Iraq Uncensored


To answer your questions MightyKrendall about Bushes other lies. One, he said that Sadam and Osama were working together. Second he said that some of the terrorists of 9/11 were from Iraq. Both outright lies that he used to get a country to back his war for ficticious reasons. How can you say Sadam is wrong for killing Iraqis when Bush is killing them as well.
JerseyRocks said:
he should have just let the U N weapon inspectors in, it looks like he had nothing to hide anyway and maybe he could have prevented this
The thing was, he couldn't have done that. If it was proven he had no WMDs (and I think he did and just ditched them the instant he heard the US was coming) other countries like Iran would attack Saddam in a heartbeat. He had to at least fake that he had WMDs. We pretty much just called his bluff.


MightyKrendall said:
(and I think he did and just ditched them the instant he heard the US was coming).

Oh C'mon! How could you say something like that!? Where's he going to ditch them, under his dress!? :D
XanderJack said:
One, he said that Sadam and Osama were working together.
I don't know if Saddam and Osama were working together directly, but Saddam was working with Al Qaeda.

XanderJack said:
Second he said that some of the terrorists of 9/11 were from Iraq.
I don't remember that, but at the time he said it he might (that's might, meaning I'm just guessing here and giving Bush the benefit of the doubt) have thought they were from Iraq.

XanderJack said:
Both outright lies that he used to get a country to back his war for ficticious reasons.
Considering that any possible connection to 9/11 wasn't even one of the reasons we went into Iraq, I'm not sure what you're point is there.

XanderJack said:
How can you say Sadam is wrong for killing Iraqis when Bush is killing them as well.
If you honestly can't tell the difference between what Saddam was doing and a war, I really can't argue with you.
hooterwngs said:
Yes I do think they should have, but only to help the people after we removed Saddam we should have just left and let them do what they wanted to instead of trying to have them do what we want.
Wasn't doing exactly that the reason some people feel Al Qaeda is justified for 9/11? If we just got rid of Saddam and left, some other terrorist regime would step in and take over where he left off. If you hadn't noticed, we're just doing to Iraq what we did to Japan, and things turned out okay over there.
Brino said:
Oh C'mon! How could you say something like that!? Where's he going to ditch them, under his dress!? :D
Cute. Seriously, though, I think he dumped them in Syria or just buried them. How do you explain all the machinery missing and the suddenly empty warehouses where the locals swore there were weapons or weapon-making machines?

PS: Sorry for the multiple posts, but I don't know when I'll get a chance to be back online here and I want to get my thoughts out while they're in my head.
Blackjack said:
thanks for all your work and the time it has surely taken to write this, but it's senseless.
People who support Bush support him for one simple reason. They don't know any better and they're not interested in anything that might let them know things better...
1) Don't presume anything about the reasons I support something. It's insulting.

2) Give me hardcore evidence that we're safe from terrorist attacks by leaving them alone and I'll be the first in line to say this war is pointless.


MightyKrendall said:
Cute. Seriously, though, I think he dumped them in Syria or just buried them. How do you explain all the machinery missing and the suddenly empty warehouses where the locals swore there were weapons or weapon-making machines?

I doubt he dumped them in Syria because if he had I'm sure our satelitte's would have seen him do it. As for burying them, again I'm sure we or the Iraqis would have seen him do it. If he did have WMD's how would the locals have known about it? Do you think Saddam just allowed Iraqi civilians in and out of warehouses containing WMD's? Do you think that if he had WMD's he would leave them unguarded like that!?


MightyKrendall said:
Give me hardcore evidence that we're safe from terrorist attacks by leaving them alone and I'll be the first in line to say this war is pointless.

With or without this war were not safe from terrorists. I think that's the point. This war is not doing anything to stop terrorism, if anything were creating a new generation of terrorists. We might as well not sacrifice our troops on a useless never ending battle that gets us nowhere.
I think he dumped them in Syria also. Plus Syria is one of the reasons the middle east is the way it is..the area around jordan isreal and lebenon.


Ok, I'll humor you guys for a little bit, why would he dump them in Syria? It makes no sense, if he knew he was going to lose the war then why would he care about us finding WMD's or not?
look up a history of isreal and palestine, and you will see what I mean. The palestinian cause is a load of crap, palestine has not had a soverign state in 2000 years. They were going to be given one but turned it down because they wanted land east and west of the jordan river. The land that was east of the river was called trans jordan. They had their chance and blew it.



Well, this is interesting, and kinda creepy at the same time.

I gotta stop though, conservatives are just too blind to see the truth. That is why so many are religious, they just take the crap that is fed to them. No arguing, or resisting, just believe anything they are told. I live in Missouri, you wanna talk about some conservative, back woods dumbfucks, come visit here for awhile. Again I ask the question, how can you be conservative and frequent a porn site, it doesn't make any sense.


MightyKrendall said:
If you hadn't noticed, we're just doing to Iraq what we did to Japan, and things turned out okay over there.

Well, I think it was a very different situation. Japan was a much more powerful nation compared to Iraq in terms of population and GDP. Also, I believe Japan was a democracy before the war. Where as Iraq was not. And Japan was bascially a one religion society and I do not believe civil war was ever a concern in 1945. It is in Iraq.
The theory between the two is similar, but I believe the countries themselves are vastly different.

And to Nightcrawler in regards to the Palestinians. Even if what you say is true; what is your point? That they had a chance to democracy and now they don't. I thought it was everyone's right to always have democracy. Just because they 'blew it', as you typed - does that mean they cannot ever have it again?
I believe VERY strongly that the middle east will continue to be a mess as long as the Palestinians don't have a country they can call home. And I for one am sick of roughly 10 million people (the populations of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza strip combined) causing a mess for most of the western world because they can't get along. Enough already.

To the Palestinians:
1) stop bombing Israel - your just killing more Palestinian's (through Israeli retaliation) then Israeli's anyway.
2) give up this re-settlement issue. It ain't going to happen, from where I sit.

And to the Israeli's:
1) abandon your settlements in Palestinian territory. You have enough land anyway.
2) let them take the land you now occupy and turn it into a country of their own. Right now you are just treating them like native American's were (are?) treated like for over a century - like second class humans.


Nightcrawler said:
look up a history of isreal and palestine, and you will see what I mean. The palestinian cause is a load of crap, palestine has not had a soverign state in 2000 years. They were going to be given one but turned it down because they wanted land east and west of the jordan river. The land that was east of the river was called trans jordan. They had their chance and blew it.

Ok I'm stumped, what the hell does that have to do with Iraq dumping WMD's in Syria?


bigdan1110 said:
Just wanna say, great sig Xanderjack !!

Thanks bigdan, some people however don't like it too much. I got a neg. rep point from comanduc...never even heard of the dude. Oh well, he has to live everyday knowing he is pro-bush.


XanderJack said:
Thanks bigdan, some people however don't like it too much. I got a neg. rep point from comanduc...never even heard of the dude. Oh well, he has to live everyday knowing he is pro-bush.

Well, at least he let you know who he/she was. I hate it when people give you negative rep and don't have the guts to leave a name.
I'm saying the Palestinian cause is a load of crap because, nobody head anything of Palestine until Arrafat founded the PLO. Which is a terrorist organization aimed at the destruction of Isreal. In the early 20th century when Britian was creating an isreal state, the so called palesinians fled to Jordan without a single shot fired to avoid war. They were absorbed into the Jordainian culture a never heard from again until Arrafat. Who by the way was born and raised in Jordan. In fact the palestinians do have a state it is called Jordan. The fact of the matter is they want Jerusalum, because they are pissed off the isralies took it from them 2000 years ago. I don't think they should have a state, I think they should go back to Jordan where they came from and shut the f**k up. Look at the Jordan and Palestinian shows you where the "Palestinian" roots are.