I have executive powers over guns...


This just arrived in my email box....

Thank you for taking action on this important issue.

Your message for "Gun Owner Call to Action" was sent on 01/15/2013 02:07 AM to the following recipients: President Barack Obama (D), Vice President Joseph Biden (D), Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO), Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), Gov. John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Lt. Gov. Joseph Garcia (D-CO), Sen. Kevin Lundberg (R-CO), Rep. Brian DelGrosso (R-CO), Atty. General John Suthers (R-CO).

That's all well and good. But there's no promising that they'll get past the fact that it is a form letter. I'm not joking about this. I have been involved in 2nd Amendment issues everywhere I've lived and gaming/casino issues when I lived in WA state. I've walked the hallways as well as written letters. There are plenty of legislators of all parties that simply disregard any and all form letters. They've personally told me so.

I'm not pointing this at you, but I will say this about the majority of Americans who claim to feel strongly about a given issue: It is stunning to me how many people won't take 20 minutes out of their lives to compose their own letter.

I really do think that in this age of internet convenience, a Representative/Senator/White House getting an actual stamped envelope, return address, signature on a well-reasoned letter articulating an American's beliefs carries more weight than ever. If you are part of a group (formal or informal), pass this on to them. Tell them to keep the "from my cold, dead fingers" crap out of it. Hell, be a stud and buy the stamps and envelopes for them and tell them to get to work. 20-30 minutes tops. THAT'S how a Patriot defends the 2nd Amendment.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Machine guns.

But they're not banned. You can own one, as long as you pass a back round check, pay the $200 for a tax stamp, and come up with the cash. To be honest, I firmly believe the Federal Firearms Act of 1934 CLEARLY usurps the Constitution in every way.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
But they're not banned. You can own one, as long as you pass a back round check, pay the $200 for a tax stamp, and come up with the cash. To be honest, I firmly believe the Federal Firearms Act of 1934 CLEARLY usurps the Constitution in every way.

They're not banned, but there are restrictions, and the restrictions haven't been struck down as unconstitutional. The phrase, "well regulated" comes to mind. I'm not in favor of more gun laws, but they will write them in such a way as to keep them constitutional. You can bank on that.
Texas congressman, Reagan AG warn of impeachment if Obama moves on guns

A Texas congressman vowed to try to impeach President Obama if he moves ahead with plans to control guns by executive order and onetime U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese says it is not far-fetched.
Rep. Steve Stockman, a Republican from the Houston area, called Obama's plans to skirt Congress and implement some controls administratively "an unconstitutional and unconscionable attack on the very founding principles of this republic." He also threatened to defund the White House.
"I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment," Stockman said.
Meese, who was the nation's top law enforcement officer in the Reagan administration, told Newsmax Stockman would have support for such a move - and a good case.
“It would not be legal. It would not be constitutional,” Meese said. “And, indeed, if he tried to override the Second Amendment in any way, I believe it would be an impeachable offense.



America is the gun violence capital of the world. According to FBI crime statistics, there were 9,146 murders by firearm in 2009. Like death by accidental gun discharge, death rates for assault by firearm in the U.S. are also disproportionate to similar countries. It has the highest rate of firearm deaths among 25 high-income nations and more disturbingly, the overall firearm-related death rate among U.S. children under age 15 is 12 times higher than the death rates of these 25 high-income nations combined.
America is the gun violence capital of the world. According to FBI crime statistics, there were 9,146 murders by firearm in 2009. Like death by accidental gun discharge, death rates for assault by firearm in the U.S. are also disproportionate to similar countries. It has the highest rate of firearm deaths among 25 high-income nations and more disturbingly, the overall firearm-related death rate among U.S. children under age 15 is 12 times higher than the death rates of these 25 high-income nations combined.

You don't have a clue. Watch this 4 minute video and see for yourself that you once again are WRONG.



Hiliary 2020
I remember reading about another guy who had exectutive power to do whatever he wanted too.
His name was Charles I of England and a guy named Cromwell stuck his head on a pike.........one too many executive orders i suppose

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
You mean operation Wide Receiver? Oh, wait, that was a Bush program.

They all do it. Regan and Ollie North did it, when daddy Bush was the head of the CIA. That's why the Taliban are shooting down Blackhawks, with our own missiles. Fuck, I still think bin laden was on the pay roll.

I'm not sure what clinton's game was...maybe he didn't get pinched...or you can refresh my memory.
They all do it. Regan and Ollie North did it, when daddy Bush was the head of the CIA. That's why the Taliban are shooting down Blackhawks, with our own missiles. Fuck, I still think bin laden was on the pay roll.

I'm not sure what clinton's game was...maybe he didn't get pinched...or you can refresh my memory.

I still find it amazing that Regan committed the crimes involved in Iran/Contra and still the right hold him up as amounting to something. Low life criminal pure and simple.
Sam, you're pathetic : You act as if Obama's plan was to disarm the population even if yoy know the plan is to make it more difficult for criminals and mentally ill to buy guns and to be sure that law abiding citizens are acting like responsible persons with their guns.
If Mrs. Lanza had stored her guns in a safe box with the ammo apart from the guns, Adam wouldn't have stole them and Sandy Hook wouldn't have happened
If James Holmes would have been on a mentally ill database ohe would never have been able to buy an AR-15, a Remington 870 and two Glock 22 and the Aurora Shooting wouldn't have happened

In 2012, 87 people have died in mass shootings across the US (Aurora, Azana Spa, Chardon, College Station, Empire State Buildng, Ingleside, Minneapolis, Oikos, Sandy Hook, Seattle, Sikh Temple and Tulsa). Don't you think something must be done.
Arm the teachers. That may have prevented Sandy Hook, but not the other shooting which didn't happen in schools.
The best way to prevent these shootings to happen is to make sure that mentally ill people can't buy guns and that people who live with mentally ill people are being responsible with their guns.