I was arrested for DUI

i'm a better driver even after several drinks than most people are stone sober.

There's a man who used to think like you....until he killed my 15 yr old nephew. You have been lucky but you're deluding yourself if you think that's true and completely unfit to drive a car. It's an undisputable fact that alcohol dulls the senses and compromises the ability to think clearly. You have the right to endanger yourself but not others and there will come a day when it finally goes horribly wrong.

here's a fact, take it for what is worth (which may not be much as it applies only to me, but it's the truth): driving the last 30 years, i have caused 0 accidents, have 0 traffic tickets and never even been pulled over by a cop. and i drink and drive all the time. i never speed, always drive defensively, stay in my lane and obey all traffic laws (except the DUI one). i have avoided countless accidents due to 1) superior reflexes and 2) anticipatory thinking (eg. i always assume someone will pull in front of me, or swerve into my lane and i'm ready). i'm not saying you should do that, and you may say i've been damn lucky, but the bottom line is i'm a bettter driver even after several drinks than most people are stone sober. so there :wave2:

p.s. i've also driven on the LA freeways while tripping on LSD but i DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT and I will not do that again and admit i was dang lucky.
This is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard!
Why do you follow all traffic laws except one?
Why don't you follow all of them?
If you really think you are a better driver when you are drunk you should really think about visiting the AA.
Do you feel the same way about people who speed, blow through stop signs and/or drive otherwise inattentively?

More accidents are caused by people who haven't been drinking and driving than have. Because of sensationalize stories, drinking and driving garners the most attention but the overwhelming majority of people who drink and drive never cause accidents. I'm not defending it...just stating the facts.:2 cents:

While I would agree that driving like an idiot is all around irresponsible, I would still list drunk driving as a egregiously riskier (and more idiotic) behavior. There were an estimated 12,000,000 auto accidents in the US last year, with about 34,000 of those being fatal. Compare that to the roughly 700,000 alcohol related crashes of which 25,000 are fatal. The discrepancy in that rate seems to indicate to me that driving drunk is far more precarious than those other causes. Although like I said, I think all of those are absolutely terrible.
There's a man who used to think like you....until he killed my 15 yr old nephew. You have been lucky but you're deluding yourself if you think that's true and completely unfit to drive a car. It's an undisputable fact that alcohol dulls the senses and compromises the ability to think clearly. You have the right to endanger yourself but not others and there will come a day when it finally goes horribly wrong.

BB I most definitely sympathize with the circumstances regarding your nephew as I would anyone victimized by utterly tragic, accidental circumstances.

You are 100 pct. correct that the effect of alcohol is that it suppresses nervous and sensory response.

The question is to what degree does merely being over a legal limit of .08 or .10 affect simple driving? Most driving is in a straight line at speeds in which a vehicle is easily controlled and in the vast majority of cases a driver paying attention has a wide margin for error.

In the overwhelming case in the circumstance of a driver causing an accident where alcohol plays a role. The driver is either one or all these; excessively drunk, tired and/or recklessly driving.

(Okay, so 'Mega where are you going with this?) To put it in simple terms BB, merely drinking and driving doesn't cause accidents no more than driving itself does. That is a fact backed up by the number people who drive after having consumed alcohol compared to the number of alcohol related accidents. It could be argued that maybe cops catch people and charge them before they're in an accident. But even if you take that number and throw it in...it would still be significanlty lower than accidents caused by stone, cold sober folks. After all, having consumed alcohol doesn't mean all judgment is lost.

So one would naturally ask, how could that be so? Well, "boone" is somewhat correct in that some drive more carefully when there is a fear of being caught and some who don't have such fear take more risks. The classic case is a person driving on a suspended license is far more likely to obey all traffic laws out of fear of being caught than a person who isn't.

You conclude "boone" is unfit to drive. Well, that certainly may be so. However, if we take (him) at his word and he's driven for 30 years with varying degrees of alcohol in his system and caused no accidents and contrast that with many sober people who've had multiple accidents sober in 1, 2 or 3 years what if anything should we draw from that. You seem to attribute it to mere good fortune and certainly there is an element of that as we are all at times, benefactors of good fortune during driving in any event.

But when I see the sheer numbers and they don't bear out the suggestion that drinking and driving automatically causes accidents, I have to attribute it to something more than happenstance and serendipity.

Many people naturally believe one thing coming before another caused the another to happen. Not necessarily so. Because the letter "A" comes before the letter "B" in the alphabet that certainly doesn't mean "A" causes "B" to happen. Sometimes two successive occurrences are simply unrelated.

BB I don't intend this to change your or anyone else's mind on the subject and please don't take it that way. I can understand why you and others would feel the way you do even if the tragedy you cite never happened to your family. It's just a response to statements and conclusions.

I'm not an advocate one way or the other on this issue. I just try and be pragmatic on this and all issues.

This is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard!
I could be dumb but if it's true then for the purposes of this discussion it's true more than it's dumb.
Why do you follow all traffic laws except one?
See above response to "Boothebabe" (fear of being caught).
Why don't you follow all of them?
Most people don't.
If you really think you are a better driver when you are drunk you should really think about visiting the AA.
I would recommend anyone question possible addiction to alcohol if alcohol is controlling and/or ruining a person's life. I haven't seen anything which indicates that in "boone's" post. Maybe he could stand to use better judgment but couldn't we all?
While I would agree that driving like an idiot is all around irresponsible, I would still list drunk driving as a egregiously riskier (and more idiotic) behavior. There were an estimated 12,000,000 auto accidents in the US last year, with about 34,000 of those being fatal. Compare that to the roughly 700,000 alcohol related crashes of which 25,000 are fatal. The discrepancy in that rate seems to indicate to me that driving drunk is far more precarious than those other causes. Although like I said, I think all of those are absolutely terrible.
More idiotic than the causes of the some 11+ million more behaviors?

I draw 3 conclusions from those numbers. Driving is dangerous, accidents kill people and alcohol causes in the rawest of numbers, the vast minority of accidents.
i thought my answer was NO ....

Hmm, if you merely thought for yourself your answer was "NO" how then am I supposed to know your answer is "NO"?

You said, "i (sic) want to say no". That doesn't sound definitive in any way. In fact, is suggests you, "want to say no" "...however,". Further you add something at the end suggesting a desire to see people on cellphones in accidents...so that could sound like a "yes".

In either case, I'm glad you cleared it up (I think).:confused:;)
Do you feel the same way about people who speed, blow through stop signs and/or drive otherwise inattentively?

More accidents are caused by people who haven't been drinking and driving than have. Because of sensationalize stories, drinking and driving garners the most attention but the overwhelming majority of people who drink and drive never cause accidents. I'm not defending it...just stating the facts.:2 cents:

More idiotic than the causes of the some 11+ million more behaviors?

I draw 3 conclusions from those numbers. Driving is dangerous, accidents kill people and alcohol causes in the rawest of numbers, the vast minority of accidents.

I should point out that the more accurate numbers are about 41,000 fatalities, with 15,000 being alcohol related fatalities, and that about 7,000,000 accidents result in injury. So, the numbers are relatively close in terms of injuries/non-injuries, so the next important factor would be fatality rate. It more likely for you to be killed in an accident if you've had alcohol than if you don't. You're only slightly more likely to be injured in an accident not involving alcohol than with, but that speaks more to the fact that the peak hours for drunk driving pale in comparison to those of ordinary driving. Simply put, there's a greater sample size of people driving sober than to drunk, primarily because drunk driving is enforced much more than other driving hazards (speeding etc...). The 37% of fatalities that alcohol is responsible for may be the minority, but with numbers that high I wouldn't say it's negligible.

Absolutely drunk driving is more idiotic. Before max enforcement started, that minority was actually 45% percent, which speaks to its danger.
shayd said:
peak hours for drunk driving pale in comparison to those of ordinary driving. Simply put, there's a greater sample size of people driving sober than drunk, primarily because drunk driving is enforced much more than other driving hazards

You're exactly right. The netherlands is one of the safest countries on earth regarding traffic because drunk driving is enforced and fined heavily.

@ Hot Mega: It doesn't matter how you try to rationalize things, my nephew was killed by a drunk driver who also thought he was still able to drive. When you personally experience the devastating effects it can cause you'll stop trying to rationalize it.
I should point out that the more accurate numbers are about 41,000 fatalities, with 15,000 being alcohol related fatalities, and that about 7,000,000 accidents result in injury. So, the numbers are relatively close in terms of injuries/non-injuries, so the next important factor would be fatality rate. It more likely for you to be killed in an accident if you've had alcohol than if you don't. You're only slightly more likely to be injured in an accident not involving alcohol than with, but that speaks more to the fact that the peak hours for drunk driving pale in comparison to those of ordinary driving. Simply put, there's a greater sample size of people driving sober than to drunk, primarily because drunk driving is enforced much more than other driving hazards (speeding etc...). The 37% of fatalities that alcohol is responsible for may be the minority, but with numbers that high I wouldn't say it's negligible.

Absolutely drunk driving is more idiotic. Before max enforcement started, that minority was actually 45% percent, which speaks to its danger.

I'll take your word for it on the numbers as I don't think they're quite as relevant to my next point and I'm sure we'll just have to disagree somewhat. I think there is an overriding factor which make makes the ultimate impact of mere drinking and driving unknowable and definitely not as daunting as simple accident numbers can ever determine. Which is the numbers of people who have a few drinks a few times a week and go for years without incident.

Putting something like that in perspective, let say an individual does drink 3 times a week then drives and has 1 alcohol related accident in 1 yr. That would be 1 out of 150+ times. We all know in the vast majority of cases that example isn't so as there are people who go multiple years even 10 or 20 years and in all those years of drinking and driving never cause accidents.

Of course binge drinking and getting physically drunk (as opposed to legally drunk) increases the chances of being in an accident but even people who do engage in that behavior go years without accident.

Which brings me to my next point. All accidents which are alleged to be "alcohol related" are not always the fault of the person who has been drinking.

So again, most driving becomes a matter of reflex and the margin for error is so wide that mere drinking is no more dangerous than driving itself. How many times are we cognizant of braking when we see tail lights or red lights illuminate? It's practically a reflex and not a thought. It's proven that alcohol diminishes reflexes and that's one thing....but the other thing that's never brought up is how fast does a person's reflexes need to be to exercise braking or steering in normal circumstances. Which is, not very IMO.
Hot Mega: It doesn't matter how you try to rationalize things, my nephew was killed by a drunk driver who also thought he was still able to drive. When you personally experience the devastating effects it can cause you'll stop trying to rationalize it.

Well again I empathize with your family's loss as I would anyone who's family suffered a loss due to any type of accident.

Personally though BB, my opinion is not formed out of a lack of loss. Consistently so, my opinion on certain issues wouldn't and hasn't changed as a result of experiencing tragic loss. Tragic loss doesn't change facts.

I've lost a cousin to drug abuse...I still think drugs ought to be legalized even though I personally don't use them.

I had an uncle killed in an accident....the other driver was drunk (physically)...that didn't turn me into a zealot who now believes mere drinking and driving is inherently dangerous.

I lost those loved ones to facts of life...the particular fact is of no import to me....as I understand as we have free will some people will exercise poor judgment and become victims of themselves...even people I love.

The price we sometimes pay for the convenience of driving is that there will be accidents of any type. The fact that alcohol and other mood altering drugs exist means there is certainly the possibility of an unfortunate cirucumstance being created by some irresponsible person mixing the two.

My uncle wouldn't be any less dead than if he were killed by someone changing a CD, brushing their teeth, shaving, applying make up, eating, reading, sleeping, etc. while driving.

What you call "rationalizing" I call realizing and we simply live in a world of certain realities.
That's right, just keep lying to yourself. Any respect I once had for you is now completely gone.

Well I'm sorry you feel that way. I feel the same level of respect I had for you is no different irrespective of opinions we may disagree on.

I will say this, if your respect for me was based on you agreeing with everything I have to say then I would have to say you never really respected me in the first place as the first respect you should have for a person is their right to a different opinion. And as long as they don't insult you, your respect level should never change.

But I respect your choice or opinion to no longer respect me.
Firstly it irresponsible to be drinking and driving (or even contemplating doing it even if you are or think your under the limit). If you are planning on drinking get a lift from someone who is not drinking or get a taxi cab there and back. I am glad you were stopped before you injured or killed others or yourself, hopefully you will learn something from this. Some of the advice that others are giving you reagrding avoiding being charged is either nonsensical or plain naive.

Drinking + Driving = Stupid!!!
I read the first page and skimmed the others, but I'll offer my :2 cents:

OK, first off I'd like to say thank god that nobody was hurt in the particular instance and I'm glad you're taking this in a really mature way. Good luck with everything and I do hope that you learned your lesson and will never get behind the wheel while drunk again.

That said, let me offer my thoughts on drinking and driving in general.

When operating machinery, depressants like alcohol or marijuana will not possess you to be reckless or stupid, what they will do is impair your reaction time. It doesn't matter if you were the best, safest driver in the world, or if you were a reckless loon, that one or two seconds extra to steer or brake could mean disaster.

Now you might not care about yourself, and to be honest I couldn't care less if someone wanted to risk his or her own life. The problem is there are other people on the road, and when you amplify the already present issue of human reaction by drinking, doing drugs, reading, talking on a cell phone, etc. Then you are sending a several thousand pound missile down the road, ready to take out people and property in its wake. Not good.

Keep this in mind, never do anything that impairs your perception or reactions on the road. Always be fully aware, be fully awake, and do not be reckless. There is no such thing as an accident on the road. Be safe, and be courteous.

If that's too much to ask, walk into the DMV and surrender your license and plates now.


I was an idiot once. :o

And yeah, you DO get bitten in the ass when least expected.

Good luck with the attorney and all but I don't think that it's gonna pay divvys
as he or she is likely going to give you a false sense of hope citing some "potential" loophole in the law. You'll also hear that it just "looks" better hiring an attorney, I leave that one for you to sort out.

Anyway, here's what's likely to occur - You're gonna show up in court not knowing what the hell is going on, your atty will wave you over to come to stand by his side, the judge will call out your case # and your attorney is gonna say "guilty as charged your honor", you'll stand there completely perplexed and your attorney will say that he 'saved you a day's worth of community service.

BFD !!

Snakes in the grass • Snakes in the grassSNAKES IN THE GRASS !!!

We too often hear of people bashing doctors and dentists for being greedy, HELL, these attorneys don't even have to get their hands dirty !!!


The most important thing is getting over the ordeal and coming to the realization that you've lost some of your mobility, that is, if you wish to continue drinking.

If you blow it and get popped for a second, many people just get mad and say F*** IT and go on to get a 3rd . . . . your life will be shot to shit !

I'd just be straight forward about the situation, forget the atty, show the judge some remorse, be sincere and this cloud looming over your head will pass.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Which brings me to my next point. All accidents which are alleged to be "alcohol related" are not always the fault of the person who has been drinking.

That's very true. I'm not here to condone drunk driving (not even close), but sometimes the drunk drivers aren't to blame for the accident that they are involved in.

I have a friend who was hit by a drunk driver, but it was my friend's fault. He tried crossing the road when the sign said "DON'T WALK". The drunk driver was following all of the road signs (including the green light that he had) and, other than being intoxicated while driving, wasn't doing anything wrong or illegal. But, even though it was 100% my friend's fault, the guy who hit him went to jail for causing an accident and injuring a pedestrian.
That's very true. I'm not here to condone drunk driving (not even close), but sometimes the drunk drivers aren't to blame for the accident that they are involved in.

I have a friend who was hit by a drunk driver, but it was my friend's fault. He tried crossing the road when the sign said "DON'T WALK". The drunk driver was following all of the road signs (including the green light that he had) and, other than being intoxicated while driving, wasn't doing anything wrong or illegal. But, even though it was 100% my friend's fault, the guy who hit him went to jail for causing an accident and injuring a pedestrian.

Yes well there's a cautionary tale here if you put yourself into such a position that you might be compromisable then sooner or later you are likely to get stung big time for it just because you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Had the chap not been drinking and driving and the same thing happened do you not think they would have been more lenient under the circumstances?