Mr. Daystar
In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Sam, you're pathetic : You act as if Obama's plan was to disarm the population even if yoy know the plan is to make it more difficult for criminals and mentally ill to buy guns and to be sure that law abiding citizens are acting like responsible persons with their guns.
If Mrs. Lanza had stored her guns in a safe box with the ammo apart from the guns, Adam wouldn't have stole them and Sandy Hook wouldn't have happened
If James Holmes would have been on a mentally ill database ohe would never have been able to buy an AR-15, a Remington 870 and two Glock 22 and the Aurora Shooting wouldn't have happened
In 2012, 87 people have died in mass shootings across the US (Aurora, Azana Spa, Chardon, College Station, Empire State Buildng, Ingleside, Minneapolis, Oikos, Sandy Hook, Seattle, Sikh Temple and Tulsa). Don't you think something must be done.
Arm the teachers. That may have prevented Sandy Hook, but not the other shooting which didn't happen in schools.
The best way to prevent these shootings to happen is to make sure that mentally ill people can't buy guns and that people who live with mentally ill people are being responsible with their guns.
You can't say this with absolute certainty, and you know it. People who are determined to commit this type of violence will ALWAYS find a way. He would have got them somewhere...maybe it would have happened in 2013 instead, but it would have. Is there ANY PROOF that her guns WEREN'T locked up? If she was already dead, and he had all day to get into a locked cabinet, or safe...NO AMOUNT of secure confinement would have stopped him. Without anyone to stop him, he could theoretically drill out a lock, or a tumbler on a combination lock.
His plan isn't just to make it more difficult for the wrong people to get guns...I'm all for that. His plan is to accomplish that, THEN come and take the rest from the ones who haven't done anything at all.