How is it you seem to keep missing the equation...Obama says go get'em, they do so,however they think it will best serve their worldview...they have his go ahead and can defacto be in control with his basic confering his power to them. Like borrowing a ain't yours, but you can legally drive it around like it was.Ahem...err...if they are mere advisors and he's the ultimate policy again are they to "control" things???
We obviously know no POTUS can be an expert on ALL things...NOR can we reasonably expect any POTUS to be pouring over the minutia of every issue small or large for which he may set policy over. Ergo, he as all Presidents has a cabinet and advisors.
We indirectly approved of his judgement to make such appointments when he was elected by majority last Nov.
NOW....if you REALLY care one iota about shadow policy making I don't know how you conveniently overlook the almost criminal nexus between Cheney, KBR, Frank Carlucci, The Carlyle Group, Rumsfeld, "advisors" like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith and the Bush's with respect to dummying up the Iraq war.
BTW, if Obama's is making all these non transparent on earth do YOU know about them???
Also congress passed the stimulus....
Is that easier for you to see?
The Iraq War...the one all the Dems backed with up votes and later said it wasn't me, musta bin that other fella? What about it? Is that all you can see, the stuff done way before...while the shit is lapping at your ankles you can only see what is behind you? You are quite a bit more foolish than I thought, seems to me...
Another do I know what he's doing if I don't get secret emails from Obama the One?
Just rest your brain, don't even think about how anyone knows anything they don't see happen or receive emails from the Prez when he does something...just rest easy and call me a GOPer 'cause I watch Fox. You seem to feel better with easy and homogenous descriptions of things as they no one watches Fox and CNN in the same night...which would make them ignorant Indies, right? Probably...
I hope your meds work well and keep the rest of us safe...:rofl: