If You Could Be Involved In A Scene Like This, Would You?

i think its disgusting, making them gag and be sick and shit...whats so sexy about that? not for me thanks ill stick to the normal ways.
I haven't actually watched or DL'd any of the vids in the OP's links, but I'll add this. Sometimes the concept of abuse is in the attitude and approach. I've long been at a loss to understand how a cum facial is necessarily, inherently abusive. If the woman doesn't want it and it's FORCED upon her, then duh, yes, of course it's abusive (actually, it's assault). But sure, it's not neatly black and white. Some women must be in such a degraded state of mind they don't know if/when they are actually subjecting themselves to mistreatment, unfortunately. But it's really hard to call. Supposedly some people - women and men - ENJOY being pissed on. I did that with an ex-GF of mine, and she did it to me, a couple of times, but we were already, both of us, taking a shower together, so it was mostly just for giggles (but not for shits!) - I don't think either of us found it a turn-on, just being goofy. But the idea of you know, calling some woman a worthless whore, writing that on her forehead with a marker and then pissing all over her, choking her (or at least simulating as much), and slapping her face - that ain't cool. I can't understand how a woman might find that enjoyable or satisfying, or how a man could, either. Being tied up and having your ass whipped a bit, well, that's different.

It's a hard call. Which is why, again, if I were to even consider it, I'd want to have an honest chat over a beer or two with the girl to see where she's coming from.

Aside from all that, though, I don't like the idea of having the slightest chance that some other dude's cum will be touching my skin, whether my cock or anywhere else...
hell no! and i seriously doubt that any girl (pornstar or not) likes to get treated like this!
maybe the paycheck is a little bit bigger than for regular stuff?!?
i guess its not accidentially that u see rather porn-starters or amateurs than "veterans" doin this stuff...
maybe some OCSM´s could prove me wrong or get their opinions on that...
i think its disgusting, making them gag and be sick and shit...whats so sexy about that? not for me thanks ill stick to the normal ways.

True story: The girl I lost my virginity to once deepthroated me so seriously that she actually gagged and lost it and vomited on me (not a lot, but enough) - and my hand wasn't on her head or neck; I wasn't holding her or forcing her to do it in any way. I was laying on my back (and lovin' every second of it, truth be told!).

Q: Does that mean I abused her???
Only throat fucking, but NOT to the point where they're about to puke. Spitting, hitting, making them throw up... seriously, who finds that attractive?