i actually didn't want to continue this, but i can't help. i'd like to say something about Al Quaeda, too.
most people associate Al Quaeda with pure evilism, conscienceless terrorist who declared war to the western civilization because they detest our way of life and our lack of faith. only few know who they really are, and why they became terrorists in the first place.
let's have one more look into the past. same scenario: Americans vs. Russians. this time the focus is on Afghanistan ! the Russians have occupied the country, which was, of course, a thorn in the American's side. something had to be done - with a minimal effort of their own resources (of course). that was when the US government approached and recruited Osama Bin Laden ! him and another 100,000 young fanatics from the arabian countries. the Muhadjin, the so-called freedom fighters were actually mercenaries for America. they were recruited, equipped and trained by US forces. even the name "Muhadjin" was an american invention !!!
for ten years the Muhadjin fought the Russians in Afghanistan. about 30,000 russian soldiers died by terroristic assaults from America's mercenaries, and eventually they managed to banish the Commies. what happened then ? nothing ! as far as the US were concerned the job was done. time to go home. "yeah, we know your country looks terrible after this war, but hey, it's not our country !"
since then every day 10 people are dying due to the remaining land-mines in Afghanistan. that's 3,650 dead per year. you do the math. where's the annual commemoration for that ??? WTC-crash ? perfect media presence ! two towers, two planes, bang bang, the world is appalled - that is shown within 2 seconds. until they've shown how 3,000 people are stepping on a land-mine in Afghanistan....you see where this is leading.
the people in Afghanistan had been used like toilet paper. there's no way to blandish this.
when the Muhadjin decided to free their folks in Chechenya, they became true terrorists in our eyes, because the western world had already affiliated with the mass-murderer Putin (what he's doing in Chechenya - those are true ethnic cleansings !!!).
as i said, the Muhadjin had been used like toilet paper. and on 9/11 they came back to kick the ass they've been wiped on - again, there's no way to blandish this.
don't get me wrong. i do not endorse Al Quaeda's actions (do not confuse reason with justification), but i can totally comprehend their motivation !!
Al Quaeda doesn't hate America for being rich and powerful and christian, but because the US government has seriously fucked up their country and because they still don't stop meddling in the middle east !