Brexit : the UK wans to have its cake and eat it

I just hope heir successor to be a "hard-brexiter" and that he will pick a no-deal Brexit. That's the best thing that could happen to the EU (and the worst thing that could happen ot the UK) right now


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Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I just hope heir successor to be a "hard-brexiter" and that he will pick a no-deal Brexit. That's the best thing that could happen to the EU (and the worst thing that could happen ot the UK) right now

A harsh sentence, but I see it the same.

With some other countries thinking about leaving the EU, too, it is best for all if we see how the UK will do with a hard Brexit.

Will be an interesting experiment, after all


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Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
I think that Britain should leave without any type of agreement at all. Leave and make your own way in the world. The British public made a decision and now should move on. I am just a spectator since we have the Donald for entertainment here but I do believe Adults have the right to make their own decisions and then live with them. Success or failure come what may
So, in short, UK wants to keeps the good things about being a member of the EU but they refuse to have to deal with the annoying things...

What exactly are the "good things" about the EU?

The EU is a tyrannical undemocratic Soviet Union clone. The EU hates Nation States. The EU wants, and is, abolishing genuine Nationhood sovereignty by replacing it with its version of the Soviet Union politburo. The EU has unelected, unaccountable commissars (similar to that of the Soviet Union) who cannot be removed. The EU's unelected commissars cannot be criticised or condemned, and if anyone dares even to question their motives they will face criminal prosecution. The EU wants, and is, opening up its borders to the entire world and allowing cultural changing levels of 3rd world immigration. The EU wants, and is, developing its own military force with the ultimate objective of being hostile towards Russia and is secretly itching to create a war with Russia.


Brexit: UK to quit EU at 23:00 GMT - BBC News



Light one for Me
What exactly are the "good things" about the EU?

The EU is a tyrannical undemocratic Soviet Union clone. The EU hates Nation States. The EU wants, and is, abolishing genuine Nationhood sovereignty by replacing it with its version of the Soviet Union politburo. The EU has unelected, unaccountable commissars (similar to that of the Soviet Union) who cannot be removed. The EU's unelected commissars cannot be criticised or condemned, and if anyone dares even to question their motives they will face criminal prosecution. The EU wants, and is, opening up its borders to the entire world and allowing cultural changing levels of 3rd world immigration. The EU wants, and is, developing its own military force with the ultimate objective of being hostile towards Russia and is secretly itching to create a war with Russia.

Who elected the Queen? Or the House of Lords?


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Bronze Member
For Germany, as an example, Brexit brings a list of changes that are not by themselves negative.

2018, banks and other financial institutes in Frankfurt am Main have begun to prepare to do more business and employ more traders etc., all due to the changes in the separation of the London stock exchange etc. This is going to make some nice surplusses for us.

There will have to be hired some 1.600 customs workers to manage the formerly much easier flowing trade goods. Everything will take longer, which will result in some shortages, shortterm for the UK. But new jobs are a great thing.

German, european companies in general, will look for other companies than UK ones, because coworking through these new barriers is just no good. The UK will have to find new partners, and they may end up with very much worse partners than they had.

But seriously, Farage and Jonson and Co. made the play for the superrich Beritish gazillionaires, who felt like saving even more than they did before. The average citizen will bear the hardships, and they just were too thick to view through the whole play.