I think Glenn Beck Will Have a Real Breakdown Very Soon!!

When has that ever happened?
Where all the wealth of a Capitalist country was in the hands of a few, and the population went postal on the upper echelons?

The french revolution for one.Marie "let them eat cake" lost her head along with a lot of the other upper echelon.Lots of revolutions have been brought on by such disparitys,almost all the communist ones had that going on.Russia,cuba etc.

Even in american history if you look at the great depression and why people thought people robbing banks like Dillinger and others were hero's was because of the despair and poverty which many blamed on the banks and wall st.

History is full of such examples of unrest among populations about their economic situation.Once almost all countries and peoples had a few upper well off echelons and the rest being desperately poor for the most part.That didn't change because the upper echelons got religion or a heart etc.It changed caused people said change it or blood will flow.And lots did flow in many cases.
Boycott be damned, love him or hate him, his show is garnering huge numbers of viewers.


Bah why believe the numbers, they mean nothing expect during polling times.

Greta Van Sustern gets 2 million viewers at Fox!!! That tells me two things....it's more about Fox and their diehard following and two, shrill controversy is still popular with the wheat grass.
If we wanna be really anal about things folks, that's 3 million viewers........... out of a population of 300.

so it's kinda all relative here :rolleyes:


I find it pretty strange that Color of Change came out to call Glenn Beck racist when the co-founder of Color of Change Van Jones is actually one of Obama's Czars and a self admitting Communist after the 1992 Rodney King verdict. He later got involved in STORM and was going to creat a "multiracial socialist utopia".
Van Jones also wokred for Moveon.org as well.

Obama's czars answer to no one but themselves. I would love to find out other that have such a revoluntary background as Van Jones. Kinda like how the FCC Czar is praising Chavez for his revolution.

In Venezuela, with Chavez, is really an incredible revolution - a democratic revolution. To begin to put in place things that are going to have an impact on the people of Venezuela.

"The property owners and the folks who then controlled the media in Venezuela rebelled - worked, frankly, with folks here in the U.S. government - worked to oust him. But he came back with another revolution, and then Chavez began to take very seriously the media in his country.

"And we've had complaints about this ever since."

Yea cause the property owners and media rebelled becuase the goverment was SEIZEING their property.

People like these two are in control and making decisions that affenct our life. Just Amazing
This is what the man is about
He proudly displays hate mail to him.
I'm certain even Mr. Rogers received hate mail
Its the adversarial aggressive attitude he is into.
pundits don't care about anything other than shock controversy and fear for profit.
keep the black ants and the white ants fighting and sell tickets.


The french revolution for one.Marie "let them eat cake" lost her head along with a lot of the other upper echelon.Lots of revolutions have been brought on by such disparitys,almost all the communist ones had that going on.Russia,cuba etc.

Even in american history if you look at the great depression and why people thought people robbing banks like Dillinger and others were hero's was because of the despair and poverty which many blamed on the banks and wall st.

History is full of such examples of unrest among populations about their economic situation.Once almost all countries and peoples had a few upper well off echelons and the rest being desperately poor for the most part.That didn't change because the upper echelons got religion or a heart etc.It changed caused people said change it or blood will flow.And lots did flow in many cases.

Did something heavy hit you in the head? Are you seeing pink elephants on parade?

Or does the term "Capitalist" merely leave you confused and bewildered?
The French Revolution??? Marie Antoinette??? WTF??? Communists???

In the Depression many people were quite grumpy...I would be too if I was really poor and desperate.
No one was executed, no one was taken from their home by an angry mob and murdered in groups like the French aristocracy was...we are all watching DVDs and buying widescreen TVs today...capitalism rode to the rescue.
Every society ever has had upper levels better off than millions of much poorer folks...did you even read any of the discussion? You have absolutely no idea what you are offering examples of...
I find it pretty strange that Color of Change came out to call Glenn Beck racist when the co-founder of Color of Change Van Jones is actually one of Obama's Czars and a self admitting Communist after the 1992 Rodney King verdict. He later got involved in STORM and was going to creat a "multiracial socialist utopia".
Van Jones also wokred for Moveon.org as well.

Obama's czars answer to no one but themselves. I would love to find out other that have such a revoluntary background as Van Jones. Kinda like how the FCC Czar is praising Chavez for his revolution.

In Venezuela, with Chavez, is really an incredible revolution - a democratic revolution. To begin to put in place things that are going to have an impact on the people of Venezuela.

"The property owners and the folks who then controlled the media in Venezuela rebelled - worked, frankly, with folks here in the U.S. government - worked to oust him. But he came back with another revolution, and then Chavez began to take very seriously the media in his country.

"And we've had complaints about this ever since."

Yea cause the property owners and media rebelled becuase the goverment was SEIZEING their property.

People like these two are in control and making decisions that affenct our life. Just Amazing

John P. Walters was Bush's "Drug Czar" who was he answerable to?


John P. Walters was Bush's "Drug Czar" who was he answerable to?

Nowhere in John P Walters bio does it say that he was revoluntary, you mised the point in that Obama's czars are radicals and some like Van Jones are in his words a communist. And these radiacls and self describe communist are influencing or making policies in this country and that does not alarm you at all?
John P. Walters was Bush's "Drug Czar" who was he answerable to?

Wasn't right then, and the 32 "czars" Obama has running his shadow government isn't right either. I guess we can chalk up "greater transparency in governance" as another broken campaign Promise... :cool:
Nowhere in John P Walters bio does it say that he was revoluntary, You Mised the point in that Obama's czars are radicals and some like Van Jones are in his words a communist. And these radiacls and self describe communist are influencing or making policies in this country and that does not alarm you at all?

Hold on....let's deal with one lie at a time. You asserted they answer only to themselves. Do you believe that's true or not?

Wasn't right then, and the 32 "czars" Obama has running his shadow government isn't right either. I guess we can chalk up "greater transparency in governance" as another broken campaign promise... :cool:

Why stop there? I presume you oppose the creation of a US Air Force, Energy Dept., US Coast Guard, FBI, CIA, etc. then.:dunno:


The Director advises the President regarding changes in the organization, management, budgeting, and personnel of federal agencies that effect U.S. anti-drug efforts; and regarding federal agency compliance with their obligations under the National Drug Control Strategy. So they advise, not answer there is your answer. Advisors ofter advice and they answer to no one.


Wasn't right then, and the 32 "czars" Obama has running his shadow government isn't right either. I guess we can chalk up "greater transparency in governance" as another broken campaign promise... :cool:

See...that is not honest or real.
"Broken promise"?
The term is "lie"...from the first weeks of his campaign "promises" were made that were never even close to "intended" to be implemented.
Transparency? Like the massive Stim bill that was passed without any debate or even reading the huge pile of paper...and pork to the max.
No website as "promised", and it's been the Biz as Usual from day one...no one gets to see what is going on til too late. Never was any transparency, and there was never any intention to let us see what was in the ObamaNoCare , and can you see why now?
Czars? Capos in the Obama admin, not advisors.
Watch as the Dems remake the US government into a Liberals (wet) dream 'cause they got enough Dems elected...and it's gonna slow down a bit as Dems with a brain and a conscience start realizing this is too fast and too Far left to be just a misintention.
Fear is beginning to creep slowly into the Democratic party over the New Party this junior Senator from Illinois is forging; and many "Old School" Dem party members are beginning to have some second thoughts about the Pelosi/Obama do over.
Obama needed to move fast and get the thing well on it's way before too many eyes began looking closer at his policies and implementation of structure...his basic inexperience screwed the pooch, and he may not get to remake America into his EuroSocialist New World after all...damage it and wound it, yeah, but not what he wanted.:thumbsup:
As our adversaries over in Iraq and Afghanistan like to say..."Insha'Allah."
The Director advises the President regarding changes in the organization, management, budgeting, and personnel of federal agencies that effect U.S. anti-drug efforts; and regarding federal agency compliance with their obligations under the National Drug Control Strategy. So they advise, not answer there is your answer. Advisors ofter advice and they answer to no one.

:1orglaugh You're not serious are you??:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

What was Condoleeza Rice's first job title under GWB? Here's a hint...it ended with "Advisor".

Most jobs in an administration are advisors to the POTUS. Do you honestly think that if he doesn't like their advice or they don't do their job he's powerless to fire or replace them???

If a person can fire or replace you....that means you are answerable to them...Further...if they demand your advice and as a function of your job you are to provide it to them...that also means you are answerable to them.

The POTUS has the right to create what ever position in his government he deems necessary as long as the function such job isn't unconstitutional.


:1orglaugh You're not serious are you??:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

What was Condoleeza Rice's first job title under GWB? Here's a hint...it ended with "Advisor".

Most jobs in an administration are advisors to the POTUS. Do you honestly think that if he doesn't like their advice or they don't do their job he's powerless to fire or replace them???

If a person can fire or replace you....that means you are answerable to them...Further...if they demand your advice and as a function of your job you are to provide it to them...that also means you are answerable to them.

The POTUS has the right to create what ever position in his government he deems necessary as long as the function such job isn't unconstitutional.

OK, they're not Kings or actual Czars...so?
Since Obama wants certain things done in certain areas, and he doesn't really know exactly how to do everything, these Bozos...err...I mean Czars can pretty much have a free rein as long as they don't blatantly screw up and bring down the heat.
He has put radicals and New Worlders in positions of control...he just has to give the basic go-ahead on whatever they want implemented and it can go ahead and get done.
And we as a "free" society get done in the process.
And he seems to have done just that...given a blanket "O-Tay" to all his shadow Government.
How much denial can you bring to the table, HM...do the guns have to start going off in the cities and countryside before you see what is going on?
The political discourse goes bye-bye when the strong arm begins...I have no illusions.
OK, they're not Kings or actual Czars...so?
Since Obama wants certain things done in certain areas, and he doesn't really know exactly how to do everything, these Bozos...err...I mean Czars can pretty much have a free rein as long as they don't blatantly screw up and bring down the heat.
He has put radicals and New Worlders in positions of control...he just has to give the basic go-ahead on whatever they want implemented and it can go ahead and get done.

Ahem...err...if they are mere advisors and he's the ultimate policy maker....how again are they to "control" things???

We obviously know no POTUS can be an expert on ALL things...NOR can we reasonably expect any POTUS to be pouring over the minutia of every issue small or large for which he may set policy over. Ergo, he as all Presidents has a cabinet and advisors.

We indirectly approved of his judgement to make such appointments when he was elected by majority last Nov.

NOW....if you REALLY care one iota about shadow policy making I don't know how you conveniently overlook the almost criminal nexus between Cheney, KBR, Frank Carlucci, The Carlyle Group, Rumsfeld, "advisors" like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith and the Bush's with respect to dummying up the Iraq war.

BTW, if Obama's is making all these non transparent moves....how on earth do YOU know about them???

Also congress passed the stimulus....


:1orglaugh You're not serious are you??:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

What was Condoleeza Rice's first job title under GWB? Here's a hint...it ended with "Advisor".

Most jobs in an administration are advisors to the POTUS. Do you honestly think that if he doesn't like their advice or they don't do their job he's powerless to fire or replace them???

If a person can fire or replace you....that means you are answerable to them...Further...if they demand your advice and as a function of your job you are to provide it to them...that also means you are answerable to them.

The POTUS has the right to create what ever position in his government he deems necessary as long as the function such job isn't unconstitutional.

Yet Obama and his king's/Czars/Advisors/Comrades whatever basicly do not believe in the constitution anyway so what is there to stop them from strong arming this counrty and its people. Wake up man they are seizing more and more power everyday. Reciently Obama wants to send the national guard down to the border for the excelating violence. Thought that is why we have the DEA and Border partol? Drug violence is a major problem in ever major city, but I dont see the gurad in NYC, LA, DC, Detroit etc... We have police forces for this reason.

The Army National Guard may be called up for active duty by the state governors or territorial commanding generals to help respond to domestic emergencies and disasters, such as those caused by hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes.[1] I don't see where it says its the police force in the drug war.

With the consent of state governors, members or units of the Army National Guard may be appointed, temporarily or indefinitely, to be federally recognized armed force members, in the active or inactive service of the United States

The President may also call up members and units of state Army National Guard, with the consent of state governors, to repel invasion, suppress rebellion, or execute federal laws if the United States or any of its states or territories are invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation, or if there's a rebellion or danger of a rebellion against the authority of the federal government, or if the President is unable with the regular armed forces to execute the laws of the United States

See it says with the govenors CONSENT. Also another part he must first moblize the regular army before tapping into the national guard. Or his "advisors" can just pressure the governors to give in i.e. strong arm till they get what they want. next thing you know put up a socialist poster of Obama and say hello to Gitmo oops thats closed I ment somewhere in Michigan with all the other domestic terrorist, cause the real ones were released and are partying with Quaddafi :lovecoupl