:hatsoff:phoenix7 said:He had a decent first term, but is making a run in his second. But there have been worse. We've had some very bad presidents.
:hatsoff:phoenix7 said:He had a decent first term, but is making a run in his second. But there have been worse. We've had some very bad presidents.
AFA said:Watch Fahrenheit 9/11
********** said:You're probably talking about the minor WTC bombing right? That has nothing to do with this.
Show some respect.
Bullshit! It has everything to do with this!********** said:You're probably talking about the minor WTC bombing right? That has nothing to do with this.
Now listen here ...********** said:I don't like being talked down to ... Don't tell me what I know and don't know. Show some respect.
It was a figure of speech.********** said:I have a 3.8 in college, I had the best grades in the history of my high school in England (withstanding), I have an A-Level grade A in history, I have a $40,000 academic scholarship, and I went to Oxford University last semester and did pretty well. So I don't give a damn if I'd fail your history course. Obviously not a very fair grader. People who get good grades know the difference between writing what we REALLY think and writing the bullshit that fits the professor's narrow mind (not you, any single-minded professor). You can't get A's by saying what you really think.
Thank you!Mayhem said:U.S. Grant was the worst President in our history. I find it discouraging that this far into the thread, I have to be the first to mention him. Either know your history, or shut the fuck up.
Again, it was a figure of speech.********** said:I get an A in every class I take and I don't even try because I hate school because half of it is biased patriotic bullshit dressed as fact.
Your entire and continual logic suggests some of us are stupid.********** said:You said in the above post I should show some intelligence ... Read every word I wrote and tell me where I said Americans were stupid.
I have accidentally attributed the wrong quote to the wrong person and apologized for that in the past.********** said:When you completely make up quotes and attribute them to people, it destroys all credibility. You are not as smart as you think you are, you just think you know everything. I don't think I know everything, but I know that you don't.
I'm sorry, but I'm not continually attacking the nationalities of others like I've seen here.********** said:Fox, who promised not to respond, but has a habit of defending his integrity when it is repeatedly attacked by people who can't help from getting personal when people state their opinions in a supposed environment of free speech.![]()
So if you were on a plane and someone cut the steward's throat and another said they had a bomb, you'd rush them and endanger the lives of all the other people on the plane?********** said:PS BTW, you're the one with "utter disrespect for Americans" every time you make blanket statements like "Americans know not to be heroes" and so on and so forth. You can't speak for your country, 99% of them are NOTHING LIKE YOU, THANK GOD!
And the 9/11 investigations and Congressional findings too then I assume?********** said:Your logic is based on your facts given by your media.
I doubt their credibility.
Well can you give us anything -- any piece of information on what happened?********** said:It's not my problem if you're tired of hearing conspiracy theories.
I have my right to voice what I believe.
Have you read the available Congressional reports on this?********** said:I don't want this to be a conspiracy. I don't want it to have ever happened.
But I know it did happen, and I believe there's a lot more to it than any of us know.
But can you give me *1* logical set of information, theories or anything?********** said:And I know for sure that none of us can know for sure because none of us were there.
But there is proof, one way or the other, somewhere.
AFA said:Watch Fahrenheit 9/11
********** said:That's an insult there. He kept saying I was an idiot and was lacking in intelligence. I wanted to set the record straight. I have a great education, why does that make me a poser? I'm not posing at all. I am what I am. So I've been in great schools getting good grades for years but I'm not allowed to say that to bolster my credibility? I have problems with high school teachers that think they are Stephen Hawking.
Now that was a well-written piece!hedgehog said:My :2 cents: ...
Not in 2000. By 2000, the .COM bust and related financial fall-out caused some record negative growth too.hedgehog said:1. When he was first elected this government was posting surpluses,
Okay, we agree there.hedgehog said:now it has record deficits which will continue to depress the value of our currency and be inherited by our grand-children (and their grand-children too probably). Was the decline in the economy totally his fault, no.
Now that I do very much agree with!hedgehog said:However, the outrageous rise in spending which has occured under his watch is absolutely unforgivable. I would further assert that Republicans have lost all credibility when it comes to "fiscal responsibility."
Agreed as well. We already had to start "walking on eggshells" because of the loss of the Soviet Union meant anything we do would be criticized.hedgehog said:2. Under Bush's command the policy of the US government is now officially to use military force pre-emptively. In a world where the US is the sole remaining super-power this policy has led to more countries feeling threatened by US force than feeling protected by it. The world no-longer trusts the US to use its military responsibly as a result of the debacle of Iraq.
I agree and disagree.hedgehog said:3. The Bush administration has time and time again used the "Global War on Terror" as an excuse to circumvent the expressed meaning of the Constitiution and the international treaties to which the United States is a signatory (i.e. the Geneva Convention).
At least abandon the US militarily, not always financially. Remember, many countries are supporting us on Iraq because of their strategic interests as well. A lot of decisions being made are because of selfish, nationalistic interests of other countries as much as people paint the US as such.hedgehog said:4. Following 9/11, the world was united with the US to end terrorism, the Bush administration squandered that good-will by insisting on an un-necessary war of choice in Iraq, based on now discredited assumptions of Iraqi/Al Qaeda collaberation. Leading our historic allies to abandon us.
Now I have to agree with you there. Iran is foolishly thinking the US has lost its credibility and ability to have its judgement taken seriously.hedgehog said:In conclusion, by weakening American standing worldwide ethically and morally, the Bush administration has placed this country on the cusp of a real crisis involving Iran. We now lack the diplomatic legitamacy to effect real change in this situation. I feel at this time the best course of action is to hope and pray that this sitiuation does not escolate.
Yes, we helped train Bin Laden via the CIA. The CIA has done a lot of harm for the US in its history.********** said:Fine. What I have believed is, ever since I first heard about the first plane going into the first building, knowing Bin Laden's CIA history and a lot about the Muslim world in general...
The US has 3 branches of government. The reason why no coup every happens in this country is because the Executive and Legislative Branches never work together.********** said:I don't usually say this because people don't like it. But I'm entitled to this belief, and I don't want to hear about how IMPOSSIBLE or ILLOGICAL it is because I've heard it all; and I still believe it, for reasons that could fill a novel. But I can't prove it, obviously. I believe the U.S. government not only knew about 911, but carried it out, planned it, executed it. I always have. I don't trust the American powers that be an inch.
I'd take any theory at this time.********** said:I don't know who is in on it, I don't know who exactly carried it out
The US military not only has 0 power to enact or influence civilian policy, every US officer knows the reasons why. One major reason for the US' separation from the UK -- if not the primary reason (and not the popular "taxation without representation") -- was in the core belief the leaders must be civilian and elected, while the military has no aristocratic conflict-of-interest and absolutely no power. It was one of the very strongest beliefs of George Washington himself (God bless him -- he is never remembered for his dedication to what made this country, when he could have easily been this country's first aristocrat).********** said:- I would guess U.S. military -
That might be the case in various Europe nations, but it has never, ever been the US. The UK, the French, the Germans, etc... have had many generations and many governments where the military ruled, the aristocracy ruled and countless other and total lack of balance of power, or the need for the military to follow the civilian leadership regardless of how stupid they thought they were. The US government and the US military has never once had the history of many European countries -- the government has always been a set of in-fighting branches and the military has always followed the word of the elected, civilian leadership.********** said:but it doesn't matter what any of you say. Believe me, I have heard everything in contrary to this. There are, in my defense, a few western thinkers in Europe who have forwarded the same theory - so in a European context, it is not completely out of this world.
Then why feel the need to trivilize the events? Not only what we know of that happened in 9/11, but the prior 1993 bombing? The fact that you don't rush a terrorist in a plane when they've slit the throats of others and claim to have a bomb -- unless you think everyone else is going to die anyway, and possibly hurt others (which is what the 4th plane found out but the first 3 did not know).********** said:This doesn't in any way cheapen what happened. Thousands died. It means no more or less to me than when thousands die anywhere else in the world, though, to be honest. What bothers me most is the truth. I want to know. I want to be sure I am crazy, but I can't help believing what I believe. No-one loved those buildings more than I did. They inspired me and I adored them: I miss them, and I hate what happened, no matter who was responsible.
Here's the thing ...********** said:I hope none of you hate me for being honest about what I think happened. I am not a conspiracy theorist: if I believe the cover story, then I believe it. It just so happens that despite all the evidence to the contrary, all the evidence to the contrary is not entirely dissuasive, and I cannot shake this deep fear, this sick feeling in my stomach... that this was not ever anything to do with Islamic terrorists.
Huh? What "benefit" did we get? We devistated our economy $400B overnight, and set it up for trillions in lost revenue for years. We killed Americans. We are now expending time, money, lives and international standing lashing out, not always in the correct way. And we've signed up for a Doctrine comparable to those of Monroe and Teddy in the prior centuries, which are still debated today.********** said:I don't really need to go into WHY American authorities would self-inflict. From a realist perspective (which I am not) it makes sense and was actually a good move to some degree.
Well, do you have any "deeper" insight/theories?********** said:If this really happened, I will find it out and expose it and I will tell the American people. If I don't, someone else will. Such a lie cannot stay buried forever. If I am wrong, then thank god, and shame on the terrorists.
Understand that state-sponsored hatred is a real problem is some areas of the world. While the US has to respect the right of countries to implement a theocracy -- including Afganistan to a point -- it is also part of the problem. And that's where these "bad apples" come from in most cases -- they grow up with complete intolerance, and even feel their governments are theocratic and radical enough.********** said:I can also say that Islamic terrorists are a real threat, but like all terrorists, they are not machines. They are human beings; we must understand them in order to stop them. I believe it is economic circumstances and desperation and lack of fulfilled expectations that lead to terrorism. Men who have nothing left to lose. Give them something to lose; take care of their country as we do our allies... and then terrorists will crumble from within and there will be no men desperate enough to be indoctrinated.
Obviously.********** said:I don't feel like explaining myself.
The busiest air traffic control in the world is NJ-NY. At 500mph, the controllers had maybe 1 minute to figure out what was going on -- if they even noticed! They are too busy directing take-off/landings. I have 2 friends who work ATC for that area -- they said they didn't even know until it was reported on CNN!********** said:from knowing they could have shot down those planes as soon as they were on the radar as off course
Do you know how many miles it is between JFK, Laguarda, etc... and downtown? Less than 10 miles! That is 60 seconds at 500mph! There was no time to scramble USAF aircraft until a half hour later!********** said:and especially as soon as the first plane hit...
So what you're saying is that this was used to boost W., correct? Or are you still claiming no specifics of who was behind it? And still claiming 1993 was "minor"?********** said:and from what 911 was used to facilitate and will be used for... from the election results of 04.
To date your analysis of "US defense capabilities" has been absolutely dead-wrong. It's based on assumptions, which I can only assume is based on the "security" you are used to in the UK, and not the US. Anyone who came to the US pre-9/11 would always comment how "lax" we are on security -- especially for travel. We used to rely on European outbound locations for most checks before 9/11.********** said:From what I have always believed the U.S. gvmt capable of. From my own gut feelings. There is so much to it, and yet no one explanation will quite explain why...
Put you already have made your theories! Or did I not understand what this thread is about? It's about W.! Or are you hijacking it into the continued, anti-US government rhetoric that you are so continually displaying?********** said:I just believe it. And I will not try and expose it until I can prove it.
Michael Moore is not respected because of his last 2 movies. In 911, he not only fabricated "evidence" about the 2000 election, but he played many games with "smoke'n mirrors" on state v. federal law enforcement, interviewed someone who had lost his limbs due to an on-base vehicle accident (neither combat nor even combat operations), lied about the time between W. being informed about 9/11, etc... It ended up being a joke because he didn't need to hurt his own professional integrity by intentionally misleading and even lying at many points in his own movie.********** said:I'll write a book on it one day. You can read it and tell the world how all my evidence is trumped up like Michael Moore's, but it won't be.
That's because the first one failed. Had it worked, it wouldn't have been so "minor" as you say. Heck, the second attempt almost failed as well! The planes failed to bring down the buildings. It was only after 15+ minutes of burning fuel creating the intense heat that it collapsed.********** said:As for saying the first WTC bombing was minor, it was. Compared to the second, it was.
And the US did think little of 1993, Oklahoma City and many other events -- until after 9/11! We blamed ourselves. We blamed "disgruntled Americans." We blamed everyone but terrorists before 9/11 -- even as 9/11 happened and the first plane hit!********** said:Compared to a hundred major acts of terrorism (in terms of death toll) around the world before and since, it was. No incident where people die should be labelled minor, but compared to larger terrorist attacks, that bombing was minor. I think it's partially irrelevant.
Sigh, you seem to get upset about nothing. They report the nationalities of many casulties, although it does make sense to comment that the local nationality has X dead too.********** said:Only when American lives are lost does an incident become important. It's the same in England. I hate how on the news they say things like... three hundred killed in Ecuador today... INCLUDING THREE BRITONS. Mark Savage of Hampstead Heath was on holiday... Dude, 300 people just died, and you're reporting it as if it's three. I hate that shit. American/British lives are always more important than any. I bet a lot of countries do that, but I don't. That's why 911 didn't phase me the way it did the rest of America. I have the same reaction to any incident that kills 5000, whether they're Americans or Chinese or Iranians.