How would you dispose of a dead body if you had to?

Just curious how you would do it with the least amount of chance of getting pinched for an accidental murder?

Cloverfield Lane method appeared good, but I don't even like to think about it, I hope I never have to be involved in such a thing
The best way to dispose of a body is to use an incinerator. There are some animal shelters that have an incinerator on site. Of course I've never done this, all hypothetical of course.........

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
First of all, I wouldn't hide it if it was an accident, I would get a good lawyer, and have him try and plea bargain it down as far as possible. But, if I did it intentionally, I would likely put a bullet in the back of their head, and stuff a wad of cash in one pocket, and bunch of drugs in the other. The cops don't work very hard to solve the murders of drug dealers. Of course there's always the industrial type "accident" work place accidents happen EVERY DAY.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Freeze the corpse solid and then run it through a woodchipper into a flowing body of water that empties into the ocean.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'd say ask someone in the Clinton Crime Family but they're actually terrible at covering up their messes.

Lake Mead. A couple cinder blocks. Rope. Done.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The thing is, the means of detecting bodies underground has gotten pretty sophisticated. There are coves around Lake Mead that are almost never visited.


For the EMPEROR!!
Stage 1) Get a boat, find an old kitchen appliance like a fridge or stove, a couple of lengths of chains, sail out just beyond the Sydney heads and combine articles together and drop over the side. Stage 2) Open a cold beer and head back to town whilst singing "I come from a land Down Under".

In short a "Sydney Send-off".

Who did you kill and how much is it worth to you to keep us silent?

lol :1orglaugh

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Okay, I can see that. I just thought it would be a good idea by virtue of pure quantity.

With the size and scope of the American Southwest, I'd think it would be just as easy to dispose of a body in the middle of a National Park. Fly over BLM land somewhere and drop it out of a plane or chopper and no one would get to it before the coyotes, pumas, vultures, etc. But most Goombas don't think to travel far enough off the beaten path to do something like that. You'll hear stories of lost hikers and climbers that are never found because they didn't think to bring GPS, a phone or a flare gun. That's why I don't venture very far from my couch.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'm a Paisano. Well the good half, anyway. But yeah, that's one of the reasons the mob really hasn't lasted out here. They're lazy and kinda stupid.