I think America is cut off.

It consists into helping unwilling to work people, lazy and scummy ghetto susburb people by paying them healthcare and social security and this at the expense of the honest hardworking citizens. They touch money from the taxes collected on the hard working citizens but aside that they lead an underground economy. I am talking about people living in the bronx, the queens, detroit, compton and any other ghetto trash scummy suburb where most of the obama ghetto crowd fanboys live.

First, those places are not suburbs. And even if every single fanboy and girl in a "ghetto" voted for Obama and that was it...he would have lost in a landslide.

I'm not going to debate your meaning/interpretation of helping unwilling, lazy blah blah blah...because clearly you don't agree or understand the premise behind some policies. But the fact is that it was tried your way before and it was a failure....hence the reasoning why those policies exist now.

Also, with respect to social welfare including social security...the majority of people receiving that are not in the "ghetto".:2 cents:

Let's face it though, you're another one of these guys who looks out his window and sees what he wants to see and that little bubble becomes the narrow world you live in.

Instead of searching for every single thing you can find to be detestable try finding things to enjoy out of life. You'll be less miserable IMO.
To bodie54 and Hot Mega :clap:

You guys have added some great posts to this thread today. I can't add anything to what guys have already said. :2 cents:
It consists into helping unwilling to work people, lazy and scummy ghetto susburb people by paying them healthcare and social security and this at the expense of the honest hardworking citizens. They touch money from the taxes collected on the hard working citizens but aside that they lead an underground economy. I am talking about people living in the bronx, the queens, detroit, compton and any other ghetto trash scummy suburb where most of the obama ghetto crowd fanboys live.

I guess this means that most European nations have now become "ghetto" as well. You too Canada. Don't think I forgot about you:cussing:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Valid points but you forget that Putin runs russia.....The other guy is farcical and even if he is the real deal he surely is as hardcore as Putin.....KGB to the core. Not a good thing considering he has likely been in the west on many occasions conducting whatever operations he was involved in. Yet not charmed or won over.

Yea China and Russia doesnt have a great relationship at times but trust me if the west made any overt moves on regional security as in their regional security they be the best of buds.

PS> For example Georgia.....Afghanistan is also the swinging door, But they probably happy to adopt a "wait and see" approach on that.They got their own radical islam problems, And hell half the west is bogged down their and in the middle east, A pretty fucking win win situation.

Thing is though our entire conversation on this deviates from my original point and it is also cold war shit......The world is past its old cold war shit, It suits the fat cats in all the countries, All of them having their own ruling elites to continue on this brand of globalization. Which in turn needs each other.

I don't mean to be rude, but I think you'll find that I forget nothing about mother Russia, I did used to live there after all :)
I'm quite aware of Putin. He's not without his good points, but unfortunately also not without his bad points.
I'm not necessarily sure they'd be the best of buds. Not so long ago Russia ceeded land to china they had previously fought over. Admittedly the Russians have the largest country in the world and therefore the most land to lose, but it's not like them to give up without a fight. I believe that when the time comes the Russians will be quite happy to stab the chinese in the back, if only in part as revenge for the chinese selling AK47 copies to the Mujahadeen to fight the Soviets.
By the way, Mother Russia is attempting to recieve royalties from AK derivatives manufactured outside Russia... What do you want to bet the chinese simply won't pay?

As for Afghanistan, yes the Russians do have their own problems and why should they help us after we supplied stingers to the Mujas to take down Soviet aircraft? Afghanistan was the Soviet Vietnam; the rebels used to cut a prisoners arms and legs off and throw the still-living man in front of convoys as a FUD tactic.
I see your point about the fat cats. Isn't it about time they were disposed of?

You're aware that 70 million americans voted for Obama, yes?

That's an awful lot of "ghetto crowd fanboys", especially considering only 12.5% of the voting populace is black. At minimum 61 million non-black voters voted for Obama.

Furthermore, Obama defeated McCain 52% to 48% among the nations highest income earners.

He also defeated McCain among voters of every educational level from high school grads on up. Among those with post-graduate degrees (17% of the voting population) he crushed McCain 58% to 40.

So as you can clearly see there is nothing to substantiate the claim he was elected by, nor is the servant of, "ghetto trash".

PS: Social security has been around for 75 years.

PSS: Around a million and half americans have filed for bankruptcy each of the last 9 years. The reason most often given for those bankrupticies is medical bills/expenses. My monthly insurance premium is $701.

Good points.

Also he enthusiastically supported TARP, the bailout for several of our largest, most powerful capitalist concerns. That big BIG money went to big business and Wall Street, not to the "ghetto crowd".

Goods point.
Recently I find myself falling victim to something that the Germans, in their typically accurate way, have a saying for:
"Under 30 and not liberal, no heart.
Over 30 and still liberal, no brain."
I'm losing my liberal ideals, I dunno what to do :-(
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Hmm interesting points.....But to be honest the most concrete reason for Russia and China to fall out is yes the land dispute but more importantly Russia perhaps didn't fight for it because its been well documented that their population is in decline. Their women are constantly trying to marry rich westerners or are prostitutes working to pay for college(really is the cliché) Not really settling down with Russian men etc. Of course this could be western propaganda but then again to such a nay sayer I would propose....What would be the point in it? If anything this made me feel for mother Russia, Fucking be shit to be a bloke. Hmm though their is also a popular trend going around about china in regards to this topic.

China on the other hand has a serious population problem, In fact if their was no US (outside third power) they probably would had made a even bigger land grab into Russia. Fuck can't say the world sure isn't fucked up and interesting.

And their was me harping about global community when in fact I should stop the idealizing and apply rational thought. It isn't the cold war but their's still big players with there own interests and I don't think they would fully co-operate as unfortunately those interests will likely clash.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Hmm interesting points.....But to be honest the most concrete reason for Russia and China to fall out is yes the land dispute but more importantly Russia perhaps didn't fight for it because its been well documented that their population is in decline. Their women are constantly trying to marry rich westerners or are prostitutes working to pay for college(really is the cliché) Not really settling down with Russian men etc. Of course this could be western propaganda but then again to such a nay sayer I would propose....What would be the point in it? If anything this made me feel for mother Russia, Fucking be shit to be a bloke. Hmm though their is also a popular trend going around about china in regards to this topic.

China on the other hand has a serious population problem, In fact if their was no US (outside third power) they probably would had made a even bigger land grab into Russia. Fuck can't say the world sure isn't fucked up and interesting.

And their was me harping about global community when in fact I should stop the idealizing and apply rational thought. It isn't the cold war but their's still big players with there own interests and I don't think they would fully co-operate as unfortunately those interests will likely clash.

Unfortunately that stereotype is true; Russia experiences negative population growth. Every minute 3 people are born and 8 die (2008). Russian men are famously ugly, they also have a poor record on treating women right. However life isn't as bad as you might think for Russki men; for them women are disposable and easy to attain... because mostly it's the men who die.
Fighting, getting drunk & sleeping in the snow. Russian men live a hard life, but at least they have their choice of women.
What's the popular trend going around about china?
Russia can give land, I suspect one day she will take it back. I jus don't htink she'll be giving china top tech, and china doesn't make her own tech.