MightyKrendall said:
If you hadn't noticed, we're just doing to Iraq what we did to Japan, and things turned out okay over there.
Well, I think it was a very different situation. Japan was a much more powerful nation compared to Iraq in terms of population and GDP. Also, I believe Japan was a democracy before the war. Where as Iraq was not. And Japan was bascially a one religion society and I do not believe civil war was ever a concern in 1945. It is in Iraq.
The theory between the two is similar, but I believe the countries themselves are vastly different.
And to Nightcrawler in regards to the Palestinians. Even if what you say is true; what is your point? That they had a chance to democracy and now they don't. I thought it was everyone's right to always have democracy. Just because they 'blew it', as you typed - does that mean they cannot ever have it again?
I believe VERY strongly that the middle east will continue to be a mess as long as the Palestinians don't have a country they can call home. And I for one am sick of roughly 10 million people (the populations of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza strip combined) causing a mess for most of the western world because they can't get along. Enough already.
To the Palestinians:
1) stop bombing Israel - your just killing more Palestinian's (through Israeli retaliation) then Israeli's anyway.
2) give up this re-settlement issue. It ain't going to happen, from where I sit.
And to the Israeli's:
1) abandon your settlements in Palestinian territory. You have enough land anyway.
2) let them take the land you now occupy and turn it into a country of their own. Right now you are just treating them like native American's were (are?) treated like for over a century - like second class humans.