Huge UK cave spiders 'sent' home

why waste the airfare? just kill the lil b******s
I like how he used the hoover to suck 'em up. Ive done that a few times when i don't want spider juice on the wall after i splatter it to death.
:dunno: Did they ever stop to think the spiders where trying upgrade their digs by stealing away in that equipment??

Maybe the spiders get homesick for their old, new home...:crying:
The spiders are creepy but it nice that they going back home to their caves.


Chinese refugees stowaway on a cargo ship...they escape the ilk and squalid conditions of China to forge a new, more comfortable, prosperous circumstance in the US...we find them and say hey...we're gonna do you a HUGE favor and return you to where you belong.....:hatsoff:
Thats nasty
I knew you had a soft spot for spiders MiniD!

You are posting a sentimental farewell thread in their honor! Aww, you're so sweet to make them a goodbye thread. :hatsoff: