Jagger, I think your question has both merit and value.
The topic has been discussed in current politics and history for nearly two thousand years.
I believe it is a lethal combination of both based on the Roman concept of :
panem et circenses or bread and games.
I have included a link to the wikipedia page that discusses the concept for those who care to read it.
The basic concept is this;
Two things, food and entertainment, were provided by the state to keep these poor people from rioting, hence the satirical phrase, panem et circenses (bread and circuses), implying that this was all that was needed to satisfy the poor of Rome.
Or, as our modern political leaders think, " Keep em fat and happy and they won't question us or their own inaction."
Think American Idol... but think of it as... " American Idle "
Just my 2 cents, thanks for providing such a thought provoking question.