Is Bush the worst president ever?

Is Bush the worst president ever?

  • YES

    Votes: 298 66.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 149 33.3%

  • Total voters
At least Clinton only lied about a blowjob.

And at least Clinton only lied under oath, Bush lies all the time, oath or not. :)


not only Clinton neglected Al Quaeda but he withdrew troops that were in Mogadiscio like a coward in 1993, he also had a blind faith in Arafat and forced Israel to make compromises that were useless and worst of all he was the biggest Kofi Annan's ass kisser.
Point me the Bush lies with concrete proofs please.
Was war against the Talibans and Ben Ladenists needed? Yes
Was removing Saddam needed? Yes
Bush is a great ally of Israel and at least he is not trusting Iran, Syria, Hamas or Hezbollah.


what the fuck you lookin at?
dunno that much about former presidents. I liked regan, clinton was cool...hell he admitted to smoking pot, never mind getting caught with his dick in some chicks mouth! The first bush...whatever middle of the road on that one but this jackass we have in office now hasn't done a motherfuckin thing for our country in the past 6 years!
thank god he'll be gone in less than 2...maybe even assasinated for all I fuckin care! Should be at least I heard this thing that said all presidents elected in a year ending in 0 have been assassinated or at least attemps. he's been lucky thus far but still 2 yeasrs to go, i can dream! :ak47:
p.s. for any fuckin secret service reading I'm NOT plotting this, just saying i don't give a flyin fuck about GWB!


Closed Account
dunno that much about former presidents. I liked regan, clinton was cool...hell he admitted to smoking pot, never mind getting caught with his dick in some chicks mouth! The first bush...whatever middle of the road on that one but this jackass we have in office now hasn't done a motherfuckin thing for our country in the past 6 years!
thank god he'll be gone in less than 2...maybe even assasinated for all I fuckin care! Should be at least I heard this thing that said all presidents elected in a year ending in 0 have been assassinated or at least attemps. he's been lucky thus far but still 2 yeasrs to go, i can dream! :ak47:
p.s. for any fuckin secret service reading I'm NOT plotting this, just saying i don't give a flyin fuck about GWB!

Tough Call.
I thought it was rather funny that it was reported that Cindy Sheehan bought some land right near the Crawford Ranch. Does that constitute as "stalking".
Perhaps I should say that Mrs Clinton is a worthless and a useless senator for the New York state?
Holey guacamole georges, I am off the forum for a while, come back to take a peek you got your back against the wall.

I agree with you(I'm having a deja vu of the last elections) and the logic behind it. A president has to be offensive in the war on terror. It's funny, but the big whiners about the war on terror are going to be the first in line to cry about not doing enough when the next terrorist attack hits the US.

Mr. Hillary is so phoney. She used to be non-secular, now all of a sudden, she finds religion. During her first two terms in the White, she almost forbid anybody with a uniform to be around, now she supports the military. Typical Clinton............say what needs to be said so that you can look good for the immediate audience and press.

It still pisses me off when people call W a liar about the WMD. Not only did all of the democratic(Kerry, Kennedy, Reid, etc. etc) party believe in the these intelligence reports, so did most of the free world. I seem to recall that they recently found 500 cannisters of mustard gas. What's that for........Iraqi hot dog vendors???

Bad presidents!!!!! What about Jimmy Carter? Not only did he FU the Iranian hostage crisis, he had 18% interest rates!!!! Most of you won't remember this incompentent peanut farmer and his drunk brother because you might have been in diapers.

I have to stop. Last time I got involved in this type of forum, I got banned for a few days. I have promised myself to stay away from this type of arguement. I just had to throw my support behind georges.

Heading back into my hole.

Thanks for backing me up ranger :hatsoff:
glad to see you ranger and and glad to see that you are doing well. :glugglug:
Some people have the same point of views with childish, senseless and meaningless arguments a la brino or a la nightfly, so don't be astonished.
65 for yes? thats a bit out there.
You may or may not agree with what he's done but he wasnt THAT bad.
Bush will be remembered for ruining the comedy industry since he makes satir obselte.

People like to trash Bush and USA all the time, mostly Americans, but the bottom line is USA is the strongest empire in the world, and Bush has been in charge of it for the past 7 (am i right?) years. He couldnt be that bad if he managed to not ruin USA, could he?
65 for yes? thats a bit out there.
You may or may not agree with what he's done but he wasnt THAT bad.
Bush will be remembered for ruining the comedy industry since he makes satir obselte.

People like to trash Bush and USA all the time, mostly Americans, but the bottom line is USA is the strongest empire in the world, and Bush has been in charge of it for the past 7 (am i right?) years. He couldnt be that bad if he managed to not ruin USA, could he?

I think that many people were influenced by michael the fat pig moore's lies and many members here before were supportive of brino and nightfly childish, senseless and worthless arguments. Add to this that in many European countries, you have leftist/socialist/fausse droite euromondialiste (euromondialist false right wring) governments run by socialists or irresponsible and irrealistic governments like in France, things which explain the dislike America and the hate of Bush.
Who put USA to its strongest position in the past? Reagan and not that dolt of Clinton.
I don't believe W is the worst president ever. For that go check out which presidents only were one termers, i.e. his dad, Carter, Ford, there's a reason why they didn't get two terms, so if 52% of the voters voted for W, that means he's not that bad as a LEADER. The left's dear Clinton was not elected by a clear majority in either of those elections (and yes, anything over 50% is a majority in case anyone wants to complain about it). Ranger already made a good point about who I consider the worst president ever so no use repeating it. I guess I'm on George's and Ranger's side here.
People will always find a reason to whine and bitch about Bush. In 2000, it was GWB and in 2004 A.B.B. (Anything but Bush) because democrats hadn't good candidates and they had not of terrorists threats under Clinton's presidency.


Closed Account

People like to trash Bush and USA all the time, mostly Americans, but the bottom line is USA is the strongest empire in the world, and Bush has been in charge of it for the past 7 (am i right?) years. He couldnt be that bad if he managed to not ruin USA, could he?

Damn right I bash America and Bush, becuase of your argument. I don't want to live under a powerful Empire.

Plus I don't want a strong Federal Government, I'd prefer the states to have the power, the way the Founding Fathers planned. During Katrina my state of Illinois was ready to move millions of dollars in aid to New Orleans but the Feds wouldn't allow it. In a real democracy the States don't have to obey the Feds. Bush and his Daddy and Reagan all pushed to make the Federal Gov. stronger that the whole of the States. I want Democratic Government not Republic or Empirical.

So yes Bush is the latest in a long line of bad presidents, and IMO the worst.
Still get a kick out of people who have only been alive for, or old enough to pay attention to, two Presidents, but yet they feel they should weigh in because their favourite actor told them Bush is bad.

Think Bush is bad, just imagine if things went the way CBS wanted;

It was 1987! At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration.

There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning!

He was being drilled by a Democratic senator; "Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?"

Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir."

The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, "Isn't that just a little excessive?"

"No, sir," continued Ollie.

"No? And why not?" the senator asked.

"Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir."

"Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned.

"By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered.

"Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"

"His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie replied.

At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. Why are you so afraid of this man?" the senator asked.

"Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of", Ollie answered.

"And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator.

"Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."

The senator disagreed with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip.

By the way, that senator was Al Gore!


Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political prisoners."

However, the Israeli s would not release any with blood on their hands, The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released.

Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked the US by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center. This was reported by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified.
It was censored in the US from all later reports.

If you agree that the American public should be made aware of this fact, pass this on.

Such a short attention span for some of these idiots (see poster above me for clarification on who that is)


Closed Account
I almost posted this the other day, the Gore one. *thumbs up* One of the biggest history changing few minutes ever , yet was hushed to a big degree to save face I suppose.
I think posting their lies in bold type makes them more believable. Kind of like Fox News. Shout loud enough, put enough attention-grabbing gimmicks and slogans like "fair and balanced", and some of the less savvy choose to believe every word you say.

Lies?!?! What lies!??! These are facts. Do you understand what a fact is? Why can't you get a grasp of reality?

Anyway, it was in bold to seperate it from my own post. I guess I could have used italic or underline, or even
the whole thing. The fact that using bold seems to bother you is comical. But I guess anything to try and turn the attention away frm record factual history is all that matters for story teller fox.

This coming from the dimwit who believes every word Mikey Moore, Dan Rather, and Nancy Grace have ever said.

Again, don't let the facts get in the way of a good moonbat rant.
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The US TV media is sensationalized both left and right ...

The US media, especially its news, is sensationalized as it caters to only 20% of the avid watchers of 8+ hours/day because of advertising dollars. Keep that in mind. All Fox News did was prove that you can make fiscal-capitalistic conservatism just as sensationalistic as bleeding-heart liberalism. People who complain about Fox News don't realize that it is the Republican-biased counter-part to the Democrat-biased CNN.

However, I will point out several things that people continually forget ...

1) Fox News is like CNN (non-Headline), it is filled with analysts and commentators, it is not mainstream media like the Big 3 nightly news.

2) People like Fox's Bill O'Reilly as well as CNN's Wolf Blitzer will continually point out the fact that they are not reporting the news but giving their opinions on things.

Both CNN and Fox do have segments that highly the current events in a fact-presented manner. Those are not the shows with O'Reilly, Blitzer, etc..., but other, smaller segments.

In fact, they do a much better and less biased job than watching Kurick, Gibson or similar, Big 3 US network anchors, who are clearly interjecting their opinion as straight-faced "near-truth" as they present facts. In fact, it's that 20% of viewership that is driving that total non-sense and unobjectivity.

Yes, channels like CNN and Fox cater to being 80% analyst/commentary segments. But if you watch the other 20%, both networks have segments that break down events without the added rhetoric and "pick a side" non-sense. In fact, that's where both CNN and Fox do most of their "slogans" like Fair'n Balanced -- and not when the analyst/commentators are on (although some still market it, and I believe they should not when they are on).

When you watch US prime-time network news, they clearly combine the two. They slant the fuck out of it with "this is what you will believe" in the same presentation as what is supposed to be current events and fact-based news. I honestly tried, with a completely open mind, to watch Charles Gibson a few months back now and I was just totally disgusted. The Big 3 US networks and their prime-time news presentation has been like this since the late '60s, and it's not going to change.

I don't like to watch the analysts and commentators because I don't need to be feed their interpretations. However, I can at least respect their shows because they flat out state they it is their opinions and will even explicitly point out this fact and ask people to keep it in mind when people question them on how they conduct themselves on their segments.

The Big 3 US networks do a much better job at hiding it, because the presentation of facts and analysis is completely intertwined -- which is what 20% of Americans like to be feed for at least 1/3rd of the hours in the day, hence why virtually 100% of advertisers keep supporting it.

Now when I watch TV news here in the US, I watch PBS (as well as the BBC segments) as well as any international news on C-SPAN and the occassionally headline/fact portions of CNN and Fox. I really avoid the analyst/commentator segments -- unless their is an interview I really wanted to watch and then I fully know it's going to be slanted and biased.

But most of the time, I get 99.9% of my news from Google News, probably Google's greatest invention, because it lets you get a wide variety of views from all other the globe -- at least those available in English for myself (which I have to keep in mind is still not completely "all views" that are available).