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I think America is cut off.

Creativity here has died. Hollywood is just redoing crap...."it" was crap before, and is again, just with flashier effects and lower cut skirts.

Music is stale, and fading fast. The sixties had a definitive sound, the seventies had a definitive sound, the eighties had a definitive sound......the nineties it began to become jumbled....there were some cool bands.....and then that was it......it was like........

........as an American culture, one bred from fear and xenophobia, and superiority, we retreated....then, 9/11........and since then......well, I don't know how else how to put this......this country fucking sucks.

There are no jobs. Everyone I meet is scared, but they either don't know it, or won't fucking admit it. There is nothing to do. There is no one to meet. We have lost the "exceptionalism" that we clung to.....and you know what? It existed.....and it is gone.

We are isolated from the rest of the world. We are content to come home every day at four or five and retreat behind our garage doors and sip our troubles away.....never bothering to meet the people who live right next door....you know why? Because we realize that they are as boring as we are.....why meet yourself when you can just look at yourself in the mirror after five gin and tonics?

America as the world knows it is dying.....no one has the courage to admit it. America is dying.

America is dying.

America is dying.

Will it be destroyed? No. But I tell you this my friends. I want out. I want to hear music that I haven't heard for the last fifteen years on the radio......I want to meet people that have different accents than the obnoxious east coast or Oh My God west coast accents.....I want to meet worldly people....I want to meet the world......because here, in the sheltered confines of this bullshit.......I'm not meeting anything other than frustration and lies.......

One thing though.......we have baseball......I fucking love baseball.....other than that, you can fucking have it. :thefinger


Believer In GregCentauro
Globalization could be one of the possible downfalls of our economy. We didn't invest in our own hard working labor, so the rich decided to exploit the rest of the world.

But on the opposite end lies Japan.

somewhere in the middle is the answer.

"why meet yourself when you can just look at yourself in the mirror after five gin and tonics?"

haha after five gin and tonics i look really blurry and handsome.
Globalization could be one of the possible downfalls of our economy. We didn't invest in our own hard working labor, so the rich decided to exploit the rest of the world.

But on the opposite end lies Japan.

somewhere in the middle is the answer.

"why meet yourself when you can just look at yourself in the mirror after five gin and tonics?"

haha after five gin and tonics i look really blurry and handsome.

But you see the point, yeah? When you live here, you forget very easily that there are 6 billion people on the planet....you'd think there are only 300 million. It's pathetic. It's getting to the point where I am becoming very rude to every American I meet, which is everyone.....since it's where I am stuck right now. Fucking bullshit.


My Penis Is Dancing!
We've become a country of lazy, spoiled, self-centered, ignorant little cunts.
We refuse to get out of our air-conditioned car to walk in the 86 degree sun to look at a rose bush.
We go into a do-it-yourself store and ask for help in picking up a 20 pound bag of grout.
We drive our diesel-powered gas-hogging pickups with polished beds, and bitch about gas prices.
We bitch about not having a job, saying we will take anything - but when that "anything" pays less than 15 bucks an hour, we collect unemployment...then complain further when we see "one of them thar illegals" doing the job we refused.
We bitch about our children being even dumber than we are (quite a feat), then make sure the funding for their education has been slashed so much, they have no chance of improving, ever.
We spend our time hoping that the god we have created will fix the problems we have created.
One of the purposes of a major terrorism attack is to weaken the minds of the people, to turn them against each other, and to make people fear their government. 9/11 did this in more way than the terrorists could have ever hoped - we are afraid of anything non-American, there now only seems to be "two sides to the argument", and people are so afraid of the government as to talk of armed rebellion (the ignorant use guns when faced with decisions they do not understand).
The top news sources are so remarkably slanted, non can be truly trusted for fair and balanced reporting.
The ignorant have become heroes, the intellects have become the feared.
We love the rich who became as such because of what daddy or granddaddy did, but fear the man who worked to his heights from the ghettos on his own.
We might blame the government and our leaders for our failures - but many of our failures truly come from we, the people. Too many are too content on being robots, following the directions, rules and orders of fools, rather than deciding on our own what is right and what is wrong.
Yeah, sometimes I really do think the U.S.A. is fucked and that our better years are long behind us.
We've become a country of lazy, spoiled, self-centered, ignorant little cunts.
We refuse to get out of our air-conditioned car to walk in the 86 degree sun to look at a rose bush.
We go into a do-it-yourself store and ask for help in picking up a 20 pound bag of grout.
We drive our diesel-powered gas-hogging pickups with polished beds, and bitch about gas prices.
We bitch about not having a job, saying we will take anything - but when that "anything" pays less than 15 bucks an hour, we collect unemployment...then complain further when we see "one of them thar illegals" doing the job we refused.
We bitch about our children being even dumber than we are (quite a feat), then make sure the funding for their education has been slashed so much, they have no chance of improving, ever.
We spend our time hoping that the god we have created will fix the problems we have created.
One of the purposes of a major terrorism attack is to weaken the minds of the people, to turn them against each other, and to make people fear their government. 9/11 did this in more way than the terrorists could have ever hoped - we are afraid of anything non-American, there now only seems to be "two sides to the argument", and people are so afraid of the government as to talk of armed rebellion (the ignorant use guns when faced with decisions they do not understand).
The top news sources are so remarkably slanted, non can be truly trusted for fair and balanced reporting.
The ignorant have become heroes, the intellects have become the feared.
We love the rich who became as such because of what daddy or granddaddy did, but fear the man who worked to his heights from the ghettos on his own.
We might blame the government and our leaders for our failures - but many of our failures truly come from we, the people. Too many are too content on being robots, following the directions, rules and orders of fools, rather than deciding on our own what is right and what is wrong.
Yeah, sometimes I really do think the U.S.A. is fucked and that our better years are long behind us.

Truth...basicly America is full of bitches and cunts that are to lazy to take responsbility for their actions. We rather bitch about it, then actually try to solve or fix it.


Believer In GregCentauro
But you see the point, yeah? When you live here, you forget very easily that there are 6 billion people on the planet....you'd think there are only 300 million. It's pathetic. It's getting to the point where I am becoming very rude to every American I meet, which is everyone.....since it's where I am stuck right now. Fucking bullshit.

Its a cycle, my friend. A cycle on a global scale, that does not just fall under the responsibility of Americans. I am not saying you are wrong, and the points you all make have weight to them, but all in all it is human nature to be different. Thus, total peace and consensus among us will never exist. Everybody is responsible, and Americans are no evil or better than anybody in the world. Every culture has it's flaws and positives. 300,000,000 Americans out of nearly 7,000,000,000 people in the world. In the end, America has it pretty well, and it's quite possible that the trends and huge booms they have seen since the 20's , have left them nowhere to go but down.:glugglug:
Over all the greatest empires (Alexander The Great's, Holy Roman Empire, Roma -these two are different : Holy Roman Empire was in Central Europe, from the Xth to the 19th century- had their end,
America, as it was after WWII looked like an empire. Maybe this empire now comes to its end...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
We need one of the two R's either a Revolution or Renissance.
The U.S. and it's people's greed, selfishness, and hubris is starting our downfall. The people that care don't have the power to do anything and have been the victims of people that make the rules to make that so, and the people that have the power are corrupt and look out for themselves at the expense of everybody else. Too many people are willing to sacrifice their culture, country, and communities to get just a little bit more and they have no problems exploiting others and using the world's misery if it gets them ahead. We base our whole system on greed and selfishness to be able to work and shouldn't be surprised ultimately when it fails in the long run. We used to believe in freedom, but really when it's evoked by a lot of people it's just used as a thinly veiled excuse for selfishness anymore. Our country used to believe in human rights until it became inconvenient tactically disadvantageous to do so.

We used to care about being the best and doing the best we can do and now we do the least and cheapest amount we can get away with. Our societies and especially our businesses have embraced the concept of "racing to the bottom" and have orchestrated it so that anybody that doesn't follow that pattern has the system so against them to the point it's impossible to succeed. Our system encourages people to be as unethical, cold-hearted, and ruthless and they can get away with. Too many people choose themselves, or maybe their group, over everybody else even when it will ruin everybody and everything around them and eventually ruin them too, yet they don't mind short term gains to the downfall of everything including themselves. They will blissfully enjoy their new toys as they ruin their future.

An honest days work doesn’t get an honest days pay anymore, and that's just for people that can actually find a job. To many people that want to work that decent days work for a decent days pay can't get that anymore. We are forced to work more and more to have ends meet and have both parents working instead of actually being able to raise our children anymore. Usually we let television do that for us in that situation. There is no security with ones life or job anymore. People have to go through it now wondering if next month, next year, or a least sometime soon if something out of there control is going to ruin them financially or in other ways and for good reason. It makes me wonder if we would have seriously invested in our future instead of getting greedy what all those people left behind would have become. Won't it be sad if a lot of them would have been the person that invented something that fixed a lot of the worlds energy problems or the person that found a cure to a major disease that ravages the world, or if one of them found a way to stop a lot of the worlds famine or if one of them would be the one to help fix global warming among many other things we desperately need.

I think too many people have just lost hope and just don't care anymore. I don't know if I can even blame them. I struggle not to get to that point every day now, and it's getting very VERY hard to do anymore and it gets harder every day that goes by. For some, one can only be beat down so many times, have so many negative things happen to them, lack so many good events happening, and not see anything significantly getting better in the future before apathy, disgruntledness, anger, and hopelessness sets in. Sometimes in at my worst points I look around and wonder if the U.S. is even worth somebody like me caring about it.

Finally, As for the rest of the Western World. They better be careful. They are adopting all the bad things about us at a pretty good rate. A lot of them are pretty much already there. Maybe some people there want to see the U.S. fall, but in reality they aren't that far behind us. Many of them that complain about the U.S. are very close to becoming that themselves.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Creativity here has died. Hollywood is just redoing crap...."it" was crap before, and is again, just with flashier effects and lower cut skirts.

Music is stale, and fading fast. The sixties had a definitive sound, the seventies had a definitive sound, the eighties had a definitive sound......the nineties it began to become jumbled....there were some cool bands.....and then that was it......it was like........

........as an American culture, one bred from fear and xenophobia, and superiority, we retreated....then, 9/11........and since then......well, I don't know how else how to put this......this country fucking sucks.

There are no jobs. Everyone I meet is scared, but they either don't know it, or won't fucking admit it. There is nothing to do. There is no one to meet. We have lost the "exceptionalism" that we clung to.....and you know what? It existed.....and it is gone.

We are isolated from the rest of the world. We are content to come home every day at four or five and retreat behind our garage doors and sip our troubles away.....never bothering to meet the people who live right next door....you know why? Because we realize that they are as boring as we are.....why meet yourself when you can just look at yourself in the mirror after five gin and tonics?

America as the world knows it is dying.....no one has the courage to admit it. America is dying.

America is dying.

America is dying.

Will it be destroyed? No. But I tell you this my friends. I want out. I want to hear music that I haven't heard for the last fifteen years on the radio......I want to meet people that have different accents than the obnoxious east coast or Oh My God west coast accents.....I want to meet worldly people....I want to meet the world......because here, in the sheltered confines of this bullshit.......I'm not meeting anything other than frustration and lies.......

One thing though.......we have baseball......I fucking love baseball.....other than that, you can fucking have it. :thefinger

You have a point, but if you feel like that, surely other people do too? Go to uni, meet some intellectuals, turn america around. You're a big country with a strong economy and you have many advantages. Turning things around should not be hard once you ditch the excess weight (corrupt politicians & corporations).

We've become a country of lazy, spoiled, self-centered, ignorant little cunts.
We refuse to get out of our air-conditioned car to walk in the 86 degree sun to look at a rose bush.
We go into a do-it-yourself store and ask for help in picking up a 20 pound bag of grout.
We drive our diesel-powered gas-hogging pickups with polished beds, and bitch about gas prices.
We bitch about not having a job, saying we will take anything - but when that "anything" pays less than 15 bucks an hour, we collect unemployment...then complain further when we see "one of them thar illegals" doing the job we refused.
We bitch about our children being even dumber than we are (quite a feat), then make sure the funding for their education has been slashed so much, they have no chance of improving, ever.
We spend our time hoping that the god we have created will fix the problems we have created.
One of the purposes of a major terrorism attack is to weaken the minds of the people, to turn them against each other, and to make people fear their government. 9/11 did this in more way than the terrorists could have ever hoped - we are afraid of anything non-American, there now only seems to be "two sides to the argument", and people are so afraid of the government as to talk of armed rebellion (the ignorant use guns when faced with decisions they do not understand).
The top news sources are so remarkably slanted, non can be truly trusted for fair and balanced reporting.
The ignorant have become heroes, the intellects have become the feared.
We love the rich who became as such because of what daddy or granddaddy did, but fear the man who worked to his heights from the ghettos on his own.
We might blame the government and our leaders for our failures - but many of our failures truly come from we, the people. Too many are too content on being robots, following the directions, rules and orders of fools, rather than deciding on our own what is right and what is wrong.
Yeah, sometimes I really do think the U.S.A. is fucked and that our better years are long behind us.

The rare occasions I meet americans like you make me feel guilty for the stereotypes the rest of the world holds.

Over all the greatest empires (Alexander The Great's, Holy Roman Empire, Roma -these two are different : Holy Roman Empire was in Central Europe, from the Xth to the 19th century- had their end,
America, as it was after WWII looked like an empire. Maybe this empire now comes to its end...

Surely the greatest empire was the British empire?

We need one of the two R's either a Revolution or Renissance.

Absolutely correct.
America, even with all her faults, is still one of the best places to live in the world.

IMO the problem is either we are fastly becomming a culture of now/me, where we want evenything now and without working hard to get it and all that we care about is me, no one else matters.

It's even worse considering that our politicans also think this way.


Member, you member...
Why is there so much negatitvity about America all the time?

If you live here and don't like it, move away.

If you don't live here and don't like it, who cares about what you have to say?
Creativity here has died. Hollywood is just redoing crap...."it" was crap before, and is again, just with flashier effects and lower cut skirts.

Music is stale, and fading fast. The sixties had a definitive sound, the seventies had a definitive sound, the eighties had a definitive sound......the nineties it began to become jumbled....there were some cool bands.....and then that was it......it was like........

........as an American culture, one bred from fear and xenophobia, and superiority, we retreated....then, 9/11........and since then......well, I don't know how else how to put this......this country fucking sucks.

There are no jobs. Everyone I meet is scared, but they either don't know it, or won't fucking admit it. There is nothing to do. There is no one to meet. We have lost the "exceptionalism" that we clung to.....and you know what? It existed.....and it is gone.

We are isolated from the rest of the world. We are content to come home every day at four or five and retreat behind our garage doors and sip our troubles away.....never bothering to meet the people who live right next door....you know why? Because we realize that they are as boring as we are.....why meet yourself when you can just look at yourself in the mirror after five gin and tonics?

America as the world knows it is dying.....no one has the courage to admit it. America is dying.

America is dying.

America is dying.

Will it be destroyed? No. But I tell you this my friends. I want out. I want to hear music that I haven't heard for the last fifteen years on the radio......I want to meet people that have different accents than the obnoxious east coast or Oh My God west coast accents.....I want to meet worldly people....I want to meet the world......because here, in the sheltered confines of this bullshit.......I'm not meeting anything other than frustration and lies.......

One thing though.......we have baseball......I fucking love baseball.....other than that, you can fucking have it. :thefinger

I tend to agree with the creativity part in arts.....there is allot of stuff out there just based on someone else's prior work. Then again, sometimes it's not a bad thing to see another artist's rendering of a great work....just depends I suppose.

But I would say the US is like anything or anyplace else, it is what you make of it..We see people everyday clamor for paradise in the form of celebrity only to cash it into a personal hell. Life is what you make it...

Are we as individuals more detached from our fellow American or man in general? Probably yes. But, but how can you resist your xbox, ps3, laptop, myface, spacebook or twiturb???:rolleyes:

In some cases our worlds have become so big that they've ironically made some of our lives smaller. The things we used to do have become passe...there are too many to list.

Does that means things must be worse because they're different? :dunno: It's all about what you make it.

A wise man once asked, (my dad) "..if you see something around you that you don't like, before you complain ask yourself what are you doing to help it be better?"

Why so glum about it though Gal? You'll probably sober up, get together with some aspiring music producer on campus and make a successful song out of this post.....Just don't forget the ubiquitous "only in American" when you do.:glugglug:
Why is there so much negatitvity about America all the time?

If you live here and don't like it, move away.
Really?!? Surely the answer is to make constructive criticism & try to change things for the better? If you truly love your country you don't just blindly love it & ignore it's faults, you want your country to be the best that it can, to live up to it's ideals. As such criticising it is a truly patriotic thing to do!



Careful in what you celebrate my friend......if/when America dies....we will all be moving to Parts Unknown...ALL OF US!!!

Let's see you get a good parking spot after that happens!!! :hatsoff:
what about across the pond? -- they are repressed:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:o
We've become a country of lazy, spoiled, self-centered, ignorant little cunts.
We refuse to get out of our air-conditioned car to walk in the 86 degree sun to look at a rose bush.
We go into a do-it-yourself store and ask for help in picking up a 20 pound bag of grout.
We drive our diesel-powered gas-hogging pickups with polished beds, and bitch about gas prices.
We bitch about not having a job, saying we will take anything - but when that "anything" pays less than 15 bucks an hour, we collect unemployment...then complain further when we see "one of them thar illegals" doing the job we refused.
We bitch about our children being even dumber than we are (quite a feat), then make sure the funding for their education has been slashed so much, they have no chance of improving, ever.
We spend our time hoping that the god we have created will fix the problems we have created.
One of the purposes of a major terrorism attack is to weaken the minds of the people, to turn them against each other, and to make people fear their government. 9/11 did this in more way than the terrorists could have ever hoped - we are afraid of anything non-American, there now only seems to be "two sides to the argument", and people are so afraid of the government as to talk of armed rebellion (the ignorant use guns when faced with decisions they do not understand).
The top news sources are so remarkably slanted, non can be truly trusted for fair and balanced reporting.
The ignorant have become heroes, the intellects have become the feared.
We love the rich who became as such because of what daddy or granddaddy did, but fear the man who worked to his heights from the ghettos on his own.
We might blame the government and our leaders for our failures - but many of our failures truly come from we, the people. Too many are too content on being robots, following the directions, rules and orders of fools, rather than deciding on our own what is right and what is wrong.
Yeah, sometimes I really do think the U.S.A. is fucked and that our better years are long behind us.

we love the rich? really? i think everybody who isn't rich hates the rich