of the SEC filings appears to conflict with that, the Obama campaign contends. There are “literally scores of filings that make it very, very clear that over a period of time that Gov. Romney claims that he was not active with Bain, the Securities and Exchange Commission was informed” that Romney was the chief executive officer, chairman of the board and sole shareholder of the company, Bauer said.

SEC filings "are very carefully scrutinized by lawyers because of the very severe consequences that follow from making statements to the Securities and Exchange Commission that are not correct," he said. And if that's the case, and Romney's role in the firm was misrepresented in filings, "in the normal course would subject somebody in this position to every manner of investigation with all the consequences that you can imagine would follow."

People who interacted with Romney at Bain between 1999 and 2002 -- and who would corroborate the storyline suggested by the SEC filings -- haven't emerged. Nor have documents or other details that would suggest Romney has been lying about when he left the company. But, Bauer hinted, there might be new developments to come. “I would stay very much tuned on that,” he said.

Asked about the Globe story during his daily briefing on Thursday, White House press secretary Jay Carney deferred comment. "It's an interesting read but beyond that I'd refer you to the campaign," he said.

UPDATE, 3:45 p.m. -- Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades responds in a statement: “President Obama’s campaign hit a new low today when one of its senior advisers made a reckless and unsubstantiated charge to reporters about Mitt Romney that was so over the top that it calls into question the integrity of their entire campaign. President Obama ought to apologize for the out-of-control behavior of his staff, which demeans the office he holds. Campaigns are supposed to be hard fought, but statements like those made by Stephanie Cutter belittle the process and the candidate on whose behalf she works."

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Considering the bullshit he, and holder are pulling with the Senate over their failed operation fast and furious fiasco, they're not only lying scum bags, but accessories to murder. I think you'll find that accessory to murder, is also a felony....and so is treason. They've committed that more then once too.


Considering the bullshit he, and holder are pulling with the Senate over their failed operation fast and furious fiasco, they're not only lying scum bags, but accessories to murder. I think you'll find that accessory to murder, is also a felony....and so is treason. They've committed that more then once too.

First of all - Bullshit. Second of all - if you want to talk about "Fast & Furious", there's already a thread for it. Third of all - Bullshit.


Will E Worm

Considering the bullshit he, and holder are pulling with the Senate over their failed operation fast and furious fiasco, they're not only lying scum bags, but accessories to murder. I think you'll find that accessory to murder, is also a felony....and so is treason. They've committed that more then once too.

:goodpost: Also, all the tax cheats he has hired.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.


Nope...I made my point, and I can see from your retort, you got it. Have a nice day!:wave:

Dude....you made no point whatsoever. See from my retort that you're a simpleton who doesn't let facts get in the way of you shaking your dick. And I'm having a nice day. All you need to do is see how I'm bitch-slapping you and your cronies, and anticipating 4 more years of not-Romney to know that. :wave:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Dude....you made no point whatsoever. See from my retort that you're a simpleton who doesn't let facts get in the way of you shaking your dick. And I'm having a nice day. All you need to do is see how I'm bitch-slapping you and your cronies, and anticipating 4 more years of not-Romney to know that. :wave:

Sure I did, your just to dense, and ignorant to see it, and to arrogant to admit what everyone really knows deep down inside....that nobama is just as big a filthy lying sack of human trash, as every other fucktard before him, and your to stupid to not be taken in by his bullshit. Good luck in the future, either way you're fucked, difference is, I know we are, and you still have the wide eyed hope of a simpleton.


Considering the bullshit he, and holder are pulling with the Senate over their failed operation fast and furious fiasco, they're not only lying scum bags, but accessories to murder. I think you'll find that accessory to murder, is also a felony....and so is treason. They've committed that more then once too.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) contradicted House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Sunday, saying that Congress has found no evidence that President Barack Obama or anyone at the White House had participated in a cover-up involving the Fast and Furious scandal.

On Thursday, Boehner said that the Obama administration's decision to invoke executive privilege to prevent the release of some documents about the program Issa had requested was "an admission that White House officials were involved in the decision that misled the Congress and covered up the truth."

During an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," host Chris Wallace asked Issa whether he had "any evidence" that the White House had been involved with the matter.

"No, we don't," Issa said.

The Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms apparently allowed some gun sales in Arizona to known Mexican criminals. Two of the guns involved were found at the scene of a firefight in which U.S. Customs Agent Brian Terry was killed.

In February 2011, DOJ sent a letter to Congress denying such sales, but retracted that claim in December. It is not clear if either Attorney General Eric Holder or President Barack Obama were aware of the program, and Issa acknowledged Sunday that he has not found evidence Holder was involved.

"I did not say that Eric Holder always knew," Issa said.

But the investigation has devolved into a bizarre, complex conspiracy theory, which Issa and other congressional Republicans have suggested the Obama administration hatched in order to impose new gun control regulations. By inciting gun violence in Mexico, the theory goes, the administration hoped to spark a controversy that would build public support for gun control.

In April, Issa presented the case at a National Rifle Association conference.

"Could it be that what they really were thinking of was in fact to use this walking of guns in order to promote an assault weapons ban? Many think so," Issa said at the time. "And they haven't come up with an explanation that would cause any of us not to agree."

He defended the conspiracy theory Sunday on ABC's "This Week," saying that emails about the aftermath of Fast and Furious indicate that people reviewing the results of the program had the power to inform new regulatory actions. That does not, however, mean that the program was developed for the purpose of imposing gun control rules. President George W. Bush's administration opposed gun control, and it used similar programs to track criminal groups.

"We have emails from people who are involved in this who are talking about using what they're finding to support an assault weapons ban," Issa said. "So chicken or egg, which came first, we'll probably never know."

Issa also acknowledged on the show that previous gun-walking cases occurred during the Bush administration, but said the practice went further under Obama.

"It started under Bush, was closed up under Bush, reopened under President Obama, and in fact got to be on steroids," he said.

There you go, you illiterate little monkey. So tell me, what point did you make on a thread of a different subject? Please tell me, you fucking moron, because I don't understand the language of retards. What are you trying to say that you needed to come to this thread instead of saying it on the thread that relates to what you're bitching and moaning like a little pussy about? It's not that I'm interested but you seem to have your panties in a twist about something. If you need to be a bitch, get it off your chest all at once. What the fuck are you crying about?
The Romney campaign should have addressed all of these issues during the primaries back when Gingrich and others were leveling such charges. It's not good timing to have to address this now being that it's so close to the election. Huge mistake by Romney


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Sure I did, your just to dense, and ignorant to see it, and to arrogant to admit what everyone really knows deep down inside....that nobama is just as big a filthy lying sack of human trash, as every other fucktard before him, and your to stupid to not be taken in by his bullshit. Good luck in the future, either way you're fucked, difference is, I know we are, and you still have the wide eyed hope of a simpleton.

Ignorance is not knowing the difference between too and to. Stupidity is not caring.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
There you go, you illiterate little monkey. So tell me, what point did you make on a thread of a different subject? Please tell me, you fucking moron, because I don't understand the language of retards. What are you trying to say that you needed to come to this thread instead of saying it on the thread that relates to what you're bitching and moaning like a little pussy about? It's not that I'm interested but you seem to have your panties in a twist about something. If you need to be a bitch, get it off your chest all at once. What the fuck are you crying about?

REALLY!?!? WOW!!! Okay, the point was, as you sit on your high horse, pointing out all of the flaws Romney has, you seem to conveniently forget, that Obama has done the same things. It may be a different subject matter, but it's a lie, and it's to a Government entity. By lying to the Senate over Fast and Furious, he did the same thing Romney did with this Bain Capitol thing. My reference of Fast and Furious was used simply because its a well known, and current example of Obama's felonious, and treasonous behavior....and accessory to murder IS a far more serious crime then what accusers are saying Romney did...not because I want to hijack your thread.

My panties aren't in a twist, they're wedged up my little ass, like they should be. I 'm just trying to help you understand, that for all of your efforts to point out what a scumbag Romney is, your guy is just as bad, if not worse. My chest is just fine, but I don't really appreciate hypocrisy as much as some do, and I find it my duty to make sure, that when someone thinks one guy is better then the other, they get the harsh reality of truth shoved right back at them. So....you go ahead and keep believing that your guy is the right guy, because he's not. He's no better then the other guy, and all you will accomplish by helping him, is helping him destroy us. You should probably look to someone other then Fox, or CNN for the truth....it's out there.

Not bad for a retarded monkey, if I do say so myself..........:wiggle:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
REALLY!?!? WOW!!! Okay, the point was, as you sit on your high horse, pointing out all of the flaws Romney has, you seem to conveniently forget, that Obama has done the same things. It may be a different subject matter, but it's a lie, and it's to a Government entity. By lying to the Senate over Fast and Furious, he did the same thing Romney did with this Bain Capitol thing. My reference of Fast and Furious was used simply because its a well known, and current example of Obama's felonious, and treasonous behavior....and accessory to murder IS a far more serious crime then what accusers are saying Romney did...not because I want to hijack your thread.

My panties aren't in a twist, they're wedged up my little ass, like they should be. I 'm just trying to help you understand, that for all of your efforts to point out what a scumbag Romney is, your guy is just as bad, if not worse. My chest is just fine, but I don't really appreciate hypocrisy as much as some do, and I find it my duty to make sure, that when someone thinks one guy is better then the other, they get the harsh reality of truth shoved right back at them. So....you go ahead and keep believing that your guy is the right guy, because he's not. He's no better then the other guy, and all you will accomplish by helping him, is helping him destroy us. You should probably look to someone other then Fox, or CNN for the truth....it's out there.

Not bad for a retarded monkey, if I do say so myself

All you've done is build a false equivalency. Obama didn't have anything to do with Fast and Furious and everything Issa is doing to indict Holder is nothing but an abuse of power with no substance behind it, election year politics at it's worst. Are you going to start bitching when the whole issue is dropped after the election? You would do well to stop listening to right-wing conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck.


Mitt Romney's Signature Appears On Bain SEC Filings During Time He Said He Left Bain


Between 1999 and 2001, Mitt Romney, then the CEO of Bain Capital, signed at least six documents that the private equity firm filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The documents run in direct contradiction to a claim that Romney has made repeatedly: that he had nothing to do with Bain, and therefore no responsibility for Bain investments, during that period.

It's also a claim he made in August 2011 on the federal disclosure form he filed as part of his presidential bid. Romney didn't leave any wiggle room: "Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee [for the 2002 Winter Olympics]. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way."

That is false.

SEC files include at least six instances of Romney signing documents after February 1999, proving -- unless the signatures were forged -- that his claim to not have "been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way" is wrong.

Most of the documents reference Romney as the "reporting person." Most of the filings were first reported by Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post, although he noted them in an opinion column otherwise dedicated to demonstrating that Kessler was correct weeks ago when he wrote that Romney had parted ways with Bain in 1999.

For instance, in April 1999, Romney signed documents related to a Bain deal with Pirod Holdings.

In November of that year, his signature appears on documents connected to a deal with Stericycle.

In January 2000, he signed paperwork for a deal with VMM Merger Corp.

His John Hancock appears on ChipPAC Inc. documents in February 2001.

That same month, Romney's signature can be found on paperwork connected to a Bain deal with Integrated Circuit Systems Inc.

In February 2000, he signed documents related to a deal with Wesley Jessen Visioncare Inc.

"There's no contradiction here," a Romney spokesperson told HuffPost in a statement. "He did not participate in the investment or management decisions on any of these or any other investments during this period, as has been said repeatedly by Bain Capital and as was unanimously determined by the bipartisan Massachusetts ballot commission in 2002."

That's not entirely true, either.

As HuffPost reported Thursday, Romney sat in on the board meetings of at least one Bain investment. And the SEC filings back up Romney's own earlier statements involving Bain. In February 1999, the Boston Herald reported that "Romney said he will stay on as a part-timer with Bain, providing input on investments and key personnel decisions. But he will leave running day-to-day operations to Bain's executive committee."

In 2002, the Boston Globe quoted Bain employee Marc Wolpow saying, "I reported directly to Mitt Romney ... You can’t be CEO of Bain Capital and say, 'I really don’t know what my guys were doing.'"

Romney later said that he became too busy organizing the Winter Olympics and couldn't fulfill even the basic responsibilities he had outlined to the Herald. Yet in a 2002 hearing in a dispute over whether he was a Massachusetts resident eligible to run for governor, he testified that he still attended board meetings for at least one Bain-affiliated company.

Also in that hearing, he claimed to have taken a temporary leave of absence from Bain to helm the Salt Lake City Olympics.

As part of running for governor, Romney was required to submit personal financial disclosure statements to Massachusetts' State Ethics Commission under threat of perjury. In his 2001 disclosure statement, he listed himself as "Former Executive" for both Bain Capital Inc. and Bain Capital LLC, with a gross income of more than $100,000. But in his 2002 disclosure statement, he provided a different answer, listing himself as "Executive" of Bain Capital Inc. and Bain Capital LLC, with a gross income of more than $100,000. The latter may be one instance in which Romney and the SEC filings agree on his role.

"It is beyond belief that three years went by and this was some sort of clerical mistake," said Charlie Baker, a Democratic political operative who worked on the residency case against Romney.

The Massachusetts Democratic Party is jumping on these latest Bain revelations. "Clearly Mitt Romney isn't telling the truth about when he left Bain Capital. It’s clear he's either lying to the American People or lied to the SEC,” said Kevin Franck, the state party's communications director, in an email.

Perjury before the Massachusetts ethics commission can lead to civil penalties, although the bar for proving perjury is high and, in Romney's case, the statute of limitations has passed.

These latest twists in the Bain narrative look like vindication for Democrat Shannon O'Brien, who lost to Romney in the 2002 governor's race. The former state treasurer had made Romney's role in Bain an issue in the campaign. But at the time, Romney deflected her attacks by denying any involvement in the firm once he joined the Olympic planning effort in Utah, much as he is doing today, with less success.

"Ten years ago, when I ran against Mitt Romney for Governor, my campaign was attacked for misstating the truth about Romney's tenure at Bain Capital. Massachusetts voters were told that Romney was absolutely not the leader of Bain at a time when bankruptcies and layoffs were devastating workers at companies in their portfolio," O'Brien told HuffPost in an email. "Recent news stories now present clear evidence that Mitt Romney didn’t tell the truth to Massachusetts when he ran for Governor in 2002 and he's not telling the truth to the American people today."

O'Brien continued, pushing for the presumptive GOP presidential nominee to release his tax returns and settle issues over his finances now.

"I released my tax returns when I ran for Governor in 2002, and encouraged Mitt Romney to do so as well, but he refused to comply," she wrote. "He should follow the inspiration of his father, George Romney, and other presidential candidates and release 12 years of tax returns so that the American voters have a chance to learn more about the background and ethics of the man who wants to be their president."

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
All you've done is build a false equivalency. Obama didn't have anything to do with Fast and Furious and everything Issa is doing to indict Holder is nothing but an abuse of power with no substance behind it, election year politics at it's worst. Are you going to start bitching when the whole issue is dropped after the election? You would do well to stop listening to right-wing conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck.

I disagree....I think it's a fine example, and I think obama DOES know about EVERY bit of that failed covert operation. I will bitch unless Holder is prosecuted, and imprisoned for accessory to murder, contempt, and treason, and obama for contempt, and treason.

WTF dude, give me a little more credit then that, I would never trust Fox, nor would I trust CNN.

The whole point is, obama is just as bad as romney, in fact he's worse, because he's in power, and abusing it to the fullest extent he can. Just like bush and cheney did.

Would you find the example of obama signing a bill that allows unmanned drones to fly surveillance of American soil a better example of his treasonous nature?

Fact is, this conversation would never have taken place, if mayhem pointed out how fucked up they both are, but fuck if I'll stand by, while someone
tries to makes obama look like he's acceptable in ANY WAY.


I disagree....I think it's a fine example, and I think obama DOES know about EVERY bit of that failed covert operation. I will bitch unless Holder is prosecuted, and imprisoned for accessory to murder, contempt, and treason, and obama for contempt, and treason.

WTF dude, give me a little more credit then that, I would never trust Fox, nor would I trust CNN.

The whole point is, obama is just as bad as romney, in fact he's worse, because he's in power, and abusing it to the fullest extent he can. Just like bush and cheney did.

Would you find the example of obama signing a bill that allows unmanned drones to fly surveillance of American soil a better example of his treasonous nature?

Fact is, this conversation would never have taken place, if mayhem pointed out how fucked up they both are, but fuck if I'll stand by, while someone
tries to makes obama look like he's acceptable in ANY WAY.

For the record, just like many other Dems/Libs, I am disappointed in Obama across many areas. I still say that you're full of shit with your whining about "Fast and Furious"......and Darell Issa thinks you are too. But I have already voiced my objection to the use of drones over America, I'm pissed that he's fucking with state law by shutting down legalized marijuana operations, I'm disappointed in the ongoing expansion of Homeland Security and its demon spawn, the TSA.

But hey, just like there's an Anyone-But-Obama faction, I freely admit I am a card carrying member of Oh-Please-God-Anyone-But-Romney camp. And I'm dead serious. How the idiot Republicans could let this piece-of-shit become their nominee turns my bitter contempt to white hot hatred. How does anyone look at this simpering, pandering, deceitful buffoon and not gag up a lung for America's chances with him in the White House? How? And his is just the top layer of incredibly inept other offerings that we had to endure. Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, the hair-doo from Texas. WTF? How did we get to this point?

Romney is the American anti-Christ and Benedict Arnold rolled into one. He needs to be beaten and breaten bad. He needs to be relegated to the ass-end of obscurity. Both he and his moronic Party need to be taught a lesson that they won't soon forget. The man is, quite simply, an insult to the Presidency just by virtue that he's running for it.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
For the record, just like many other Dems/Libs, I am disappointed in Obama across many areas. I still say that you're full of shit with your whining about "Fast and Furious"......and Darell Issa thinks you are too. But I have already voiced my objection to the use of drones over America, I'm pissed that he's fucking with state law by shutting down legalized marijuana operations, I'm disappointed in the ongoing expansion of Homeland Security and its demon spawn, the TSA.

But hey, just like there's an Anyone-But-Obama faction, I freely admit I am a card carrying member of Oh-Please-God-Anyone-But-Romney camp. And I'm dead serious. How the idiot Republicans could let this piece-of-shit become their nominee turns my bitter contempt to white hot hatred. How does anyone look at this simpering, pandering, deceitful buffoon and not gag up a lung for America's chances with him in the White House? How? And his is just the top layer of incredibly inept other offerings that we had to endure. Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, the hair-doo from Texas. WTF? How did we get to this point?

Romney is the American anti-Christ and Benedict Arnold rolled into one. He needs to be beaten and breaten bad. He needs to be relegated to the ass-end of obscurity. Both he and his moronic Party need to be taught a lesson that they won't soon forget. The man is, quite simply, an insult to the Presidency just by virtue that he's running for it.

^Everything he said.

I want to know how the holy fuck Romney got nominated when the Tea Party is supposedly so powerful. It just proves what I've said all along, the tea party is nothing but Bush Republicans that are too ashamed to fly the Bush banner anymore. The whole premise was a fucking lie, anyway, because taxes are the lowest they've been in decades. I thought the anyone-but-Bush crowd in 2004 was pathetic, but they had nothing on this crop of Republican whining sore-loser titty-baby motherfuckers.

I disagree....I think it's a fine example, and I think obama DOES know about EVERY bit of that failed covert operation. I will bitch unless Holder is prosecuted, and imprisoned for accessory to murder, contempt, and treason, and obama for contempt, and treason.

WTF dude, give me a little more credit then that, I would never trust Fox, nor would I trust CNN.

The whole point is, obama is just as bad as romney, in fact he's worse, because he's in power, and abusing it to the fullest extent he can. Just like bush and cheney did.

Would you find the example of obama signing a bill that allows unmanned drones to fly surveillance of American soil a better example of his treasonous nature?

Fact is, this conversation would never have taken place, if mayhem pointed out how fucked up they both are, but fuck if I'll stand by, while someone
tries to makes obama look like he's acceptable in ANY WAY.

I don't hear you bitching about Alberto Gonzales or Michael Mukasey. They're both out of office and not a fucking thing was done. Like I said above, Issa is abusing his power and he should be the one investigated by a Special Prosecutor.

I'm sick of the false equivalencies. Romney is the poster boy for vulture capitalism. I'm not happy with everything Obama's done, but none of it rises to the charges you're making and it really doesn't help discourse when you push such blatant fucking delusions.