Thick and rich Hunt's Original barbecue sauce.
No amount of pre seasoning can give you the flavor of that sauce.:2 cents:
Probably. But put it on my burger, tri tip maybe but don't get it anywhere near my Prime or Filet.
Thick and rich Hunt's Original barbecue sauce.
No amount of pre seasoning can give you the flavor of that sauce.:2 cents:
The only time I'll eat steak beyond Medium is in Mexican food, and there's plenty of other flavors (peppers, rice, beans, etc.) to 'mask' the dull flavor of the beef.Yeah, but if you're going to sauce up and cook up your "steak"....then any other less expensive cut will your money IMO.
How I prepare and eat my choice cuts start with pre seasoning it with a little fresh pepper, a little sea salt...cover it and let it get to about room temp then put it on high heat for 4 mins per side. Let it stand for a couple of mins. then sauce or anything else needed.:2 cents:
The only time I'll eat steak beyond Medium is in Mexican food, and there's plenty of other flavors (peppers, rice, beans, etc.) to 'mask' the dull flavor of the beef.
After getting sick from some undercooked meat, I go well done now. Besides when you ask for that, it never comes like that anyway, except when I do it.
The two most common bacteria which cause food poising are E-coli and Salmonella. Beef is subject to E-coli contamination however E-coli is only present on the surface of beef. That's why it's a good practice to cook ground beef well done because grinding it cause the surface to get mixed in with the inside of the meat potentially causing contamination.
The two most common bacteria which cause food poising are E-coli and Salmonella. Beef is subject to E-coli contamination however E-coli is only present on the surface of beef. That's why it's a good practice to cook ground beef well done because grinding it cause the surface to get mixed in with the inside of the meat potentially causing contamination. Cooking the surface of beef on high heat for 2 or more mins is more than enough to kill surface bacteria like E-coli.
Oh yes....very sage advice for ANYONE who eats ground beef. If you go to some gourmet burger joint and they ask you how you want your burger cooked, "well-done" is the only correct answer.
Excellent advice, HM. :thumbsup: